Anything special to burn OSX? (Leo? Weralds?)
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Sep 2012 09:25    Post subject: Anything special to burn OSX? (Leo? Weralds?)
So someone had a cat spill OJ over and soaked the bottom of a macbook pro. They gave it to me to see if it was fixable. Pop the bottom off and there's corrosion everywhere, nothing will boot, it's dead. I back up the HDD (thanks weralds) for her and give her the HDD back because she was going to buy another since the logic board would run close to 800 bucks.

The day before I go to throw it on craigslist as a parts machine, some guy on another forum tells me to take a toothbrush and alcohol to the bottom and that might fix it, it's worked for him plenty of times.

So I do it not thinking it'd even work...well....jesus fuck it did. Cleaned up the whole logic board and booted it up and it's asking for HDD now :O

So...I basically scored myself a macbook pro. Going to throw in a hard drive and probably sell it unless I can find a use for it.

So I know nothing about macbooks. I got Mountain Lion downloading, how do I burn it and do I need any certain format type for the HDD? Will ML do that for me like Windows does?

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Posts: 51070
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Sep 2012 10:33    Post subject:
So that's what you were on about... didn't notice it until you were offline Sad

Lucky kurwa, although it's apple hardware and you might be contaminated

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Sep 2012 11:02    Post subject:
Well you'll need a VM to create the bootdisk (USB or DVD). Or you just order the legit stick from the Apple Store.

For a VM, just grab a VMware OS X installation off usenet along with VMware Workstation; google for an Unlocker for your VMware version so that it's unlocked to run OS X and you're good to go. Basically what you'll get from usenet is a hard disk image to install OS X in your VM with; they all come with readmes and such to explain how to set them up.

Once that's done, you can use your OS X VM to create a proper ML USB install drive Smile
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PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Sep 2012 11:10    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:48; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 6172

PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Sep 2012 13:59    Post subject:
garus wrote:

And it's Werelds Razz

I always thought he was doing it on purpose, goorus.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Sep 2012 18:58    Post subject:
I think ganus is right, skypez is simply misspelling it Smile

@topic: can you plugin just any disc into a mac?

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Sep 2012 19:53    Post subject:
lol I call him Weralds for shits and giggles.

Thanks for the help. I didnt' realize getting a hard drive to be recognizable in apple format was such a pain. Jeez.

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Posts: 6004
Location: Russia
PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Sep 2012 21:00    Post subject:
Getting hard drive to work is easy, you just plug it in. Making install disk of Lion / Mountain Lion requires some work.

If Mountain Lion you downloaded is bootable uncompressed dmg file, then you could convert it on PC to iso format using UltraISO and burn.

If dmg is compressed or just contains install files, then you would need access to a Mac or VM running Mac OS X to create a bootable dmg / iso.

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