Small change in my gripe ;-)
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Feb 2005 11:42    Post subject: Small change in my gripe ;-)
I know. I said i want coming back, but i recieved emails telling me i had some pm's. so i read them. And it was a couple of people trying to help without being specific.

My whole problem with this site is that it LOOKS like a warez site, and its really only when you get to the FAQs that you find out it ISNT. I was looking for a game, and was told it was here. Now you can imagine how pissed i was being all excited about getting it, only to find a bunch of people being secretive about their sources.

May i suggest that you state on the front page that warez etc is not available on this site. It is so very irritating to think you can get something, only to clikc on the link and get an NFO. I dont have a problem with this site being what it is. I have any number of other places to get files i want. I understand why you dont talk about sources here, but this site looks like a source itself, and the "no talk" policy implies you CAN get stuff here if you just know how.

So thats my altered whinge. Change the look of the site - at least the front page or something, to stop people looking for warez here. It would have saved me the hour i spent signing up, and reading FAQs only to find i had to go elsewhere. Thanks also to those people who tried to help me but i have what i was looking for now. KOTOR 2.

May the force be with you. Razz
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Posts: 667
Location: Scotland
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Feb 2005 11:58    Post subject:
There is no sense in changing the layout by adding a huge sign (You can't download anything from here execept for nfo's - hit Kazaa if u want to dl something)
Anyone who is brainless will know that he can't download any warez from here and btw anyone who joined this forum should read faq (but most of them the ppl who get banned didn't or they were so sure tol get their requests filled that they risk it account .. and their lose it Wink )
Ppl can get pissed on themself now if they think that this is their no.1 source to dl ... how dumb people can be ?

"Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"
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Posts: 307
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Feb 2005 13:47    Post subject:
oh man...

anyone, and really, anyone who thinks they can get files from a website like this or any other iNFOrmation website in general (notice the WEBsite i used) is a complete moron. people like that fuel more idiots, and warez becomes more and more mainstream, fueling more activities from the law enforcers, eventually making things even more complicated than they already are. (which they really aren't)

i suggest you figure things out for yourself before u join forums and bitch about websites and how they dont supply you. better yet, keep your business to yourself, no one cares or wants to help you. i dont mean to be rude or nothing, but thats the truth.

Turn Down That Awful Music!
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Posts: 478

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Feb 2005 15:26    Post subject: Re: Small change in my gripe ;-)
KingNothing wrote:
I was looking for a game, and was told it was here.

Go and bitch to the moron who told you it was here.
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Feb 2005 18:20    Post subject: Re: Small change in my gripe ;-)
KingNothing wrote:
I know. I said i want coming back, but i recieved emails telling me i had some pm's. so i read them. And it was a couple of people trying to help without being specific.

My whole problem with this site is that it LOOKS like a warez site, and its really only when you get to the FAQs that you find out it ISNT. I was looking for a game, and was told it was here. Now you can imagine how pissed i was being all excited about getting it, only to find a bunch of people being secretive about their sources.

May i suggest that you state on the front page that warez etc is not available on this site. It is so very irritating to think you can get something, only to clikc on the link and get an NFO. I dont have a problem with this site being what it is. I have any number of other places to get files i want. I understand why you dont talk about sources here, but this site looks like a source itself, and the "no talk" policy implies you CAN get stuff here if you just know how.

So thats my altered whinge. Change the look of the site - at least the front page or something, to stop people looking for warez here. It would have saved me the hour i spent signing up, and reading FAQs only to find i had to go elsewhere. Thanks also to those people who tried to help me but i have what i was looking for now. KOTOR 2.

May the force be with you. Razz

EDIT: Removed.
Alas, I've said too much. To avoid a ban (and/or a bunch of pissed off NFOrcers, I will remove this iNFOrmation by tomorrow. Good luck.

Last edited by Accelleron on Mon, 14th Feb 2005 17:34; edited 1 time in total
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Feb 2005 18:30    Post subject:
NFOrce, that says it all to me. If people choose not to read the rules of a site, the name of a site, or simply neglect to educate themselves. They're anger and missjudgements are there own problem.

Its funny how a huge number of people come to this site and know it isnt for downloading.. So maybe this is a user issue. EG. They're fucking stupid.
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Feb 2005 18:56    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:
NFOrce, that says it all to me. If people choose not to read the rules of a site, the name of a site, or simply neglect to educate themselves. They're anger and missjudgements are there own problem.

Its funny how a huge number of people come to this site and know it isnt for downloading.. So maybe this is a user issue. EG. They're fucking stupid.

Well, I came here after *cough* graduating from P2P>IRC> of all things BT. By that time I had a faint idea what an NFO was (irc). I picked the site up from one of my buddies, and at first was also overwhelmed at finding a "1337 w4r3z s1t3". After my first 2 posts were humbled, though, I quickly learned to stfu about the scene, enjoy the posts, and patiently wait for flame wars about the scene that might give me a few morsels of information, so that I might get my foot through the door. I recommend sticking to this, because you aren't going to be contacted straight out of the p2p bucket to be anything. Even curries (the grunts of the "scene") need more knowledge than you have. Lay back, make friends, and one day you may find yourself ushered into a private IRC channel and enlightened on the details Wink.

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ApeX PredatoR
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Posts: 1951
Location: Los Netherlandos
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Feb 2005 11:08    Post subject:
May I remind certain people in here to tone it down a bit.
KingNothing just posted this to apologize and to make a suggestion, not to be flamed by people!
Consider this as the warning, next will be temp-banning.

Injurious wrote:
And then Mabel tripped over a rock and landed in a well and was trapped there with Timmy. Sadly I shot Lassie so no one is saving that bitch!
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Feb 2005 11:25    Post subject:
KrayZJool wrote:
oh man...

anyone, and really, anyone who thinks they can get files from a website like this or any other iNFOrmation website in general (notice the WEBsite i used) is a complete moron. people like that fuel more idiots, and warez becomes more and more mainstream, fueling more activities from the law enforcers, eventually making things even more complicated than they already are. (which they really aren't)

i suggest you figure things out for yourself before u join forums and bitch about websites and how they dont supply you. better yet, keep your business to yourself, no one cares or wants to help you. i dont mean to be rude or nothing, but thats the truth.

Very Happy Laughing

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Posts: 12740
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PostPosted: Mon, 14th Feb 2005 23:48    Post subject:
well, i was lucky enough to understand it the first time i got here. That its only an nfo site. I already knew what nfos where and why it would be cool to have a public dupe-check of sorts. But i can understand that people who are trying to hunt down places to download warez from the net are hitting nforce every now and then again, i blame google for it... Very Happy thanx for being a good guy and apologizing, KingNothing. Respect =)
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