Bevontule: Altar of Roots [Mar 2019]
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Thu, 1st Feb 2018 23:53    Post subject: Bevontule: Altar of Roots [Mar 2019]

Release: March 2019
Genre: Tactical RPG
Bevontule is a tactical role-playing game that occurs primarily on the surface of the continent of Onich – a vast and isolated landmass surrounding a central ocean known as the Inner Sea. Discovered some 1,500 years ago by a number of refugees fleeing their own war-torn homeland, it quickly becomes clear that – despite its welcoming appearance – Onich harbors dark and deadly secrets that were presumably left alone for good reason.

In present-day Onich, the continent is slowly being ravaged by a blight known as the Kelvari: an expansive, semi-sentient and root-like network of unknown origin and composition that has already “claimed” nearly 60% of the surface of Onich – primarily in the north and west. At the same time, grotesque creatures known as “Rootsouls” accompany the slow but certain spread of the Kelvari. While massive regions of the continent are safe – either via proximity or outright delusional thinking – other nations are on the immediate boundary of the Kelvari fields and have at times had limited success in fighting back the scourge. Politically, this leads to much tension between disparate nations – many of which do not understand the existential threat posed ... and as such, do little in the way of offering up material support to those fighting.

The player takes control of Bodom, a mysterious person that appears along the western shores of the Inner Sea, allegedly hailing from the northernmost regions of Onich. Claiming the ability to destroy the Kelvari, he quickly finds himself a valuable asset in the ensuing struggle against them – as well as a pawn to the political machinations of regional and continental players. Will you stave off the looming calamity... or unwittingly hasten its arrival?

Key Features

- Enjoy a mature and highly-detailed plot spanning thousands of years.
- Fight in a challenging tactical, turn-based combat system where proper positioning and timing are critical.
- Visit a beautiful world with modern 3D environments to discover, explore, and conquer.
- Fend off free-roaming enemies with a wide variety of movement patterns, behaviors, and habitats.
- Prepare for an unrelenting and highly-intelligent enemy AI that can be scaled to various difficulty levels.
- Play alongside a cast of interesting characters with defined roles, yet deeply customizable skill sets – allowing multiple builds for each combatant.
- Unlock, learn, and equip from hundreds of combat skills, attribute bonuses, and world-based buffs.
- Explore loads of side quests, optional bosses/areas, and minigames!
- Scavenge, create, and upgrade items using an original skill-based crafting system.
- Utilize an integrated bestiary system that rewards discovery, experimentation, and exploitation of enemies for rewards.

Enthoo Evolv ATX TG // Asus Prime x370 // Ryzen 1700 // Gainward GTX 1080 // 16GB DDR4-3200
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