Fuck you snow
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Posts: 4638
Location: Birthplace of the necktie.
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 09:41    Post subject: Fuck you snow
Fuck you snow

i7 4790K @ 4.6GHz- Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 3 - 980 WF3 \o/ - 16GB Corsair - WD 4TB - Mountain of SSDs - Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24''
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Posts: 3156

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 09:43    Post subject:
Winter of 2012/2013 has left public beta and gone gold. Be prepared for some chilling weather Sad

Dont mess with God, he can impregnate your girlfriend/wife without taking his pants off!
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 10:12    Post subject:
1 Inch of Snow and the mighty nation of England shuts down for the day. Laughing
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 10:15    Post subject:
Still no snow here Sad

I want some snow

ps it only takes half an inch for a nationwide shutdown.

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 10:16    Post subject:
Saner wrote:
Still no snow here Sad

I want some snow

ps it only takes half an inch for a nationwide shutdown.

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VIP Member

Posts: 34200

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 10:21    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 22:01; edited 1 time in total
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Special Little Man

Posts: 15098
Location: 0100111001001100
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 10:23    Post subject:
Half an inch is also enough to turn the roads into Russian ones. Most people can't deal with snow & ice for shit over here Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 10:26    Post subject:
garus wrote:
Saner wrote:
Still no snow here Sad

I want some snow

ps it only takes half an inch for a nationwide shutdown.

I have more snow on my window and no one is shutting anything. Pussies Razz

Meh, I dont agree with it but thats the way it is over here.

given the fact that we have snow somewhere in the country most years you would have thought they would be used to it, but nope, every year half an inch of snow and everything shuts down.

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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Posts: 4638
Location: Birthplace of the necktie.
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 10:27    Post subject:
It's half a meter in front of my house. And I cleared out the front once already.

Shit is getting serious

i7 4790K @ 4.6GHz- Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 3 - 980 WF3 \o/ - 16GB Corsair - WD 4TB - Mountain of SSDs - Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24''
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 10:28    Post subject:
Send some here.

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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Posts: 8692
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 10:54    Post subject:
Saner wrote:
Send some here.

Intel i7 6700K, EVGA GTX1070 FTW, Kingston HyperX Fury 32GB
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 11:01    Post subject:
We are getting it Aeon, soon enough Wink (atleast if they are right for once >.<)

Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Posts: 14555

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 11:05    Post subject:
Snooooow!!! \o/

I love snow...

I will hate it when I'll go for my memory today, but until then, I love it xD

It's snowing like crazy Very Happy I clean in front of my house (I'm the only one who does it in my street xD), turn around and it's already white where I've cleaned. The snow is trolling me grinhurt

But better snow then rain. Rain sucks ass. Snow rocks Very Happy

"Quantum mechanics is actually, contrary to it's reputation, unbeliveably simple, once you take the physics out."
Scott Aaronson
chiv wrote:
thats true you know. newton didnt discover gravity. the apple told him about it, and then he killed it. the core was never found.

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Posts: 8692
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 11:08    Post subject:
sausje wrote:
We are getting it Aeon, soon enough Wink (atleast if they are right for once >.<)

When do we get it?

Intel i7 6700K, EVGA GTX1070 FTW, Kingston HyperX Fury 32GB
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Special Little Man

Posts: 15098
Location: 0100111001001100
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 11:12    Post subject:
Sint Juttemis of misschien als pasen en pinksteren op één dag vallen Troll Face
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 11:14    Post subject:

Well forecast is expecting it today late night and 2morrow. But since they are more wrong then right, well just have to wait and see Razz


Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)
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Posts: 2336
Location: Cracow, Poland
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 14:21    Post subject:
Fuck that motherfucker. Can't wear my cowboy boots :/
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Posts: 4484

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 14:26    Post subject:
My car is completely buried atm. Gonna wait till tomorrow to see if it stops falling before I clean it, too lazy.

And I agree with the op, fuck it. Probably wouldn't care so much if I didn't have to dig the damn car out every time it falls.
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Posts: 14555

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 14:36    Post subject:
Ok, I now officially hate it Very Happy

They canceled the order for my memory, because of the weather conditions.

Fuck them! -.-"

And I was prepared to go to the other side of the city for it! -.-""""

So I still love snow more than rain, but fuck snow...

"Quantum mechanics is actually, contrary to it's reputation, unbeliveably simple, once you take the physics out."
Scott Aaronson
chiv wrote:
thats true you know. newton didnt discover gravity. the apple told him about it, and then he killed it. the core was never found.

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Posts: 4638
Location: Birthplace of the necktie.
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 15:03    Post subject:
Not a single fucking sidewalk has been cleared in a 3km radius of my home.

And there's now even more snow than before. It's like it's breeding

In front of my house

The only path to work today:

i7 4790K @ 4.6GHz- Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 3 - 980 WF3 \o/ - 16GB Corsair - WD 4TB - Mountain of SSDs - Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24''
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Posts: 8692
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 15:10    Post subject:
I want to be there!

Intel i7 6700K, EVGA GTX1070 FTW, Kingston HyperX Fury 32GB
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VIP Member

Posts: 14555

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 15:21    Post subject:
Last night:

Just now:


"Quantum mechanics is actually, contrary to it's reputation, unbeliveably simple, once you take the physics out."
Scott Aaronson
chiv wrote:
thats true you know. newton didnt discover gravity. the apple told him about it, and then he killed it. the core was never found.

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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 15:26    Post subject:

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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Posts: 466

PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 16:19    Post subject:
He, he, my fellow countrymen from north... at least no more bombs Laughing

ZX Spectrum 16K/48K | Grundig C410 cassette recorder (adjustable head) | 20BT TV Philips Multistandard Color V37cm | ZX Interface 2 | New Kempston Compatible Competition Pro Switched Joystick | Sinclair BASIC OS
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Jan 2013 16:58    Post subject:
Werelds wrote:
Half an inch is also enough to turn the roads into Russian ones. Most people can't deal with snow & ice for shit over here Rolling Eyes

And you haven't seen anything Laughing
Here the streets are dangerous even when there's sun, let alone with that unknown white thing falling from the sky xD

Fortunately we haven't seen it yet this year, otherwise it would be a disaster. A couple of years ago the whole motorway remained blocked for almost 24 hours because of 20cm of snow..
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Jan 2013 10:30    Post subject:
snowing like crazy all morning here now as well. Loving it Smile
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Jan 2013 10:31    Post subject:

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Jan 2013 10:36    Post subject:
back to -13 again... good thing the air is so dry so there was no ice on my windshields Very Happy
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Special Little Man

Posts: 15098
Location: 0100111001001100
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Jan 2013 10:50    Post subject:

No snow here in the south, but further north in the country they do have some and as a result there was 1000 KM worth of traffic jams this morning (apparently an all-time high?). To put that in perspective: that's enough to go from the southern tip (where I live) to the northern tip, back...and north again
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Posts: 4008
Location: Leeds, UK
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Jan 2013 12:52    Post subject:
Saner wrote:
garus wrote:
Saner wrote:
Still no snow here Sad

I want some snow

ps it only takes half an inch for a nationwide shutdown.

I have more snow on my window and no one is shutting anything. Pussies Razz

Meh, I dont agree with it but thats the way it is over here.

given the fact that we have snow somewhere in the country most years you would have thought they would be used to it, but nope, every year half an inch of snow and everything shuts down.

It's a matter of infrastructure. Much of the infratructure over here is out of date and not suitable/needs upgrading. That's not just our roads, thats our telecoms, water etc. For a country that is taxed so highly, we have shit infrastructure.
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