2012: Your Year in Gaming Misogyny
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 20:56    Post subject: 2012: Your Year in Gaming Misogyny
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:14    Post subject: Re: 2012: Your Year in Gaming Misogyny
TSR69 wrote:
I guess better late then never. Cool Face


Why? I believe the kickstarter project was discussed as nauseum a while back but more importantly why even discuss this shit? Everyone says what they reckon is 'the truth' & never listens to anyone else's point of view. Any 'debate' is either simple contradiction or yer basic dick measuring whereby one poster picks what he imagines is a flaw in another person's point of view then hammers on about it eternally, carefully ensuring that he just like his opponent never really addresses any points raised by the other which may undermine their own firmly held opinion.

Silly people come up with silly 'laws' claiming that any internet argument will eventually be reduced to one side calling the other nazi, but that misses the point too. The kismet law states that nobody has ever changed their opinion as a result of a net 'debate'.
Ego doesn't allow anyone to concede a point even to themselves.
That leaves entertainment - debate can be fun if peeps are witty & entertaining but let's face it there is nothing very entertaining about last years tabloidist shock horror shlock.
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:18    Post subject:
If anything I posted it to try to show how useless it is to develop hatred versus +/- 50% of the "other" human population.

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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:20    Post subject:
Yeah, it is best to hate everyone equally.
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:22    Post subject:
TSR69 wrote:
If anything I posted it to try to show how useless it is to develop hatred versus +/- 50% of the "other" human population.

Hatred Rolling Eyes

I'll just copy my response from the other thread:

I know it's unpopular to disagree with Anita, and I always get a lot of "well that must make you a misogynist too" comments for that viewpoint, but man, you've gotta admit that the whole 'blame everything on men, they're all pretty rapey, lara croft is the worst, who cares if she's an educated archaeologist she has big tits and women with big tits are gross' view is kinda fucked up.

I just wish that people would see things from my side for once. I want equal treatment, rather than special treatment. I want people who know that the lack of women in the gaming industry is mostly due to far fewer girls growing up learning to code as a hobby compared to guys. I want people who know that if a game company is hiring ten people, and a hundred men who are super qualified and have technical skills apply, along with ten women who want to 'join the gaming industry because they really love games', the ratio shouldn't end up being '50% men, 50% women' being employed. It should be whoever is the most qualified regardless of sex.

It's such a rarity to an article speaking a more fair side of things, rather than the drama-fuelled 'attractive females in games are offensive to women' articles. The only 'gender problem' in the gaming industry is that way more girls grow up embracing their own interests, such as dancing, or fitness, or art, or writing, than studying technology and code. And that's completely fine, it's their own choice.

Trying to insist that more females become skilled programmers, from learning as a hobby to studying in full-time education, is as silly as trying to insist that more men spend all their time practicing ballet in all their free time, from their childhood until their adult life, so they can become ballet instructors. It might help the dancing industry, but more often than not, guys might just have other hobbies they want to get into instead. Just like women might have other hobbies other than engineering or coding, and want to follow their own interests, no matter how much people try to insist that the gaming industry needs them.

The vast majority of employees in the video games industry are software engineers of some description or another who typically have an education background in Computer Science. If you actually have a look at the statistics concerning the gender gap in the study of CS at a tertiary level, it's pretty easy to see why women are a minority within the industry. For reference, in 1984, 37.1% of CS grads were women, while in 2010-11 women made up a total of only 12% of all CS grads:


Add in the fact that the majority of these grads won't make any attempt to enter the video games industry at all and we thus have the primary reason why so few women end up in the industry - at least in a programming capacity. You can't hire people who don't exist.

2012 and 2013, the years the female gender became taboo.

Seems like any and everything with a woman in it will be eye'd and then scrutinized, it's way past ridiculous as it seems like you can't do SHIT! to a woman in videogames these days.

Kill a woman brutally - let's discuss this

Design a sexy woman in a sexy outfit - let's discuss this

A woman isn't in a position of power - let's discuss this

A woman isn't a main or optional playable character - let's discuss this

A woman is talked to or about in a harsh manner - let's discuss this

I couldn't imagine the reactions we'd see if Team Ninja went ahead and made another DOAX or Konami made another Rumble Roses, or Grasshopper made another Lollipop Chainsaw, it seems like whenever a woman is center stage we have to have a discussion about it.

Now you notice that I didn't make male comparisons here, well, that's because if I did I would get yelled at and told that's not the point.
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:24    Post subject:
Nice job taking the bait guys Reaction

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:25    Post subject:
Neon since you have used so many fallacies in earlier debates I kinda lost interest in even reading what you write. I might try later though in this case. For now I am going to enjoy my beer. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:30    Post subject:
Then what the fuck is the purpose of this thread? reported.
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:31    Post subject:
TSR69 wrote:
Neon since you have used so many fallacies in earlier debates I kinda lost interest in even reading what you write. I might try later though in this case. For now I am going to enjoy my beer. Very Happy

"I'm not going to bother listening to your argument that may or may not have very sound things to say because I am lazy and/or incapable of having a civilized argument."
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:36    Post subject:
You know what fallacy means dezztroy?

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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:38    Post subject:
Yep. I've yet to see you point one out.
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:40    Post subject:
Read this: http://www.nfohump.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=77161

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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:44    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:46    Post subject:

Last edited by Nalo on Wed, 3rd Jul 2024 06:28; edited 2 times in total
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Location: Republic of the Seven United Provinces
PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:48    Post subject:
dezztroy wrote:
Yep. I've yet to see you point one out.

For starters this is a general post about misogyny in gaming and Neon starts with Anita again.
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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:53    Post subject:
TSR69 wrote:
dezztroy wrote:
Yep. I've yet to see you point one out.

For starters this is a general post about misogyny in gaming and Neon starts with Anita again.

I don't think you know what fallacy means. Anita is an example of someone with quite extreme views on "misogyny in gaming". Bringing up example is a pretty key part of having an argument.
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Mar 2013 23:56    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 00:00    Post subject:
Did you stop reading after he mentioned her? Because he never mentions her again.

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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 00:03    Post subject:
So first they complain about not being in a game, then complain about being in a game but as an "object" and then complain about them being in a game just like men have always been but complain about the shit that men always had to do thru (plus don't forget the 90237498237498234 men we brutally murdered in all those games Laughing)

So they want equal shit as men but on the other hand they don't want it..
Well that's typical women there for ya Laughing

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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 00:08    Post subject:
vaifan1986 wrote:
Did you stop reading after he mentioned her? Because he never mentions her again.

I guess you just have to see where it all came from. Neon quotes himself and debates some topics that have nothing to do here. The OP is about misogyny in gaming, not about the difference between how many man and woman succeed in Computer Science. His quote starts with "I know it's unpopular to disagree with Anita" so it is a load of BS. This is called a straw man: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 00:24    Post subject:
Btw calling people who disagree with you "White Knights" is a reversed "No true Scotsman". Like when people stated in the USA that they were against the Iraq war, they were called unpatriotic.

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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 01:12    Post subject:
Nalo wrote:

Oh shit! Where you dig this up? I made this 1210312039 yeats ago! Laughing
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Location: Republic of the Seven United Provinces
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 01:15    Post subject:
Yep you altered a pic I posted LeoNatan, lol. You don't create stuff, you alter stuff. Laughing
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 01:17    Post subject:
That is correct. But whenever you save in Photoshop, the file is recreated from scratch. So technically I told it as it is.
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 01:19    Post subject:
Technically I posted the picture from some source (might still find it back on imageshack.us or abload.de), it didn't have the troll face in it.

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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 01:20    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 01:22    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 01:22    Post subject:
I've seen that pic (yeah with the same caption and all) several times in the last two years, so if it wasn't here (I can't remember) then I guess it got fairly popular xD
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 01:24    Post subject:

Soon... Cool Face

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Mar 2013 01:39    Post subject:
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