Tales from the Borderlands (Telltale)
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14110
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 8th Dec 2013 06:24    Post subject: Tales from the Borderlands (Telltale)

Tonight at the 2013 VGX awards, Telltale Games announced "Tales from the Borderlands," an all-new series from the studio that created the critically acclaimed The Walking Dead point-and-click adventure series.

The game will launch in 2014 as a series, though platforms were not specified. Previous episodic games from Telltale released first on PC before coming to consoles later.

According to Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford, Gearbox has provided the "keys to the kingdom" to Telltale to create the game. Telltale is the principal developer, while Gearbox will serve as a collaborator only.

Tales from the Borderlands will feature new characters, not the vault hunters players have come to know from the stylized shooter series. However, players will encounter familiar characters throughout the series.

The 2013 VGX awards are currently ongoing. Keep checking back for more news and video from the show.


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Posts: 3566

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Dec 2013 08:12    Post subject:
At least the Telltale artstyle already fits this universe pretty well. Looks like it could be fun and the trailer looked decent.

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14110
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 8th Dec 2013 08:38    Post subject:
Thanks a lots 0wen
it's just me,or it's so far best looking Telltale game? Drooling

can't wait to see how GOT will look like Very Happy

"Fuck Denuvo"

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Posts: 9901
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PostPosted: Sun, 8th Dec 2013 11:29    Post subject:
Oh great... now if I want to know everything about Borderlands, I have to play a movie too. Awesome... really... fucking Telltale...
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Dec 2013 11:41    Post subject:
oh great more bitching and moaning from darkderpim
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Posts: 22985

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Dec 2013 12:05    Post subject:
Aww Yeah
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Posts: 2752
Location: Bombay, India
PostPosted: Mon, 9th Dec 2013 04:30    Post subject:
JackQ wrote:
it's just me,or it's so far best looking Telltale game? Drooling

It's just a CGI video. Wink
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Posts: 10818
Location: Strawberry fields
PostPosted: Mon, 9th Dec 2013 05:06    Post subject:
Well, it can't be worse then boringlands Cool Face

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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 01:08    Post subject:

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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64936
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 01:23    Post subject:
Quite a convenient move from Telltale, they don't even need a new engine to match Borderland's style.

They will probably receive some money from Pitchfork, too. (SEGA's money Cool Face Laughing)
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Posts: 27530
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 02:48    Post subject:
eh, zero interest in this, because i just dont like borderlands.

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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 12:22    Post subject:
How about they fucking worry about wolf among us first. Last time I ever buy a game from then unless it's complete

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 12:33    Post subject:
SpykeZ wrote:
How about they fucking worry about wolf among us first. Last time I ever buy a game from then unless it's complete

Now THIS is a standpoint I can agree with, not the genre or gameplay style but from a technical point of view. The developers really should make sure Product A is out and working perfectly before jumping onto Products B, C and D. That's why I'm quite worried about the upcoming inXile and DoubleFine games - running multiple Kickstarters for multiple projects sounds not only greedy but also incredibly risky too. Why spread yourself out so thin? Finish and support Game A, start Game B.
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 12:35    Post subject:
I dont buy their games until they are complete, fuck waiting months for the next part.

ragnarus wrote:

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?Smile

Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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VIP Member

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Location: Poland
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 12:39    Post subject:
Eh, I treat game episodes like episodes in a TV show, waiting for the next part is half of the fun Very Happy

With that said, I'm completely uninterested in this game, is anyone actually really curious about Borderlands lore? Laughing
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Posts: 27530
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 12:44    Post subject:
...did I back the wrong horse? Sad i can't afford to buy many games right near release, but I was so wowed by the first ep of wolf, that I actually bought it... Now it seems like they're more interested in doing other projects, so will the love and dedication remain with the entire wolf series? Sad

Ugh... I feel ill Sad so much promise in the series, I'd hate to see them rush it with a small crew who doesn't care, while they shift resources to the next two projects..

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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 12:47    Post subject:
Neon wrote:
Eh, I treat game episodes like episodes in a TV show, waiting for the next part is half of the fun Very Happy

That's fine and all except tv shows are a new episode a week and they shoot a bunch before releasing episode one.

We aren't getting another episode of wolf until next month at earliest, and I doubt that since tell tale hasn't even fucking finished working on it. And now they're picking up game of thrones and borderlands while working on TWD and wolf.

Not factoring in the holidays are all coming up and workers taking vacation.

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Dec 2013 12:50    Post subject:
After the hassle of The Walking Dead (monthly releases my arse Rolling Eyes) I, too, won't buy another Telltale game until every episode is out. Ended up waiting 8 months for TWD despite there only being 5 episodes >_<
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PostPosted: Mon, 10th Mar 2014 23:00    Post subject:
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Posts: 5088

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 12:32    Post subject:
Yeah looks boring skipity skip.
They should focus on TWAU and TWD and not IPs noone is interested in.
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Posts: 3589

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 12:33    Post subject:
tet666 wrote:
Yeah looks boring skipity skip.
They should focus on TWAU and TWD and not IPs I'm not interested in.

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Posts: 9901
Location: The Void
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 12:34    Post subject:
Thing is, I AM interested in this IP, but I'm not interested in a "game" like this. It'll make for a good watch on YT probably, but that's it.
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Posts: 3141
Location: New york
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 12:43    Post subject:
Borderlands, seriously?

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PostPosted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 12:59    Post subject:
Telltale, please go fuck yourself. Thanks.
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Posts: 1937
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PostPosted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 14:33    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
SpykeZ wrote:
How about they fucking worry about wolf among us first. Last time I ever buy a game from then unless it's complete

Now THIS is a standpoint I can agree with, not the genre or gameplay style but from a technical point of view. The developers really should make sure Product A is out and working perfectly before jumping onto Products B, C and D. That's why I'm quite worried about the upcoming inXile and DoubleFine games - running multiple Kickstarters for multiple projects sounds not only greedy but also incredibly risky too. Why spread yourself out so thin? Finish and support Game A, start Game B.

Agreed. The wolf among us shockingly surprised me.. but alas, the way the studio seems to be ran is very poor management and I completely agree with Sabin on this one. The 2nd episode of wolf among us was very short, felt very rushed.
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Posts: 5088

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 15:05    Post subject:
Yeah there where rumors they rewrote the whole episode cause the communty guessed most of the plot and the killer after the first episode don't know if true.
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Posts: 1937
Location: USA / Japan
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 15:07    Post subject:
tet666 wrote:
Yeah there where rumors they rewrote the whole episode cause the communty guessed most of the plot and the killer after the first episode don't know if true.

If that's true, thats quite silly they would do that. A predictable story can be a good one. Should've finished what they had, and learned from this experience not completely change it and ruin the flow of the story arc.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 5th May 2014 15:20    Post subject:
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
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PostPosted: Mon, 5th May 2014 15:26    Post subject:
They should seriously first make the current games with the episodes complete.
Walking Dead S2 still has only 2 episodes after about 5 months O_O

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 5th May 2014 15:27    Post subject:
That's Telltale for you, why finish one series when you can start three more? >_>
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