WoW updates
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Feb 2005 03:52    Post subject: WoW updates
I know, I know, I shouldn't be bitching about it, but fuck it. Here I am.

So I run out of EB today with my new copy of World of Warcraft. After running into 3 or 4 pedestrians (should have moved, the bastards), almost getting hit by a bus and causing 3 cars to pile into each other (or so I was told), I run into my house and pop in the first CD.




30 minutes later (or was it 30 years?) I click the Create Account button, and Eldariel the Human Warlock is born. Almost. Instead, I am offered a nice BT screen to stare at while the fucker updates to 1.2.3. Saying "FUCK BITTORRENT" (or screaming at the top of my lungs, depending on how many blocks away you lived), I finally search for the file and download it the old fashioned way: http.

Just as I am about to create my character, it appears that Bliz has released another patch in the last 15 minutes of my valueless existance (FUCK ???.) Now I am waiting for that long fucker to install. Soon, precious... soon.

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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Feb 2005 04:12    Post subject:
Yah it was a huge controversy when Blizzard relied on BT so much. There were a lot of angry people. Razz

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Posts: 3247

PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Feb 2005 17:03    Post subject:
lol thats what i call timing

should have moved, the bastards


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VIP Member

Posts: 690

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Feb 2005 06:53    Post subject:
dont even give me shit about wow...dont even


xfire- jbrow
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 02:09    Post subject:
sTo0z wrote:
Yah it was a huge controversy when Blizzard relied on BT so much. There were a lot of angry people. Razz

The interesting part is that those 2 updates were not the first pieces of WoW code I downloaded bia BT Wink

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