Aurora Watching - Gorky Zero
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Posts: 2122

PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Feb 2005 17:32    Post subject: Aurora Watching - Gorky Zero

The third episode in the adventures of Captain Cole Sullivan, the star of Gorky Zero: Beyond Honor and Gorky 17. Two agents in black find Sullivan on the floor. The hero who once saved the world has been drinking for over two years. Will he manage to approach Parecki once again? Secret manoeuvres, extraordinary cargo and submarine catastrophe at the Barent's Sea -- it's just the tip of the iceberg. Like its predecessors, Aurora Watching is a stealth action game in the style of Metal Gear Solid, complete with enemy radar system, shifting perspectives, and a large selection of gadgets. Developed by Metropolis Software in Poland.




chill out man, life is beautifull...
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Location: In Elektro looking for beans
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Feb 2005 17:40    Post subject:
Gorky Zero Beyond honor was a mistake... Sad

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 2122

PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Feb 2005 17:51    Post subject:
"Aurora Watching" is different... It's more like Metal Gear Solid / Splinter Cell games. Read the PREVIEW, it looks very promising...

chill out man, life is beautifull...
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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Feb 2005 18:03    Post subject:
Looks awesome Smile

But it's very far away.

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Posts: 2122

PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Feb 2005 18:19    Post subject:
I'm a little bit confused... There is a crack on GCW for "Aurora Watching", posted 2 days ago. It says that is for POLISH version, but when I click on the link, it's ENGLISH version... lol

chill out man, life is beautifull...
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Posts: 2122

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Aug 2005 10:45    Post subject:
It's out today in UK. Might be a good game.... Ah shit, just saw that ENLIGHT is publisher - that means SF3.

chill out man, life is beautifull...
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Posts: 541
Location: Cloud City, Bespin
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Aug 2005 15:37    Post subject:
16.03.05 - Aurora.Watching.GERMAN-SiLENTGATE

Don't mistake lack of talent for genius!
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Posts: 250

PostPosted: Fri, 5th Aug 2005 17:19    Post subject:
Trismogestos wrote:
16.03.05 - Aurora.Watching.GERMAN-SiLENTGATE

This nfo says ATARI ? So, securom7 ?

This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination.

Will the Swedish ever learn to play football with 11 players only?
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Posts: 24
Location: chicago
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 06:36    Post subject:
so do yuo think this game is worth getting, its been getting ratings of 36% 39% 42% but i dont always trust ratings. what do those who have played it think?

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 08:40    Post subject:
Benitojuarez wrote:
so do yuo think this game is worth getting, its been getting ratings of 36% 39% 42% but i dont always trust ratings. what do those who have played it think?

Well with a pretty low average don't expect it to be amazing. Looking at the screens it seems pretty simplistic I might grab it anyway since I cant bat on Cricket 2005 Mad

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 114

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 09:13    Post subject:
I am German and played our German Version few motn ago Wink

I would say, good idea, but Hitman, MGS, eg. is better.

U play 5h Aurora and then its boring, wait till Hitman : Blood Money ^^

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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 09:45    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
Benitojuarez wrote:
so do yuo think this game is worth getting, its been getting ratings of 36% 39% 42% but i dont always trust ratings. what do those who have played it think?

Well with a pretty low average don't expect it to be amazing. Looking at the screens it seems pretty simplistic I might grab it anyway since I cant bat on Cricket 2005 Mad

U actually played that fuckin shit game?
man, cricket...worse than watching paint dry

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Posts: 4180

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 09:47    Post subject:
36x15=540mb...well what prommising game can be on less then one cd at the age of dvd games?

i do not have expectations.
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Posts: 534

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 10:06    Post subject:
Football Manager
Worms 2D?
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Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 10:45    Post subject:

but i already played the Spanish version language was english only the subtitling and menu where Spanish not a bad game its better than the first one Smile
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Posts: 33

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 11:46    Post subject:
Played it for about ten minutes this morning, pretty generic and unexciting stuff.
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 12:17    Post subject:
installin now <review to follow in a bit>

edit: Ok I only did the training mission but i'll explain more later.

here are the settings I played it on. I left them as the default and decided not to mess about with them

Here are the controls. I only took a SS of this because I noticed there wasn't a crouch/prone button which I found a surprise in a game like this

ok onto the training. It consists of a 'tutor' narrating what you need to do. At first the voice was annoying but as long as you can 'block it out' then it wont get to you as much.

The first part you need to navigate through a maze, just telling u about the different camera angles pretty much.

(It's all basic in the tutorial area but from playing a lil bit of the first mission I saw these effects were much better.)

There are the usual 'stealth' things like hacking computers

which are all done by the push of a button.

Once you get a gun (there's no iron sights option which is a bit stupid) you get to shoot these barrels

(o look amazing explosion effects Rolling Eyes)

Even on this bit i noticed a bug!

the 3rd shot if about 10 seconds after the first and they're still spinning Razz

Here's a shot of the 'sophisticated' aiming......

The 'crosshairs' get smaller if left on the target for a bit.

You can 'drag' people to i suppose shadowed areas although I didnt try / experience this in the tutorial.

Now for the 'annoying' thing.

'SILENCED AMMO' WTF?!?!?!?! this brainless shit pissed me off

here's me about to pwn after laying a 'beeping' device to attract the enemies.

And thus ending the tutorial mission!

Well i went to load the main game but it crashed giving me this error:

I did reload the game and noticed some pretty nicer enviroments and 'discoverd' some binoculars

(where were these in the tutorial?!?!?!)

Anyway I gave up on it for the moment. I'll do a 'proper' review later but so far it's looking lame / uninventive.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too

Last edited by Sublime on Sun, 7th Aug 2005 13:02; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 314

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 12:23    Post subject:
Enlight Software was Starforce 3 right or what?
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Posts: 490
Location: Old Europe
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 12:56    Post subject:
Who cares? Keep the protection crap in the Protection Bitch'n section. That's what it's there for after all. Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 314

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 13:05    Post subject:
Yeah I am going to open a whole new topic in that section just for that tinny question.....
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 13:10    Post subject:
Well accorinding to the nfo

Protection.....: Sysiphus

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 999
Location: Just near you...
PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 15:47    Post subject:
Just tried it : a real piece of shit ! Do not waste your bw with this one....
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 21:21    Post subject:
Game = Gay..
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Aug 2005 21:23    Post subject:
Graphics are okey but the controls are worthless, no feeling, the sounds aint good either. The english on the tutorial is really a shame to call english...

Try it if you want... I didn't like it!
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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 05:41    Post subject:
this game is just plain crap, the gameplay is so shallow and cheap, i couldnt play the first mission for more than 5 minutes.

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Posts: 22

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 11:01    Post subject: System Req
guys i need system requirement of this game for some reason. if anyone has it please write it here.. it wasn't in the cd either i couldn't find it on web.. plz hlp
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Posts: 584

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 12:42    Post subject:
there is no readme file dude lol

but i guess its like

32mb vga

and im gonna uninstall it
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Posts: 19

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 16:19    Post subject:
i've liked it ... its a good game for just 1 cd ... the controls are a little strange but you can get it with a few pratic ... but it reminds me more splinter cell than metal gear ...
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Posts: 66
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 8th Aug 2005 19:56    Post subject:
I downloaded it, gave it a shot, not worth the bandwidth. I'll admit when I was going through the Tut. I was pretty into the game. Then I actually played it and after a few pointless deaths due to bad object collisions and the dumb fire fight right after the Snow-Mobile level I deleted the game.

When you make a game, make it so if you have line of sight with your crosshairs and clearly enough room to shoot OVER a box you shoot OVER the box and not INTO it because your gun model is actually below the top of the box. Crosshairs are for where your bullet goes, not where it could go as long as you have a good 2ft of clearance infront of you which makes you a sitting duck at that point in the game. Guess I coulda used genades or something but if shooting over/around objects is going to be a problem the game isn't worth it. I had a similar problem at the beginning shooting over a little divider for small cubicles.
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