Windows Explorer slow as hell
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Posts: 80

PostPosted: Thu, 24th Feb 2005 19:38    Post subject: Windows Explorer slow as hell

My Explorer (not IE) is slow as hell when clicking on another folder. It takes between 1 to 2 seconds to list the files.
This is very annoying due to the fact that this problem comes some days ago.

My specs arent' the problem. But I think that Sp2 has something to do with it.
When I installed Windows XP + Sp2 integrated the computer ran just perfect and now this.
Maybe someone can help me.

iam really looking forward to the time that the games look REAL cause u dont have update your pc than.................. cause it cant look more real than real !
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PostPosted: Thu, 24th Feb 2005 20:55    Post subject:
have you tried defragmenting your hdd, checking for error using the system tools or checking if you've been infected with spyware, trojans or viruses?

I would start there. If that doesn't help try upgrading your drivers and if all that still doesn't help. Reinstall windows.

Hardware: Ryzen 3700x, B450 MSI Gaming Pro carbon AC, GTX1080, 32 GB 3200 Mhz cas 14, 256 EVO SSD, 1 TB EVO SSD and 4 TB HDD.
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PostPosted: Fri, 25th Feb 2005 14:34    Post subject:
clean your registry:

clean your cache:

that + moved

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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 25th Feb 2005 14:46    Post subject:
Voodoo-child wrote:
clean your registry:

clean your cache:

that + moved


I would rather use Tuneup utilities 2004 instead as it covers much more and go through everything. I mean cleaning registry, cleaning bad application entries/relations, defragging registry etc. Then you can use Diskeeper for defragging your harddrives. But first of all... Check that your drive ain't in PIO mode.

I'm moving this once again as It's not an application problem thus an OS problem.
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Posts: 80

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Feb 2005 14:49    Post subject:
thanx for helping.
I allready defragmented it and checked it for errors.

But I'll try cleaning cache and checking out Tuneup Utilities.
The harddiscs are all in DMA-Ultra mode.
iam really looking forward to the time that the games look REAL cause u dont have update your pc than.................. cause it cant look more real than real !
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PostPosted: Sat, 26th Feb 2005 19:25    Post subject:
Another tip... Try another file browser. I can recommend you Directory Opus. Haven't found any better Smile. And don't forget to check your computer for viruses and spyware. There are many "lame" antivirus and antispyware apps that misses awful lot of stuff. I recommend that you use Nod32 for viruses and Microsoft antispyware for spyware.
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Posts: 80

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 11:48    Post subject:
hmm tried everything out, no effect.
no virus, no spyware, nothing.
damnit, maybe it has something todo with my chipset drivers. the ide controller drivers could be fucked up.
The best thing to do would be to reinstall the whole fucking windows xp.
Fuck it, I hate Microsoft. I would be the first one who would install Suse Linux as primary OS but the gaming support sucks so I have no choose.
iam really looking forward to the time that the games look REAL cause u dont have update your pc than.................. cause it cant look more real than real !
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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 11:59    Post subject:
But try updating or reinstalling your chipset drivers then. And about Linux, I'm in the same position but using Gentoo (Dual boot with Xp). When gaming and driver support (especially ATI) gets better, XP and everything related will get crushed and flushed down the toilet.
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Posts: 1357

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 13:14    Post subject:
Which games do you play enzi666?
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Posts: 80

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 13:26    Post subject:
Martinius wrote:
Which games do you play enzi666?

Normally big games like Hl2, WoW,etc... and I know that they will fuck up my hdd but defragmenting should do the deal.
I have a long enough experience in computers so I should know what to do but in this case I'm completely clueless and for the first time I'm really against to go through all the shit of reinstalling windows xp. I'm really sick of this, of not knowing what's going on in my computer.
Hell, if I take Linux you look in some error logs and bamm you have the error. add some modules or remove some, recompile the kernel and off you go.
But in windows? The typical sentence of a Windows System administrator: Hmm, I don't know why Windows is doing this but you should reinstall Xp and then it should work again.
In my office we have servers which are running 24/7. And mostly we have problems with are Windows servers.
Microsoft should go to hell with their fucking Os.
I hope that someday developers would switch to Linux as a gaming os too.

But they don't care about it and ati isn't even capable to release usefull drivers.
This is really a crazy world we live in.
iam really looking forward to the time that the games look REAL cause u dont have update your pc than.................. cause it cant look more real than real !
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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 14:12    Post subject:
All Valve games and WoW should work with Cedega after applying some fixes. ATI drivers are not perfect right now but the development is moving very quickly. But if you buy a pc to use with linux these days nVidia cards are to prefere though I would choose an ATI card.

Worst are the games that are highly protected with Starforce 3.XX.X and so on. Developers are so afraid of loosing revenues even if the difference wouldn't be that high. It's sad but I think we will be seeing some difference next year or the year after that. Luckily there are some good developers which code their games to linux like Epic and ID software. Other companies should really follow their moves.

Last edited by razor1394 on Mon, 7th Mar 2005 16:36; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1357

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 15:45    Post subject:
Try Crossover office for free with WOW, no one has tried it and posted about it yet.
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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 16:08    Post subject:
Starforce will or even is cracked, no matter if it's running on windows or linux.
I have tried cedega with far cry was slow as hell, hehe like me windows explorer.
But I had problems with the drivers. Ati hadn't any drivers for Suse Linux 9.2.
Now I have a Geforce6600Gt.
I will try it out once again with cedega and crossover. Haven't heard of crossover before but surely looks good.

edit: ohh, crossover is just for programs like dreamweaver,... no directx support i guess.
iam really looking forward to the time that the games look REAL cause u dont have update your pc than.................. cause it cant look more real than real !
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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 05:49    Post subject:
*HaschBiff looks at his Astonshell and smile.. No more explorer*
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Steve-O 2004

Posts: 2851

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 14:27    Post subject:
How do u check for that PIO thing ??

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Posts: 3571
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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 16:08    Post subject:
In the properties of your IDE/SATA controller. You should reach it by going to the properties of "My computer" -> hardware tab -> device manager.

I would also like to add that there are several tips of alternative shells for Windows in the F.A.Q. of this section as the standard one annoys a lot of people.
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