Mozilla Firefox
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Posts: 1471
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Feb 2005 19:58    Post subject: Mozilla Firefox
I must be one of the few that is starting to get annoyed with firefox.

It's about time they updated the application to support half of IE features!

It dosn't read .css style correctly, it's awkward to use when getting information about a web page...

The only thing I agree with is the pop-up blocker in it....

arg..... why the f00k do people praise it in a big way when it isnt 100% perfect (or at least with all of IE features)....

people need to stop saying it's better than IE when it's crap in displaying web pages!! Smile

ramble runt moan ramble moan grunt moan etc...

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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto,
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Feb 2005 20:13    Post subject:
serious IE rules
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Feb 2005 21:50    Post subject: Re: Mozilla Firefox
UserFriendly7 wrote:
I must be one of the few that is starting to get annoyed with firefox.

It's about time they updated the application to support half of IE features!

It dosn't read .css style correctly, it's awkward to use when getting information about a web page...

The only thing I agree with is the pop-up blocker in it....

arg..... why the f00k do people praise it in a big way when it isnt 100% perfect (or at least with all of IE features)....

people need to stop saying it's better than IE when it's crap in displaying web pages!! Smile

ramble runt moan ramble moan grunt moan etc...

I would agree with you, but there is one problem in your arguement.

Most webpages which only work in IE are built around an IE only specification, which is NOT under W3C specifications. If a webpage is not designed to work with W3C specifications then it is not a browsers fault. And this is usually the case with firefox and issues with webpages. The webpages are designed with propritary IE CSS, which is not a W3C standerd, and so of course, it doesnt work.

So to sum it up, its not firefox's fault that it cant view those types of websites, because those websites arent even following WWW procedures.
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[Admin] Code Monkey

Posts: 1338

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Feb 2005 00:32    Post subject:
UF7, i think what you meant to say is that Firefox doesnt support half of IE's bugs. As MChart said above, Firefox is the most compliant CSS browser around, IE is the one that cant handle CSS properly...its just a big pain in the ass. Everything you do must have at least a ton of IE work-arounds, bah.

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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Feb 2005 09:19    Post subject:
UserFriendly - Been smoking some pot lately?

As [MRT] said It's not Firefox fault, but the coders and their tools. And I don't understand how you can say that Firefox aint supporting half of IE features. What features? A silly popup blocker and ActiveX? The popup blocker is relatively new and ActiveX is a pile of shit as it allows spyware to be installed easily and opens the possibility for the computer to get hijacked.
Firefox has for example lower memory usage, themes capability, better popup blocker, adblocker, bandwidth tester, better bookmark manager, faster webpage loading, correct displaying of "correctly" coded sites, tabs... The list could go on forever. Another things to add is the stability and security. When IE crashes it takes the whole shell down in the fall. And that's not really so funny when crashes with the browser are pretty usual. Firefox is also much better equipped against worms, hijacks and so on. There is proof of it, just search Google.
Opensource is also a big important part when talking about Firefox. It allows you to compile it for whatever machine you feel like, especially good when you're using Gentoo or another source based distro.
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Posts: 27

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 17:40    Post subject:
I agree with [MRT] and other Firefox users . I do find firefox a lil slow at times but that can be fixed with a few tweaks.
as for css not rendering correctly in browsers. thats something we must live with and use Fixes.. and test the page across the browsers that are widely used.
in any case. websites that use css should be able to validate the code through as well as the html-validator they have for designers to use.

SO Go chk the page in question and see what needs to be fixed.

* in a perfect world this would work but guess what. Laughing
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 17:55    Post subject:
i find ff a good brower. with plugins like all-in-one gestures (
along with tabs makes it a lot easier / faster than IE. also i find many of the similarities between the two are bettered by firefox. for instance the search function (ctrl+f) i use this a hell of a lot and its much faster in firefox. Other things i like are "view image" when it doesnt quite load properly, also page info goes into greater depth.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Location: Chicago
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 19:02    Post subject:
I <3 Firefox but 2 things do bother me:

1.) flickers like crazy for some reason.

2.) every once in a while i get a pop-up.

i guess that isn't too much to complain about but are just some minor nuisances that I've noticed.

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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 21:59    Post subject:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
I <3 Firefox but 2 things do bother me:

1.) flickers like crazy for some reason.

2.) every once in a while i get a pop-up.

i guess that isn't too much to complain about but are just some minor nuisances that I've noticed.

1. Yes I agree! So damn annoying. But I think they are the ones to blame for. They must have coded that site very wrong.
2. I never get popups. I don't know if it would make a difference but I use Adblock. 0 ads. It simple rocks.
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PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:17    Post subject:
I've got adblock also and I still get the occasional pop up. I'm talking very rarely though. Like once every 2 weeks. I'm trying to think of a site where it happens...

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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:20    Post subject:
Hmm, you must have some kind of spyware of something that is launching the popups from Windows (I pressume you use Windows). Try to do a scan with MS antispyware.

Last edited by razor1394 on Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:25; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3802
Location: Chicago
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:22    Post subject:
found one that gives me a pop up... tell me if it happens for you guys...

edit. i dont think its spyware. i do a couple of scans per week.

Last edited by Esel_Gesi on Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:24; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:23    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
i find ff a good brower. with plugins like all-in-one gestures (
along with tabs makes it a lot easier / faster than IE. also i find many of the similarities between the two are bettered by firefox. for instance the search function (ctrl+f) i use this a hell of a lot and its much faster in firefox. Other things i like are "view image" when it doesnt quite load properly, also page info goes into greater depth.

I don't know about you, but since switching to Firefox I can't be arsed to hit ctrl and F... I just click in the google bar instead.

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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:28    Post subject:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
found one that gives me a pop up... tell me if it happens for you guys...

edit. i dont think its spyware. i do a couple of scans per week.

No popups there either. I forgot to say that you should check your popup settings. There are several settings that should set how popups behave.
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Posts: 3802
Location: Chicago
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:31    Post subject:
razor1394 wrote:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
found one that gives me a pop up... tell me if it happens for you guys...

edit. i dont think its spyware. i do a couple of scans per week.

No popups there either. I forgot to say that you should check your popup settings. There are several settings that should set how popups behave.

excellent. ill be looking at those now. forgot to do that after the format.
also trying out the recommended MS antispyware.

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Posts: 2446

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:33    Post subject:
If you're getting popups get Adblock and the Filterset.G adblock list available from here:

I get no popups whatsoever with this setup and I browse a lot of porn sites which utilise the latest in annoyance technology.

Im a cockfag
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Posts: 3802
Location: Chicago
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:43    Post subject:
thanks dryan Very Happy

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 22:59    Post subject:
ctrl+f = find on this page for instance when browsing here i might search for my name to save me scrolling Razz

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 1357

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 23:17    Post subject:
Which features are missing? And recall you said half of IEs features, that means if you mention 2 then IE onlyhas 4?
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Posts: 1009
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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Mar 2005 02:58    Post subject:
ff is a great browser if u need 2 find info but if your gonna watch online videos or play games u should use somethin a bit faster i use microsoft but only because it doesn't say "you need to download appropriet plugin before watching application" like ff even after i download Razz

Clevesa wrote:
Murder is the best way out of this that I see.
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