Another Boot loader problem, this one is twisting my neck...
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Feb 2005 11:17    Post subject: Another Boot loader problem, this one is twisting my neck...
Hi there. I got a boot loader problem quite similar to that other guy in the other thread except this one can't be repaired in boot.ini. It's kinda a long thread but u experts will surely understand it. It will only take a few minutes to read so plz do so Very Happy

OK here's my problem:
I have 2 boot options in my boot loader, but i wan't to remove the none working option. This is is how it reads when i boot:

1: Microsoft Winows XP etc.. (This one is the working one)
2: (Default) Windows (This option reboots my computer)

Now i have tried several things to remove the "bad" option. I have tried editing my boot.ini file which looks like it should:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

Now where the hell does that second option come from ? Very Happy

I also tried fixmbr from the XP recovery consol, plus i tried fdisk /mbr. None of these options worked.

EKSTRA INFO (this is probably relevant):

I have recently installed Novell Linux Desktop on my secondary harddrive but that OS boots from my Floppy drive, which works flawlessly.

Now here is how my harddrives are setup:

MASTER: (hda)
hda1:contains Windows XP using the NTFS filesystem
hda2: extended partition using the NTFS


hdb1: Primary partition using the NTFS
hdb2: Linux Swap partition
hdb3: Linux installation using Reisser file system

If anyone can help me out here, the help would be mostly appreciated.

PS: Can i perhaps reformat my hda and reinstall XP?
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Feb 2005 11:25    Post subject:
ehe, right after writing this i rewrote the boot.ini, the info was the same but it kinda took care of my problem ....weird...So no help needed Very Happy Sry admin plz delete this thread
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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Feb 2005 11:26    Post subject:
Are you able to boot into Windows at all with any of the two options? From what I can guess, you can, but you're just annoyed about the two popping options before the main OS loading. And what does the linux boot loader show?
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