>>>READ ME: Operating systems F.A.Q.<<<
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PostPosted: Sat, 5th Mar 2005 16:27    Post subject: >>>READ ME: Operating systems F.A.Q.<<<

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Answers to common questions


  • What's all this chattering about software patents. How could it hurt me as a user?

    Go to THIS site and you will know how it could influate what OS and what apps you will be using in the future.

  • I have heard many bad things about the new NGSCB, TCG and RFID systems. What is it and how does it work? Can I keep pirating as usual?

    Visit Protect privacy for more info. Here are two short quotes about TCG:

    Protectprivacy wrote:

    TC provides a computing platform on which you can't tamper with the application software, and where these applications can communicate securely with their authors and with each other. The original motivation was digital rights management (DRM): Disney will be able to sell you DVDs that will decrypt and run on a TC platform, but which you won't be able to copy. The music industry will be able to sell you music downloads that you won't be able to swap. They will be able to sell you CDs that you'll only be able to play three times, or only on your birthday. All sorts of new marketing possibilities will open up.

    Protectprivacy wrote:

    TC provides for a monitoring and reporting component to be mounted in future PCs. The preferred implementation in the first phase of TC emphasised the role of a `Fritz' chip - a smartcard chip or dongle soldered to the motherboard. The current version has five components - the Fritz chip, a `curtained memory' feature in the CPU, a security kernel in the operating system (the `Nexus' in Microsoft language), a security kernel in each TC application (the `NCA' in Microsoft-speak) and a back-end infrastructure of online security servers maintained by hardware and software vendors to tie the whole thing together

    And no it won't hurt you if you use non-TCG operating systems because you are able to turn the chip off. But then you won't be able to run Windows. The Gentoo linux dev team however, have planned to use the TCG for the user's security and not the companie's.


  • Why is my computer slowing down more and more?

    Your registry is probably clogging up with faulse reg entries, bad application info and the harddrive is probably getting fragmented. Clean/ defrag your registry, clean bad application info and more with Tuneup utilities 2004. For defragmenting I would recommend Diskeeper pro

  • I'm tired of going to Windows update everytime I reinstall the OS. I'm also interested in removing all the crap like the calculator, games, WMP, IE, etc that comes with the OS. Isn't there a way to put the updates on the disc and remove all the unessecary crap?

    It's called slipstreaming and unattended install. A new well loved app called nLite is able to do that. It can remove services, integrate SP's and updates, remove unnessecary "crap", tweak, exchange files and so on. You can find it at Nuhi's site.

  • My computer is rebooting randomly but most often when I'm performing heavy tasks.

    Right click "My computer" -> go to the "Advanced tab" -> click settings and disable the "Automatically restart" checkbox. Now you should get a BSOD (bluescreen). To interpret it go to Microsoft knowledgebase or the alternative at the top of this F.A.Q.

  • I can't move or remove .AVI files. Why is the OS behaving like that and what should I do?

    It's the thumb nail handler that has locked the files (extremely nasty bug). There is a fix to download in .reg format over HERE

  • How do I remove Windows messenger?

    Go to RUN (shortcut exists in the start menu) and write "RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove".

  • I have a much better compression program. How do I get rid of the lousy inbuilt .ZIP support?

    Go to RUN (shortcut in startmenu). Write "regsvr32 zipfldr.dll" to activate it and "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" to deactivate it.

  • I have some files that are locked and I can't remove them. What should I do?

    Download WhoLockMe to see what process is locking your file and kill it.

  • The inbuilt Windows explorer interface annoys me a lot! Are there any alternatives?

    Off course. Here are some of the most popular ones: Aston shell, Blackbox for Windows, BBLean (BB4Win mod), Xoblite (BB4Win mod) and Litestep.


  • There are many rumors circulating about GNU/Linux being a much better alternative to Windows and MacOSX. What can I benefit from a switch? Do you have any proof?

    Absolutely. There are some very good articles over here: Microsuck, Novell: Unbending the truth, Why I hate Microsoft, Windows crash.

  • I'm still having difficulties in choosing distro, what would you recommend?

    If It's a server you are setting up I would recommend Debian. It's very light and easy to update and install applications.
    If It's a high end pc and you want it to stay as optimized as possible I recommend Gentoo Linux. There's also an option to run a version called Gentoo Hardened for those who are worried about security. Standard security in Linux is very good but this is top level. And If you're afraid of learning basic linux stuff and in need of it to install quickly without so much intervention. I would choose Ubuntu linux. It's easy to install and to manage.

  • How do I compile the kernel manually?

    It really depends on what distro you are using but here are the guides for Debian and Gentoo . GenerallyTHIS on is OS independent.

  • I really want to try out Linux but I'm afraid of installing it as it could damage or change something. I'm at a school/my job and I'm not allowed to install OS:es/ I dont want to leave a trace left...

    You can use something called a LiveCD. It's a disc that put's the kernel and other apps in the memory and acts like if the whole OS was installed. There are several ones out there but here are the most popular ones:

    Ubuntu livecd
    Gentoo RR4 livecd

    My favourite is the Gentoo RR4 liveCD. It's simply awesome!

Do you have more info and links? Reply so it can be added! - UPDATED 2005-03-12

By Skidrow and RaZoR1394

Last edited by skidrow on Sat, 5th Mar 2005 18:08; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1357

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Mar 2005 17:28    Post subject:
www.linuxforums.org - Great helpfull forum
www.linuxquestions.org - Great helpfull forum
http://forums.debian.net/ - An ok Debian forum
http://www.aboutdebian.com/index.htm - Debain How To
www.fedoranews.org - Easy guides for Fedora users

www.linuxinsider.com - Linux news

Wine is a great emulator for Linux to use Windows programs. Wine based programs that you can buy are:


Wines web site is www.winehq.com

You can also get the Cedega from transgaming for free with out the cd copy protection checker from sf.net via CVS.
You can use MythTV to make your PC a nice Home Theater PC (HTPC)
A small guide http://anandtech.com/linux/showdoc.aspx?i=2190
MythTV vs MCE http://anandtech.com/linux/showdoc.aspx?i=2208&p=2
There are loads of sources online to help you with any problems.
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PostPosted: Sat, 5th Mar 2005 17:56    Post subject:
Great Site for Windows Support other then Microsoft itsself:


and also on this site a list of windows stop messages and direct links to the knowldege base to fix them - for the technicians among us Smile

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PostPosted: Sat, 5th Mar 2005 21:11    Post subject:
http://www.neowin.net/ is one of the best Windows support forums. And for linux never forget http://www.linuxquestions.org/ and http://www.gentoo.org (Gentoo main forum). I'll add a more FAQ based part with answers of the most common problems and questions in the main post later, like "Why is my comp slowing down more and more" etc.

And Skidrow... Wine and Cedega are not emulators they are API's, Windows application layers. Emulators work differrently like Vmware for example. And there are other popular OS:es that people use like MacOSX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD. I'll try to add that later.

But It's very good. I'll help you complete it tomorrow.

Last edited by razor1394 on Sat, 5th Mar 2005 21:32; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat, 5th Mar 2005 21:21    Post subject:
Ye Razor is correct

http://www.linux-laptop.net/ Linux on laptop guides
http://www.tldp.org/docs.html#lg Linux Online Mag
http://linuxtoday.com/ Linux News
http://www.li.org/ Linux Basics
http://distrowatch.com/ Distro watch
http://eedok.voidofmind.com/linux/chooser.html How to choose wich Linux distro to take
http://tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/categories.html Good list of HOW TOs on Linux
http://www.linux-magazine.com/ Linux Mag
http://www.linux-mag.com Linux News/Mag
http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/ Linux Mag
http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/ Linux Mag
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PostPosted: Sat, 5th Mar 2005 21:21    Post subject:
tnx razor Smile

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PostPosted: Sat, 5th Mar 2005 21:33    Post subject:
http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=45 How To compile Cedega for Free
http://www.linux-gamers.net/ News about Gaming on Linux
http://www.sourceforge.net/ Huge Open Source Development site
Edit....pasted twice the gaming link
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 10:10    Post subject:

* Links added.
* Started the questions part.
* Decorated a bit more.
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 10:17    Post subject:
don't forget about solaris (it still owns linux, especially in multi-cpu systems!)

Download of solaris 10 (sparc/x86)


and also a nice one (you can get many programs as binaries or source code here, wich are not included in the solaris distributions (sparc/x86)):

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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 10:27    Post subject:
Off course not. Just that I merely know anyone who is running that OS. But sure It's very good, and Sun got great servers too. Adding it now.

* Just a notice. The operating system is not called Linux but GNU/Linux as it contains more than just the kernel. The kernel made by thousands of developers is called Linux. The GNU was on the way to become a operating system but they were missing the kernel, but then they found Linux Torvalds and shoops! So all hail Richard Stallman!


Please advice with common problems and how to solve them for these operating systems that you know of. It would help a lot. Thanks!
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 10:51    Post subject:
How did I forget SE Linux???
IBM s faq on SE Linux
NSA on Se Linux(they made it)

Faq on SE Linux
You can search on Google how to implement SE Linux for your distro, FC3 has SE Linux with it as an option

You guessed it right, for Debian Smile

Great Resource for Debian, there is a lot of info there- including on how to implement SE Linux

Last edited by m2rock on Sun, 6th Mar 2005 10:58; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 10:57    Post subject:
Martinius wrote:
How did I forget SE Linux???
IBM s faq on SE Linux
NSA on Se Linux(they made it)

Faq on SE Linux
You can search on Google how to implement SE Linux for your distro FC3 has SE Linux with it as an option

You guessed it right, for Debian Smile

Yes I'm thinking of switching to Gentoo hardened but I'm not really sure. Shit, I didn't know that NSA made SElinux. I'll be damn. NSA, NASA, FBI. Lot's of agencies who have started looking at Linux. I'll add your links off course.
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 11:26    Post subject:
nj razor Smile

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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 12:12    Post subject:
* Updated the questions and links.
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 13:02    Post subject:
It is starting to look nice, would be nice with a make your own distro guide or a link to one Razz
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 13:31    Post subject:
Don't forget to check the Why I hate Microsoft article. It's hilarious.
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 14:14    Post subject:
Dealing as a company with MS is dangerous. MS does not like open standards, it is their standards only they will choose, and any in market they will go into they will use all their might to push their standards so you will be locked into them. This kills inovation. So if you are dealing with MS be carefull
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 16:11    Post subject:
So what do you think? I think that it will be good for now. I also added some info about TCG/NGSCB and software patents. Be sure to read that.

Last edited by razor1394 on Sun, 6th Mar 2005 16:34; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 16:18    Post subject:
looks very good razor.

just leave it this way Smile

if we wanna add stuff, we can always add it Wink

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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 16:49    Post subject:
I've backed up most stickies if someone tries to delete them again.
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 16:53    Post subject:
that's ok.

its a real pain in the ass, to make it again ahah Laughing

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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 17:25    Post subject:
So who removed the hardware FAQ?

Last edited by razor1394 on Sat, 12th Mar 2005 20:07; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 17:36    Post subject:
removed what?
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 17:40    Post subject:
Martinius wrote:
removed what?

The hardware FAQ. It got removed previously. Now we need to make a new one.
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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 17:55    Post subject:
when the database was lost, it went down with it :<

i thought some1 might backed it up. the hardware faq that is.

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PostPosted: Sun, 6th Mar 2005 20:51    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 15:42    Post subject:
Why can mounting ram disk be good? Well it is great as it stops the bootle neck of the CPU accessing the HDD for certain files. A nother cool thing, not as fast as your DDR ram access times but still ALOT faster than your average HDD is to use PCI RAM Disks. It is RAM on a PCI board and you store the data there. Obviously it is still volatile but many PCI RAM Disks have their own power in take.
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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 17:39    Post subject:
These PCI RAM Disks are pretty useless these days. The maximum bandwith of the PCI Bus is 133MB/s, that's not much. The latest SCSI Models have a data rate of up to 100MB/s, and the adapters are available as 64bit or 66Mhz PCI versions, so they can achieve these high rates despite other traffic on the PCI bus. Now i don't know if 64bit PCI RAm Disks exits, but if so, they are sure as expensive as their PCI counter parts, SCSI drives are the better alternative.
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PostPosted: Mon, 7th Mar 2005 20:30    Post subject:
It is also about seek time, sdram PCI card disk seektime is somewhere 2-3 ms while fast HDDs are around 8 ms

Dont forget about PCI express

Old review of ramdisk http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,15632,00.asp
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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Mar 2005 20:18    Post subject: Updates

  • Added pci ramdisk links.
  • Added linux livecd section.
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