Paradise Lost: First Contact with Scam Artists [NR]
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64936
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 27th Oct 2013 02:19    Post subject: Paradise Lost: First Contact with Scam Artists [NR]

Official Site:
Release Date: Still unknown
Platforms: PC
Developer: Asthree Works
Genre: Action adventure/platformer/stealth
Mode(s): Single-player


Looks like the alien version of Mark of the Ninja Razz (well, sort of!)

Random creations of an insane mind / Screens from Bulgaria [Early Access]

Last edited by ixigia on Mon, 16th Jan 2017 15:20; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 26310

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Oct 2013 02:20    Post subject:
meh im tired of these platformers
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PostPosted: Sun, 27th Oct 2013 04:10    Post subject:
Looks great Very Happy

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Posts: 1982

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Oct 2013 04:20    Post subject:
Thanks men for platformer.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Oct 2013 08:05    Post subject:
Looks surprisingly fun! Shame about the "no release date" part Sad
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Oct 2013 20:17    Post subject:
lolozaur wrote:
meh im tired of these platformers
it looks fantastic

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Posts: 9901
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PostPosted: Sun, 27th Oct 2013 20:54    Post subject:
That does look pretty awesome! It has my interest now. Smile
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Posts: 555

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Oct 2013 20:58    Post subject:
Agree. That pixel art is amazing.

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Posts: 6102

PostPosted: Mon, 28th Oct 2013 00:37    Post subject:
Man,this loosk aweso-
sabin1981 wrote:
Shame about the "no release date" part :(

oh well.
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Posts: 2686
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PostPosted: Mon, 28th Oct 2013 01:22    Post subject:
I wished you would play the human instant of the snot monster
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Mon, 28th Oct 2013 09:12    Post subject:
lol, thats the whole point, at last something different from the standard shit.

game looks great, brilliant atmosphere, even from only looking at the trailer
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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Nov 2013 12:08    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Nov 2013 17:20    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Nov 2013 02:46    Post subject:
Everything Went Better Than Expected

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PostPosted: Sun, 1st Dec 2013 01:59    Post subject:

Very nice Very Happy

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 1st Dec 2013 02:21    Post subject:
WhiteBarbarian wrote:

Very nice Very Happy

Looks so much fun Very Happy I love the Shell > BONK! option Very Happy It has been funded now, 20 hours to go and they're at $130k of $70k needed - but it doesn't look like they're going to hit some of the larger stretch goals, which is a shame but as long as the base game is fun then it doesn't really matter Smile
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64936
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Dec 2013 02:22    Post subject:
It's coming along really nicely. Love the fact that the various approaches are so different, it's almost like playing two separate games. Thanks for the update =)
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Sep 2014 19:44    Post subject:
Update #30: Lost in Paradise: schedule and development state

After a few months full of troubles and changes on the design process, we needed to carefully meditate about the release date of Paradise Lost: First Contact, and the difficulty to have it on time.

More @


tl;dr --> Best-case scenario delayed till mid 2015 Sad

Last edited by WhiteBarbarian on Tue, 27th Oct 2015 23:56; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Oct 2015 23:55    Post subject:
Update #40: Development state and new project: GOTY

As we informed you a week ago we were working extra hours to launch a campaign for a new project and here it is. We think that transparency is key and that's the reason we wanted you to know about this new game since day one... For us is extremely important to keep being crystal clear about all things concerning not only Paradise Lost, but all the stuff we are working on.

The story so far

Taking a look back at last year from the perspective of development, we didn’t stop fantasizing about how things would have been if we had made different choices. 2014 was going to be a major step for us. Our project obtained financing and we were able to devote to full time development and bring PLFC to life. We engaged in a work schedule that filled us and we loved it. Working on what you really like is a luxury, but nobody tells you about the sacrifices you must do to fulfill your dreams.

Communication problems and the lack of a common goal led us to rethink the initial formation of the team and so we lost a friend, colleague and partner. It was a blow, but the worst part was having to let go all the game’s code: A year of development to the trash. All our hopes were suddenly gone and having to watch how an important part of your project dissapears was pretty fucked up. We had to rise above that and continue making the game. We made a promise to all of you, and that’s not gonna change.

With the things learned and the hard work made by our programmer Carlos we were able to improve a lot of features, like AI and certains aspects of gameplay. We even managed to add stuff that we thought impossible like pixel art rotation, which became a featured asset on the Unity store.
This doesn’t mean that everything is done and lot of stuff is yet to be made, plus working so long in a game that had an initial forecast of a single year burned out both Sigrid and I. The frustration of starting all over again is something that is there, like a thorn.

Summer arrived and we felt that more than a good rest we needed an outlet for our creativity, avoiding to get stuck and stay fresh with new concepts, so we started to create GOTY from time to time outside work hours. After a while we realized that this pastime could become something more, so we decided to polish it. The game seemed fun to play and we decided to give it a chance on Kickstarter.

Why now? Because this project is a way to reflect our current experience as game developers and also address from a positive perspective the problems that happen frequently in game development, specially if you are an independent dev. We felt the need to see if we are still sharp with original concepts.

If the project has any success, we’ll promise all of you that it won’t have a negative impact regarding Paradise Lost. As far as GOTY goes, it’s an already-made project. Even with all the setbacks that have happened so far, we’ve given you constant info and material to back our words, and we’ll continue to do so month after month. PLFC is our beloved child and we are working hard on it to give you a playable sneak peak ASAP.

More @

Oh for fuck's sake Neutral

ixigia wrote:
*sad trombone*

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 00:00    Post subject:
So in other words, "fuck all our backers, we're working on something new and if it succeeds then Paradise Lost will be completed and if it fails; it won't"

Another piece of shit "indie" developer that actively stole $144k of people's money and is now going back to KS to ask for more for a completely unrelated project. And... of course... there are people defending it in the comments.
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Dr. Strangelove

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PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 00:11    Post subject:
Can't say I'm surprised. These kinda people will make sure the kickstarter well dries up really quickly.
Two things you can always count on in people. Ambition and greed.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 00:19    Post subject:
I can't believe what I'm reading, I just can't. They GAVE AWAY all the code to the ONE programmer they had, since he had a fit and left the company, and they didn't want to push the matter because it would have been too tough? It's easy for them to piss away a hundred and forty-five grand of someone ELSE's money, because they have nothing to lose. Then creating another Kickstarter for a card game that is mocking their previous campaign as a "joke"?

Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64936
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 02:00    Post subject:
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 06:56    Post subject:
lol what a bullshit excuse

are they literally saying that one guy and one guy alone had access to the code? so was this just on his machine or something?

imagine doing software development without using version control in the year of our lord 2015

this is like the bullshit my classmates who clearly just spent the weekend drinking, gave my professors back in computer engineering. oh sorry my project was on this diskette and this one diskette (fuck i'm old) alone. and my cat formatted it.

they must really think their backers are complete idiots if they think this other bs game is getting funded. let me predict that if this goty thing gets funded, that's not getting made either.

Gustave the Steel
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PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 10:05    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
And... of course... there are people defending it in the comments.

Yeah,apologists are everywhere.I like the "they have no legal obligation to deliver to you crybabys" part Laughing

It`s like asking for 50 bucks from a buddy and when he comes to collect it a month later you ask "what 50$,i don?t know anything about 50$"

paxsali wrote:

Now, I don't know what hardware costs in Poland, I guess it's cheaper because everything is stolen from Germany and resold...
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Posts: 14717

PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 11:02    Post subject:
AKofC wrote:

this is like the bullshit my classmates who clearly just spent the weekend drinking, gave my professors back in computer engineering. oh sorry my project was on this diskette and this one diskette (fuck i'm old) alone. and my cat formatted it.

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 15:29    Post subject:
Yeah, they reckon that because they only had one programmer.. he owned all the work and that it would have been a legal battle to get it when the team split. Never mind that he'd already been paid for the work Facepalm This whole thing reminds me of Confederate Express and Knuckle club;

Another pair of indie devs showing off gorgeous pixel art. They run a successful campaign. Take a lot of people's money and just give random pretty GIFs as "status updates" for over a year. Then some random excuse about why it's delayed. Go quiet. Come back with a surprise announcement of ANOTHER Kickstarter they're running. That fails. They disappear and become internet celebrities for squatting in someone's apartment >_>
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Posts: 4638
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PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 15:33    Post subject:
Legal battle? How? Doesn't the code belong to the company he was making it for? For which he received compensation?

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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 28th Oct 2015 15:35    Post subject:
vaifan1986 wrote:
Legal battle? How? Doesn't the code belong to the company he was making it for? For which he received compensation?

You'd think so, wouldn't you?
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Posts: 6004
Location: Russia
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Dec 2015 19:19    Post subject:
Update #41: Pre-alpha footage and tech issues


Well it took us a little more than expected to make a proper gameplay presentation, but it's finally here

We wanted to show you a sample as close as possible to the final version of PLFC, and for this we had to include elements that we planned to address later like the transition between stages or the inclusion of sound elements

Full update @

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