The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth/Afterbirth/Repentance
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Apr 2013 10:07    Post subject: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth/Afterbirth/Repentance
The remake is coming to PC as well:

Also the original sold 2 million copies (thanks to HIB no doubt).

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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Apr 2013 14:12    Post subject:
now this is something to look forward to
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Apr 2013 14:19    Post subject:
Meh just start making Super Meat Boy 2 already, one of the best games ever Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 10:11    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 10:12    Post subject:
That was...different..
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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 10:16    Post subject:
that. was. .that. was. that.... was .....

3080, ps5, lg oled

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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 10:31    Post subject:
Frap Frap Guy

2014... so much waiting

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1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 10:45    Post subject:
Hehe... these guys have some really twisted minds!

Last edited by DarkRohirrim on Wed, 21st Aug 2013 11:11; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 11:02    Post subject:
Reminds me a bit of salad fingers... the creepyness that is Laughing

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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 11:12    Post subject:
and it still is true to the game Very Happy Hope that rebirth will not be flash based
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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 15:13    Post subject:
Nope, it won't be flash, thats the point of remake Razz. I think Ed even spoke that flash was holding him back, because it started lagging too much if there was too much shit on screen. I think it is written in c++. Anyway can't wait for it, isaac is my most played game last year.
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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 15:23    Post subject:
Rebirth will not be in flash, it will be done to look like a SNES game.
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PostPosted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 16:50    Post subject:
looking forward to it. I still often put on some music and play isaac. epic game.

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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Jan 2014 21:54    Post subject:
The Binding of Isaac Rebirth 2014 Q&A!
most interesting ones
Q:Is rebirth an expansion? and what will make it different than the old game?
A: not only is rebirth a fully remodeled and revamped and greatly improved version of isaac + wrath of the lamb, but it will also feature so much content that the game will almost be doubled in terms of new enemies, items, characters, endings, secrets, rooms, chapters, challenges and a shit load of very new and unexpected additions.

Q:I hear there will be multiplayer! tell me more about it! or else!
A: there will be local co-op only. how this will work is still being tested so i cant give any details on it just yet.

Q:What stage of development are you?
A: beyond the half way point. id say 85% of the art is done and almost all the games old content has been remade in the new engine.

Last edited by prudislav on Wed, 29th Jan 2014 22:48; edited 1 time in total
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Jan 2014 22:43    Post subject:
Fuck Yeah

"Fuck Denuvo"

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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Jan 2014 22:49    Post subject:
only local multiplayer
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Jan 2014 04:48    Post subject:
never understood why people liked this game ?

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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Jan 2014 09:03    Post subject:
Because it is amazing. The mechanics are simple yet diverse. Each run is different. There are around 200 gameplay altering items many of which uniquely interact with each other. It's challenging yet not frustratingly so. (unlike say boshy or even smb sometimes). It is also artistically very well made. The visuals and the soundtrack are very consistent and have clear direction. And it costs like 3 bucks. What's not to like?

Oh and I forgot to add. It doesn't require a huge time investment. Winning runs are arount 30-40 minutes after you've unlocked the alternative final chapters. Before that and if you die it's even less. Sure you can spend hours re-rolling items and backtracking with the d6 if you want to but it's a very different type of fun.
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PostPosted: Thu, 30th Jan 2014 12:33    Post subject:
dsergei wrote:
Because it is amazing. The mechanics are simple yet diverse. Each run is different. There are around 200 gameplay altering items many of which uniquely interact with each other. It's challenging yet not frustratingly so. (unlike say boshy or even smb sometimes). It is also artistically very well made. The visuals and the soundtrack are very consistent and have clear direction. And it costs like 3 bucks. What's not to like?

Oh and I forgot to add. It doesn't require a huge time investment. Winning runs are arount 30-40 minutes after you've unlocked the alternative final chapters. Before that and if you die it's even less. Sure you can spend hours re-rolling items and backtracking with the d6 if you want to but it's a very different type of fun.

I agree, i especally like that runs don't take long, if you have half an hour you can play it and the randomization keeps it fresh every time. I have played it for 180 hours and i can't wait to get my hands on this remake.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

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PostPosted: Thu, 17th Apr 2014 01:49    Post subject:


Like a boss Laughing

More new stuff here:
I loved the original game, so this is definitely something I'm very looking forward to Razz
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 08:28    Post subject:

New Boss
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Jun 2014 17:44    Post subject:
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Jun 2014 18:03    Post subject:
prudislav wrote:

New Boss

woot,That's rather nice Cool

"Fuck Denuvo"

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PostPosted: Tue, 17th Jun 2014 10:24    Post subject:

+ info on Coop:
Ok, lets talk co-op.

as many of you know, one of the biggest and easily one of the most fun additions to Rebirth is local single screen co-op.. and here is how it works.

when you are playing isaac, a friend/mom/soul mate can join you by pressing start on the 2nd controller (or 1st controller if you are playing with the keyboard).. like so.

As jou can see joining a game steals a container heart from the main player and spawns in a little floating baby, i had originally though of them as isaacs imaginary friends, but calling them babies is just more fitting.

when a 2nd player spawns in, both players damage/tears are lowered to balance things a bit, but every aspect of whatever items isaac has at the time of spawning are applied to the baby, including usable items.

P1 still controls when items are used.. so its good to communicate and strategize.

but it wouldn’t really embody the isaac spirit without some element of random generation… that’s where the baby generator comes in.

each time you start a new game, or a baby dies, when p2 joins a game their baby avatar is randomly picked from a very large list of babies.

a lot of the baby forms are just cosmetic, but there are also quite a few “special babies” that each come with their own abilities.

but a 2nd player is OP as is! doesnt adding special babies make things even more of a walk in the park? well much like pills, every special baby has a “cursed” counter part. so there is just as much of a chance in spawning a baby that will randomly spawn a troll bomb every 1-2 min. as getting a baby that heals p1 when it dies.

aside from normal, special and cursed babies, rebirth will also feature a full set of unlockable babies that are tied to specific characters aka maggy will have a higher % chance of generating a maggy themed baby once you have unlocked it.

here is a little assumed faq for co-op.

    -co-op is local play only.
    -co-op IS NOT online in anyway (aka you can only play with someone in real life next to you)
    -p2 can only join of p1 has more than one container heart.
    -p2 can steal life from p1 by pressing start, but cant steal any life if p1 has only one heart left.
    -there are NO co-op related requirements to gain platinum god.
    -there will be some co-op related achievements.
    -the game will be balanced so co-op wont be as OP as you would assume
    -p2 flys, but cant pick up any items.
    -once p2 dies when they respawn their baby is randomly chosen again.
    -p2 can leave play giving p1 back their life at any time, but if they spawn back in they will be using the same baby.
    -its a lot more fun that you would imagine Smile

Danielle and i have been playing co-op a ton since it was implemented and i can honestly say it totally changes the experience, its a great addition for anyone who has a friend/significant other to play with and is an awesome way to get new players into the game.
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PostPosted: Tue, 17th Jun 2014 12:49    Post subject:

cant. wait. any. longer.
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PostPosted: Wed, 18th Jun 2014 21:30    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jul 2014 20:52    Post subject:
i've said many times that rebirth will be much larger than the original + the expansion were, put together, but i thought it might be time to talk more in depth about exactly how.

so 1st off the base game + wrath of the lamb boasted 198 items, currently rebirth features well over 450 items, not to mention a lot more common item pick ups like the lil battery, black heart, new card types and a lot of double items like the key ring.

Rebirth will also feature over 50 new enemies (not counting bosses) and will also include the addition of color specific champion variations that each will have their own new way of killing you.

Rebirth will feature 15+ new bosses, but a new (and very fun) addition to these bosses are the “double trouble” boss fights, kind of like a curse for the boss rooms that forces you to fight 2 previous chapter bosses at once in a larger sized room.

But my personal favorite HUGE addition to rebirth is the number of new rooms and the control i now have over each one.

for those that dont know, isaacs levels are composed of randomly selected rooms placed in a map that forms a logical and completable floor. each of these rooms that can be placed into a floor i design in a level editor.

the old game featured 150 rooms per chapter (basement, caves, depths, etc)… but Rebirth will boast well over 500 rooms per chapter (counting large rooms as 1 room).

this huge addition of levels makes things a lot more fun and interesting to play, on top of all the new rooms the new level editor allows me to do a lot of stuff i wasnt able to do before. i can now design rooms where doors are turned off, this makes it so i can create more dramatic and cool looking areas.

rooms now also feature a rarity slider, so i can design a room that is as rare to generate as the error room is to find… but on top of all of this im also now able to make anything in the room have a more rare alt to it. a good example being this room, there is a very small chance those metal bricks turn into rocks so the black heart becomes accessible..

these aspects might seem minor, but they allow for a seemingly endless game, to REALLY appear endless… you can only remember so many room layouts Smile

finally, rebirth will also feature 5 new special room types (like the arcade, sac room, devil room, etc) i wont be spoiling any of these so you can figure them out yourselves.. but they are all quite cool and im looking forward to reading about what you think the hidden purpose of each is…
i leave you with this…
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[Moderator] Consigliere

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PostPosted: Fri, 4th Jul 2014 01:04    Post subject:
Damn, sexy. Now all we need is a release date Razz
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PostPosted: Tue, 12th Aug 2014 08:04    Post subject:

the closer we get to release the less i want to spoil.. but i did promise you a video.. so here is the 1st vid of rebirth in [b]its near final state[/b]. we are still tweaking things visually and the game is missing a few sound effects but this is basically what you will be getting on release.
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PostPosted: Fri, 5th Sep 2014 14:51    Post subject:

IT'S HAPPENING! The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth coming to PlayStation 4, PS Vita and Steam on November 4, 2014!

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is more items, more enemies, more bosses, local co-op, all-new art direction and a killer new soundtrack that will BLOW YOUR MIND.

Limited-time loyalty discount for owners of the original!

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