TrueType Font for viewing ansi graphics
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Posts: 18
Location: The Earth
PostPosted: Wed, 9th Mar 2005 18:30    Post subject: TrueType Font for viewing ansi graphics
I'm looking for a truetype font to display ansi graphics on a website. Currently using Lucida Console (patched) font, but it doesn't display all chars correctly. Also tried NetTerm OEM font but noticed problem too with this one (was better than lucida, but..).

So, if any1 have ideas or fonts (TTF) to share, please let me know. They could be GDF fonts too as I'm admin of that site. But then I need little help on how to use them.

EDIT: Forget to mention that the site is running: Apache v2.0.48 (Win32)/PHP v4.3.4 with GDLib v2
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Posts: 27

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Mar 2005 23:12    Post subject:
Have you tried Terminal font? are am i missing the point?
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Posts: 93

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 08:09    Post subject:
Terminal font sux, its to small. The patched Lucida Ansi font is not complete, its missing 2 characters resulting in a shit display (Þ and Ý).

DAMN NFO viewer has its font embedded, i tried to get it with a resource hacker, but it seems to be compressed with a tool i dont know (tried the 3 i know, no luck).

The other ones existing come with DizNFO which is no true type font but a bitmap (? i think) font, not working on 2k3+ systems.

Also the IBM Terminal font often used is in this old format.

I tried patching that Lucida Console ANSI font but that resulted in shit ... i dont know why, but im no font expert.

If someone is there with a good True Type (so TTF) font ... please let him post here since there is no good font around... atleast i cant find it (and so do more sinds this is not the first topic about it.)


Hm, I just tried the NetTerm OEM font and that actually seems to do pretty good. Only problem is that the light and half light blocks are a bit to bright... I prefer the DAMN NFO viewer font ...


Hm... NetTerm OEM font doesnt like color changing (black box stays black... even if you set the front color white and back color black.... Sad
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[Admin] Code Monkey

Posts: 1338

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 14:07    Post subject:
The DAMN NFO Viewer is using the OS's Terminal font. Just thought you should know Smile

BTW, i think there are some apps around that can convert bitmaps to fonts. Go dig alittle.

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Posts: 93

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jun 2005 14:30    Post subject:
[mrt] wrote:
The DAMN NFO Viewer is using the OS's Terminal font. Just thought you should know Smile

BTW, i think there are some apps around that can convert bitmaps to fonts. Go dig alittle.

It does not, it can use 3 different fronts, containing terminal font yes, but that gives a wrong "aspect ratio" on the image. It has its own patched lucida console on default which looks the best.

I checked: Courier new (patched) Lucida Console (wrote as concole... typo i think, also patched) and terminal font (default).

Terminal gives a to small image, Courier looks a bit better, but also not optimal, Lucida Console gives the best result...

I assume nforce uses a true type font combined with gdlib in PHP (else I would be stunned and happy to hear the pro's for not using it Smile), why make such a big problem off releasing it?
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[Admin] Code Monkey

Posts: 1338

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jun 2005 00:48    Post subject:
No, its not a true-type font we're using. Its a bitmap font on which we worked very hard on.

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PostPosted: Sun, 24th Jul 2005 21:55    Post subject:
if i understand correctly, you're looking for a ttf to display the old ascii line chars...

check out microsoft's linedraw

i googled "linedraw ms"

now nfo graphics show up right on this computer
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Jul 2005 21:37    Post subject:
I have already made the perfect .nfo viewer.
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Feb 2006 18:21    Post subject:
How can I convert my vgaoem.fon to TrueType? It's neccesarry because the php's imagettftext() handle only the TrueType Fon which is based on linux.
Thank you for your help!
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