If you're not the US govt then you're 2nd class costumer MS
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Posts: 1357

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 00:40    Post subject: If you're not the US govt then you're 2nd class costumer MS
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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 10:20    Post subject:
Don't know what so say about this but governments, army and and the air force is pretty serious stuff. But It's unfair off course.
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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 10:27    Post subject:
actually this is great news, now these poor idiots can beta test ms patches before they are unleashed to the masses! MS has the habit to release patches and withdraw some of them because they are bugged, and this way .gov is making the beta test before our sms servers deploy them Smile, again, really great news, i'm serious guys Smile
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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 10:34    Post subject:
On the other hand this isn't really news, as several governement sectors have been able to do this since last year.
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Posts: 1357

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 11:57    Post subject:
They're just screwing costumers by letting them remain vulnerable for things that they have fixes for.
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Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 12:12    Post subject:
I hope it ends like this:

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Posts: 1357

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Mar 2005 12:40    Post subject:
hehe ye, if these patches are leaked to hackers then they can reverse engineer them
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Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Mar 2005 06:00    Post subject:
Its probably not even the same patch they release to the public...govt/military os patches and civilian patches...I could so see it since the dod has duplicated or made profit from any major technological experiment/advancement etc

What like minded individuals should do is bring linux down to the simplicity of windows while maintaining its flexibility and make it available in mass quantity...internet, stores, tv etc. One big marketing event say in NA and Europe...u know what i mean, those things they do in the uk and in ny with the text messaging, coordinate rallies and shit.
That'd be cool and it would scare the shit outta microsoft...just an idea....
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