Easiest way to copy data from old server to new server?
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jun 2013 14:39    Post subject: Easiest way to copy data from old server to new server?
Simply, I want to move all user data, I guess moving /home/ folder will do it to my new host to avoid hassle for all users.

What would be the easiest way to achieve this?

Both servers run Debian.
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jun 2013 14:52    Post subject:
rsync Smile

Keeps all folders intact and everything.

While logged in on the new server:
- rsync -uvrz user@oldhost.com:/home/ /home/

(note the trailing slashes, they're important).

Also best to do it in a separate screen of course: screen -dmS filetransfer && screen -r filetransfer
Then hit CTRL+A and CTRL+D to detach once the transfer is running. You can reattach with screen -r filetransfer to see the progress.
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jun 2013 14:58    Post subject:
Werelds wrote:
rsync Smile

Keeps all folders intact and everything.

While logged in on the new server:
- rsync -uvrz user@oldhost.com:/home/ /home/

(note the trailing slashes, they're important).

Also best to do it in a separate screen of course: screen -dmS filetransfer && screen -r filetransfer
Then hit CTRL+A and CTRL+D to detach once the transfer is running. You can reattach with screen -r filetransfer to see the progress.

Tyvm, now to just wait! Smile
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Special Little Man

Posts: 15098
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PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jun 2013 15:21    Post subject:
Also, run that command again after you've updated the hostnames to sync any changed/new files. Rsync does that too Wink
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jun 2013 15:24    Post subject:
Werelds wrote:
Also, run that command again after you've updated the hostnames to sync any changed/new files. Rsync does that too Wink

Hehe even better, thanks, again.
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Posts: 3363

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jun 2013 19:41    Post subject:
naturally a chown pass is required for a new system with new user guids
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jun 2013 16:55    Post subject:
How about SQL? Should I just export the whole database and import it back on the new server?

EDIT: Well it was only a few databases I had to backup so just dumped them invidually
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Special Little Man

Posts: 15098
Location: 0100111001001100
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jun 2013 17:23    Post subject:
Late to the party, but if it's MySQL you can use mysqldump or simply copy the datafiles. Will also keep privileges intact Smile

Postgres...meh. Postgres requires a bit more work, as everything with that DBMS does. Postgres altogether is just horrible to work with, everything you want to do is extremely cumbersome.
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jun 2013 17:25    Post subject:
Werelds wrote:
Late to the party, but if it's MySQL you can use mysqldump or simply copy the datafiles. Will also keep privileges intact Smile

Postgres...meh. Postgres requires a bit more work, as everything with that DBMS does. Postgres altogether is just horrible to work with, everything you want to do is extremely cumbersome.

I thought mysqldump only worked for invidual databases? Or can it actually do one huge dump of everything you have? :O
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