Star Wars - The Force Unleashed II
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Fri, 28th May 2010 21:10    Post subject: Star Wars - The Force Unleashed II
PC Version Confirmed

will be handled by Aspyr Media

"Fuck Denuvo"

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PostPosted: Fri, 28th May 2010 21:13    Post subject:

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

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PostPosted: Fri, 28th May 2010 21:48    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 28th May 2010 22:06    Post subject:
yuri999 wrote:

OMG! we all feel the damage from the first game.....i think i pass on this game Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 255

PostPosted: Fri, 28th May 2010 22:07    Post subject:
The first one was the first game I couldn't play on my pc due to hardware limitations. (If you call a P4 processor piece of hardware of course) It ran at 6 fps.

I'm planning to buy a new pc when Next gen Atis hit the market though.
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PostPosted: Fri, 28th May 2010 22:14    Post subject:
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Fri, 28th May 2010 23:19    Post subject:
ixigia wrote:
We could expect a straight port then.

Yeah, because the first one was so well optimised Laughing

Bet this is gonna be just as terrible Sad
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
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PostPosted: Fri, 28th May 2010 23:39    Post subject:
pwerelds wrote:
ixigia wrote:
We could expect a straight port then.

Yeah, because the first one was so well optimised Laughing

Bet this is gonna be just as terrible Sad

I didn't want to mention the previous title but yeah, obiouvsly my sentence missed the adverb again Smile
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 10:49    Post subject:
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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 11:25    Post subject:
pwerelds wrote:
Need a new JO/JA Sad

Crying or Very sad

Per aspera ad astra
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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 11:34    Post subject:
Jedi Academy was KICK ASS! Very Happy but a little too short. Imagine what a great online community that could be if they made another with a big multiplayer part on Steamworks with dedi servers and an sdk for the modders...
Well, one can dream...

"Sometimes when you do things right, people are not sure you've done anything at all." -- God (Futurama)
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 12:00    Post subject:
maul_inc wrote:
Jedi Academy was KICK ASS! Very Happy but a little too short. Imagine what a great online community that could be if they made another with a big multiplayer part on Steamworks with dedi servers and an sdk for the modders...
Well, one can dream...

You mean how great that community in fact was? Despite the relatively low amount of people actively playing it, there are tons of good mods for JO/JA. And then there's little things like the code of conduct regarding duels and shit that was respected for the most part Razz

That's what FU should be, but unfortunately we get a crappy port with terrible controls Sad
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Posts: 917
Location: the Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 13:22    Post subject:
I want goddamn SW: Republic Commando 2 ffs. Mad

If i remember correctly the first game ended with quite a cliffhanger as where one of the squad-members got attacked and separated or something.

Mmm, maybe ill install it again later Very Happy
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Posts: 23008
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 14:45    Post subject:
as i don't care where i play my games this is just good news Very Happy

But this is the type of game that works really well on the 360 anyways
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 14:49    Post subject:
I never unerstood why a dev studio would let its game get butchered by a second grade porting company. How stupid can one be?
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Posts: 347

PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 15:35    Post subject:
The first game was shit, even if it wasn't ported and was pc only it would have been shit.

This game, it will be shit unless they completely make it into a new and different game which they obviously are not doing because its a sequel to the first. So expect a big pile of flaming shit I just hope you are not dumb enough to buy it.

Facts & figures on obesity: Obesity is one the major health challenges worldwide and has become an epidemic over the last decades. Europe has the highest number of overweight and obese people in the world. The number of obese people has in fact tripled over the last 20 years in the Europe, according to the WHO. Today, over 130 million people are obese in Europe; approximately 10%-20% of men and 15%-25% of women. In addition, 400 million people are overweight in Europe.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 15:41    Post subject:
It was a very nice but arcady game on the Xbox, perfectly captured the Star Wars feel imo. Not every game has to be complex.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 15:44    Post subject:
Mister_s wrote:
It was a very nice but arcady game on the Xbox, perfectly captured the Star Wars feel imo. Not every game has to be complex.

This. Hell, I'd go as far as to say this was quite a nice successor to the Jedi Outcast games.... though by saying that I'm well aware I've just signed my own gamer death warrant Sad

So when the inevitable angry, pitch-fork wielding, mobs show up at my door; could you please just lynch ME and leave my wife out of it? Thanks.
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Posts: 347

PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 15:47    Post subject:
I can think of 50 star wars games that captured the star wars feel and were fun and were not complex. Shit I rather play star wars battlefront than this and that was godawful to.

And of course it captured the star wars feel it was a fucking star wars game, they just ripped everything out of the movies and stuck it into the game instead of making an original star wars story line like all the other star wars games that have come out over the years, the light saber fighting and force powers sucked the game was super clunky and you just felt trapped in the levels, it wasn't even fun or enjoyable to star wars fans or video game fans.

But if having a nice arcadey game to play for a day or two for 60 bucks is good enough for you I envy you.

Facts & figures on obesity: Obesity is one the major health challenges worldwide and has become an epidemic over the last decades. Europe has the highest number of overweight and obese people in the world. The number of obese people has in fact tripled over the last 20 years in the Europe, according to the WHO. Today, over 130 million people are obese in Europe; approximately 10%-20% of men and 15%-25% of women. In addition, 400 million people are overweight in Europe.
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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 15:49    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Mister_s wrote:
It was a very nice but arcady game on the Xbox, perfectly captured the Star Wars feel imo. Not every game has to be complex.

This. Hell, I'd go as far as to say this was quite a nice successor to the Jedi Outcast games.... though by saying that I'm well aware I've just signed my own gamer death warrant Sad

So when the inevitable angry, pitch-fork wielding, mobs show up at my door; could you please just lynch ME and leave my wife out of it? Thanks.

Well, I'm not gonna lynch you Wink as I don't think the first game sucked hard, but I do think that the Jedi Knight series is in a different league than TFU.

Btw. the pc port wasn't that bad Imho, we all knew that it would be a demanding game but despite that, I was still able to run it with everything on high @1680X1050 on a q6600 2,40 ghz cpu and a geforce 8800GTS(G92) and the game was still fun, but nothing special. But I liked the story even if it was full of holes.
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 29th May 2010 17:07    Post subject:
I was very disappointed with force unleashed. It was pretty cool at first but the further I got in the game the more annoying the enemies became and the bosses were also pretty lame, so it just ended up not beeing fun at all.
You were supposed to be a badass but the gameplay made you feel like a weakling.

In Jedi Knight I always felt like a powerful...well... jedi knight.

For me, JK 1,2 and 3 were all miles better than force unleashed.... so I'm hoping that force unleashed 2 will be more like those games.
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Posts: 867

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2010 19:02    Post subject:
Here's some juicy tidbits about this awesome looking game!!!


Intel C2D E6600 @ 3gHZ - EVGA 680i (P24) - Sapphire HD4870 775/4200 - 2x1GB OCZ XTC Platinum @ 808mHZ - ASUS Xonar D2 PCI Ultra Fidelity - Logitec Z5500 - Windows 7 Ultimate RTM - Corsair TX750 PSU - Plextor SATA 16X 755SA - "Death is only the beginning"
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Posts: 4638
Location: Birthplace of the necktie.
PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2010 19:41    Post subject:
Still no dismemberment. What's the point of lightsabers if you can't cut peoples limbs off.
Just hope they got rid of the fucking green orbs.

i7 4790K @ 4.6GHz- Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 3 - 980 WF3 \o/ - 16GB Corsair - WD 4TB - Mountain of SSDs - Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24''
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VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2010 20:35    Post subject:
Ratings most likely, blood is usually OK but dismemberment (Even without blood in the case of burn like injuries from "laser".) is usually given more strict ratings, gore in general as well.
(Depends on implementation of course, fantasy violence as ESRB calls it is usually just given T whereas intense violence as it's called in titles like Manhunt 2 - which actually uses very little actual dismemberment but very vivid animations and a lot of blood are given M or even AO though that is very rare, AO in the US ESRB is mostly for sexual content or extreme violence and 18+ PEGI usually needs strong sexual content or various mixes of sex, violence, drugs, language and such.)

Anyway in short (And as is rather obvious.) they see it as that it'll sell better as more people can buy it directly. Smile
(No issues with Germany and similar strict nations either.)

EDIT: Dismemberment can still usually work on most monster like characters and robotic ones.
(Various other SW titles demonstrates this rather well.)
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Posts: 1886

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2010 21:22    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:

Hell, I'd go as far as to say this was quite a nice successor to the Jedi Outcast games....

I'm with you there. I enjoyed the first one quite a bit after my expectations were brought down by the resident rabble on here.
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Posts: 11914

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2010 22:41    Post subject:
vaifan1986 wrote:
Still no dismemberment. What's the point of lightsabers if you can't cut peoples limbs off.
Just hope they got rid of the fucking green orbs.

Yeah, the first game really suffered because of this. Games like Assassin's Creed II and FO3 have (among countless others) shown that M-rated games can sell just as well as any.
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Posts: 4638
Location: Birthplace of the necktie.
PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2010 23:05    Post subject:
When I first heard of Force Unleashed, i had grand visions of epic saber battles where timing and skill is paramount for victory. Instead I played a lightning spam fest. And I wanted to gouge my stomach out with a spoon at the part when you pull the cruiser down.

I almost bought the game. Thank beejebus I'm a cheap bastard.

i7 4790K @ 4.6GHz- Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 3 - 980 WF3 \o/ - 16GB Corsair - WD 4TB - Mountain of SSDs - Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24''
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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Jun 2010 23:15    Post subject:
The saber combat was underwhelming to say the least.
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Posts: 2805

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jun 2010 00:07    Post subject:
I had my share of problems with the game at first, but then, after a patch or two i actually immensly enjoyed it. Sure, it's no Jedi Outcast/Academy, but both the story and gameplay were very nice and enjoyable. Aside from the saber combat, perhaps, but even that had its own arcade'ish moments.

My biggest gripe with the game overall would probably be the controls. Mainly, it was really infuriating that i couldn't just use my mouse to select stuff and throw it around and had to relay on a crappy console "targeting" system while using the force. Or anything else for that matter.

The Force WAS fun, though, when it was unleashed Smile .
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Posts: 8692
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jun 2010 00:14    Post subject:
I bought STFU - Ultimate Sith Edition for PS3 and really enjoyed it. I won't buy STFU 2 right away, but when the price is right, it's mine Smile
For PS3 ofcourse.

Intel i7 6700K, EVGA GTX1070 FTW, Kingston HyperX Fury 32GB
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