Can't format because disk is being used....
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2005 18:22    Post subject: Can't format because disk is being used....
When I try to format my cpu, (preloaded ntfs disk), I receive an error message saying that disk cant format because its being used, close any programs or windows using the disk and try again. simple enough u'd think? nope, not with fuckin windows...
Anyone know what i can do to fix?
If I remove the disk, format it on another cpu, im gunna lose the os as it came preloaded and I dont have a xp disc.
At the time of format:
I dont have any viruses/spyware/adware. No antivirus crap running. just the need process for windows and the keyboard and such....yet i still cant format...

If anyone can help, please, I need some
I dont have disk errors, memory errors, vcard errors, bios errors cpu is completely up to date in all respects....Im so fuckin stuck for
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VIP Member

Posts: 2972

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2005 18:33    Post subject:
uh i have never formatted my cpu's, i guess you are talking about partitions? Give us some more info: what partiton are you trying to format (system partiton?, primary or extended) and with what program, partiton magic?
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VIP Member

Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2005 18:52    Post subject:
If you can't format the partition/disk form windows do it from a linux livecd disk or the system restore feature on the windows disk.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2005 20:28    Post subject:
My C drive, which is my only hard drive, is the drive i am tryin to format.
its not partitioned and it came preloaded with the ntfs file system, as oppose to FAT32.
When I formatted it about 6 months ago, everything worked wiped the disk, reinstalled windows and preload appz. got the windows updates and i was good to go.
I went to format my disk about a week ago, and i received that error.
Unless I have some complex fuckin backdoor, I should be able to detect it. The trojan, worm etc. Im not an expert but I know a lil something about computers....thats why Im startin to get so bent as this crap. Nothing, as far as i can tell, after I shut down every single appz runnning besides windows, is using my disk....its not a hardware problem for sure, ive checked and rechecked the hd for errors, memory, vcard etc. All my device drivers are the newest versions...

So, if u guys can help at all, i'd be most greatful Very Happy
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VIP Member

Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2005 20:38    Post subject:
I don't see any logic here. You are trying to format you're only drive which you have Windows installed on from the OS itself?
If you on the other hand are trying to format the disk from a boot disk or something similar I don't see how it could be used.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2005 20:52    Post subject:
honestly, i dont understand it myself...with my old comp i had floppy set and cd's but this one came "preloaded"...before I formatted the first time, I looked around to see if i had misplaced the disk...I couldnt find it, phoned IBM, at which time they told me just to format as it will reload all the shit that came with it when I took it out of the box. So i did, and i worked great...went through a DOS format, formatted, restarted to dos, installed windows, installed preloaded appz and i was set.
But I cant because it's being used, so my computer says.
I guess its not just me who thinks its retarded...annoying tho, to say the least

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VIP Member

Posts: 2972

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2005 21:24    Post subject:
i already thought that it is an ibm notebook or pc. In this case your os was or hopefully is on a hidden partiton so you can restore it from there, you don't have to load dos. You have to press a certain F key to start this preload process. just look at the bios messages right after you turn your computer on, it should say what F key to press. You can't restore your os from the hidden partitoon if you have deleted it before. However you can order a windows xp cd from ibm, but that's quite expensive. ( Have i ever mentioned here that ibm is just another one of those ripoff companys like apple Evil or Very Mad)
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Mar 2005 06:07    Post subject:
yeah, but i had to get it, was on gf's credit at the time and shit, only way...mind u, ive upgraded most of the hardware.....I dunno, maybe I have a virus that's really tricky or some shit.
Eventually, I'll figure it out
thanks for the help tho
to everyone
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