Police Quest Kickstarter by Jim Walls
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PostPosted: Tue, 16th Jul 2013 12:53    Post subject: Police Quest Kickstarter by Jim Walls

ABOUT THE GAME Precinct takes players on a police adventure as officer Maxwell Jones in the corrupt town of Fraser Canyon, CA. Starting out as a rookie and then moving up the ranks, players face adrenaline charged scenarios and conduct real police procedures while solving crimes and arresting perpetrators.

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PostPosted: Tue, 16th Jul 2013 13:07    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 03:16; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue, 16th Jul 2013 13:07    Post subject:
It looks like it's going to be more SWAT than Police Quest i.e. multiple choice actions which lead to a certain outcome.

Police Quest was more a real adventure game but one where you were heavily tied to Police regulations. Sometimes it went way over the top but it was always a game for those obsessed about police codes and such. I wonder how well they can achieve this in a modern game without making the gamer read a massive manual.
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PostPosted: Tue, 16th Jul 2013 13:37    Post subject:

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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PostPosted: Tue, 16th Jul 2013 13:46    Post subject:
Thx for sharing this. My first thoughts were: Wow... Jim Walsh is in it too! I played all the PQ games on Amiga and loved them all. Hell, they even made me want to join the police mysel!

But the movie on Kickstarter didn't convince me. It's nice to see old classic heroes reunite on some parking lot (which felt a little like a scene to me), but it says nothing about their game or concept. After seeing the "ingame" footage, I think this looks more like a milk cow then an ambition with a clear vision. The car was driving on a rails, and the steering wheel totally didn't match it's movements... Ending with a black scene and only being able to show some vague sketches tells me to stay away from this.. for now..
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PostPosted: Tue, 16th Jul 2013 14:15    Post subject:
Can you imagine today's derps trying to figure their way around this? Laughing

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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PostPosted: Tue, 16th Jul 2013 14:22    Post subject:
This is a series I'd love to see revitalized but I have zero confidence in kickstarter any more. Even seeing a kickstarter campaign launched doesn't give me any sense of excitement or hope
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PostPosted: Tue, 16th Jul 2013 14:30    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 03:16; edited 1 time in total
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[Moderator] Consigliere

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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jul 2013 01:29    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
Awwwwww yeah Very Happy

So many memories So Much Win. We need more stuff like this..we really do. Hope it won't disappoint like some other recent KS project did. All they have to do is keep the concept intact, without bastardizing it too much..shouldn't be hard on paper.
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jul 2013 01:54    Post subject:
tonizito wrote:
Can you imagine today's derps trying to figure their way around this? Laughing

How is it any different than LA Noire?
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PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jul 2013 16:10    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
tonizito wrote:
Can you imagine today's derps trying to figure their way around this? Laughing

Shot the kid

hahahaha can you imagine that nowadays, they'd ban the game! LOL
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Wed, 17th Jul 2013 16:17    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
tonizito wrote:
Can you imagine today's derps trying to figure their way around this? Laughing

How is it any different than LA Noire?

la noire was mind-numbingly easy, they shoved evidence in your face, and each case was over just when it was getting interesting. it was like a more shallow phoenix wright with fancy facial mocap.
yes, police quest is different than la noire.
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PostPosted: Tue, 6th Aug 2013 21:38    Post subject:
Kickstarter has been cancelled though the started a new website and removed all the rewards.
You can pledge whatever you want and you will get a copy of the game.

Also you can buy stuff in their upcoming store.

Dear Friends,

As you know we are almost in the final week of our Kickstarter. As of this morning our project is just over 15% funded and it's clear that we're not going to hit our goal.

Throughout the project we've had a ton of great feedback from the community. It's clear you love Police Quest and Jim Walls, but there are questions about the project. One of the things we've heard is that you want to see more. You want to understand what the game is going to be like. How is it going to play? How is the first-person perspective going to work? What will the balance of action and adventure be?

These are all great questions and we want to answer them! So as of today we are shutting down our Kickstarter and launching a new and unique crowdfunding campaign at www.precinctgame.com. Our goal is to create a staged funding campaign that lets you see the vision in as little time as possible. Here's how the campaign works:

- You can pledge $1 or $100,000 -- support the project as much or as little as you would like. Whatever you choose to pledge, you will receive a DRM free copy of the game when it ships.

- Our campaign will be open-ended, meaning there's no deadline for funding. We will build each stage of the project as soon as we hit our target milestones, plain and simple.

- Our campaign has four funding milestones; $25K, $90K, $250K, $400K. At $25K we will begin building a playable prototype, which will be freely released to all backers. $90K will allow us to build a vertical slice. When we reach $250K we will begin building the game demo and at $400K we will build the full game.

- Because the current project rewards are so costly (taking up nearly $200K of the total amount we were trying to raise), we have decided to remove all rewards. All pledges will be used to directly fund the game. We will be opening an online store in the next few weeks so you can buy Precinct related merchandise -- including a Collector's Edition Boxed Set that so many people have asked for.

For more information about our new campaign you can visit http://www.joystiq.com/2013/08/06/precinct-kickstarter-canceled-moves-to-its-own-tiered-funding/ or view our FAQ at www.precinctgame.com.

I also want to announce we will have a dedicated Community Manager moving forward. Rudy Marchant is a hardcore fan, collector and curator of everything related to Sierra On-Line. He will be the voice of the commmunity, connecting the fans and game developers. He will also attend design and production meetings, bringing the thoughts of the community with him. We are extremely excited to have him on the team.

We still love Kickstarter! It's been a great platform and we will personally use it to support projects in the future. Our Kickstarter campaign has been truly amazing -- we wouldn't be where we are today without the help of our backers. We hope you'll continue to support Precinct and give us the opportunity to show you what our vision for the project has always been.

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Posts: 195

PostPosted: Thu, 8th Aug 2013 09:46    Post subject:
It's funny that these guys came up with funding milestones but forgot to bring any content. It's sad to see game developing turning into milk cows with all the crowd funding, early access crap etc etc.
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