EDIT: A pretty good watch:
It is pretty old video, WOTR has face customization available and more than two game modes compared to that video atleast.
Right now I'm very much leaning towards War of the Roses as the progression system is much better, much more customization, archery seems much more viable than in Chivalry which is one of the biggest reason I prefer it more.
Conquest is also good fun in in WOTR and it seems almost all Chivalry servers that are populated are FFA or Duel or stuff like that, I much prefer team orientated combat over those, and I'm not sure if Chivalry does but WOTR has 64 player servers which are immense fun aswell.
Blocking system is a bit more advanced in WOTR as you have to block to any direction to hit comes from and not just general hold down block to.. block.
Maps overall are imo better in WOTR aswell.
Also it seems to me that you can dominate anything in Chivalry by running in with a 2 hander and just cleaving everybody down.
Thoughts? These are just my personal views on them.
Last edited by Stige on Mon, 9th Sep 2013 17:51; edited 3 times in total
pussy archers
Yeah, those guys in WOTR pissed me off, I want sword bloodbath not to hunt those useless archers like rabbits. In M&B Warband during castle siege on 100+ server they are useful and needed.
Haven't played them long enough to choose my favorite (well, Chivalry only on free weekends) but I liked WOTR better. Probably because it was similar to M&B Warband.
last time i played WOTR the hit detection was awful, the movement was clunky and it used a stupid amount of resources
but i enjoyed chiv for what it is, its pretty accurate and when u get a game against a good player(s) its awesome fun
One of the reasons I made this thread, a lot of opinions seem to be from a long time ago during Beta or something.
Couldn't find much updated reading on the matter.
Find it kinda weird that people say the Vikings version is better but when I tried it, I honestly couldn't tell if it was a different game from WotR to begin with.
Chivalry all the way.
Immensely more satisfying than WoTR, in pretty much everything, from controls and "viscerality" (in a good way) to atmosphere and especially them glorious sound effects.
Wotr for me. Feels more rewarding than chivalry. The vikings alpha is a tad better in combat tho, it feels more fluent and arching feels nicer in that one. So I'm kind of puzzled why people say it's just a reskin (not going to say in its current state it got a lot of difference going on either tho).
Only played WotR, and it was very good. A shitton of stuff to customize, dozens of weapons, all modifiable with different materials and edge-grinds, lots of skills to make each class-slot as unique as you want, lots of armors, etc.
Also have to be very tactical about when, where and how to attack, since weapons have parts, so you can decapitate someone with the head of a halberd, but don't expect to do anything if only the shaft lands a hit on the heavy plate armor of the enemy. If you swing wildly like a noob, you'll die.
And yeah. Xbows can be OP, but they require a good player to aim at moving targets, and they need lots of time to reload (not to mention the need to be stationary), or just get a good helmet and headshots won't be one-shotting you any more.
Only played WotR, and it was very good. A shitton of stuff to customize, dozens of weapons, all modifiable with different materials and edge-grinds, lots of skills to make each class-slot as unique as you want, lots of armors, etc.
Also have to be very tactical about when, where and how to attack, since weapons have parts, so you can decapitate someone with the head of a halberd, but don't expect to do anything if only the shaft lands a hit on the heavy plate armor of the enemy. If you swing wildly like a noob, you'll die.
And yeah. Xbows can be OP, but they require a good player to aim at moving targets, and they need lots of time to reload (not to mention the need to be stationary), or just get a good helmet and headshots won't be one-shotting you any more.
That is why I got the damage reloader on my Xbow
Instakill anyone from headshot + combine that with zoom and it does become a bit OP.
Also the fast reloader gives darn fast reloads for Xbows aswell but I got sick of the "93 damage" headshots so I swapped it heh
And agreed yeah, hitting moving targets is pain in the ass, especially when they are nowhere near you, I just mostly whore points from shooting the enemy archers, easily like 450-500 pts per kill (Instakill+100, Headshot+100, Longshot+100, Damage +150-190)
Chivalry if you like immersive games. The weapons in Chivalry have much more "weight" and usually kills with 2-3 hits. It takes quite a time to be actually good in this game ( about 150-200 hours ) and even more to master it. It's a pure skill game ( of course you need some luck but if you are skilled in this game, good stats are almost guaranteed ).
This game will suck when you are doing bad though
Edit: Forgot to mention. The blocking in Chivalry is not just press block to block. If you play against players which are really good ( mouse dragging, feinting ) you have to time your blocks perfectly and aim at the weapon pin point. IMO blocking is the most fun part of Chivalry.
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