[X360/PS3] Grand Theft Auto 5 - Technical Discussion
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Posts: 8849
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 13:31    Post subject: [X360/PS3] Grand Theft Auto 5 - Technical Discussion
Please use this thread to discuss anything of a technical nature. As a helper, please find below the instructions on getting the recent x360 release working:

xxctxx wrote:
Instructions for JTAG/RGH Users:

1. The contents of each dvd are this:

DVD1 = Mandatory content Installation. You need this dvd to play the game
DVD2 = Single player + GTA Online

Which means the first dvd is just a normal DLC/additional installation and not an actual game.

2. Setup each DVD like this.


This DVD has to be installed on your console's internal HDD or a USB drive which was formatted using your console. The size of the USB drive should be enough for the entire disc. Extract DVD 1 using Xbox Backup Creator (or any other application you prefer) and copy the 'content' folder from the extracted files to your internal HDD or the external xbox formatted USB drive.

When you transfer your files, they should look like this


i.e. 1 folder called 00000002 and 4 files inside it.


Files from DVD 2 have to be treated like a normal game which means you can either make an ISOrip (using XBC or other apps) and use that on your JTAG/RGH or make the ISO into a GOD container.

NOTE: Do not make a GOD container of the first DVD, your game will not work if you do that.

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 13:38    Post subject:
For people that have bad dvd burning follow this tutorial and you will have 100% correct burns each time. I wasted a good few verbatims until I saw this.


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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 13:41    Post subject:
Horrordee wrote:
For people that have bad dvd burning follow this tutorial and you will have 100% correct burns each time. I wasted a good few verbatims until I saw this.


Keep in mind that guide assumes you have a ihas 124 B, the other revisions wont allow 8.738.846.720 bytes burning.
So you cannot flash your FW unless you got the B revision.
You have to use BurnerMAX from C4Eva, whcih in turn gives you no guarantees that it will work.

Last edited by Ace on Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:25; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 877
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 13:54    Post subject:
What is it I hear about a live profile being needed for playing GTA V? Even for single player? I don't have one on my RGH box. Sad
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Posts: 8849
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:04    Post subject:
grapper wrote:
What is it I hear about a live profile being needed for playing GTA V? Even for single player? I don't have one on my RGH box. Sad

Nor do I. I haven't tried it yet, but I think if you follow the instructions in my first post, copying the contents of disk 1 to the local drive, then it works.

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Posts: 313
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:17    Post subject:
The instructions for copying DVD1 are valid for cfw users. Just extract the contents like the example and copy it to the hard disk with horizon. Then you only have to burn disk 2 and play Very Happy

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:19    Post subject:
Horrordee wrote:
grapper wrote:
What is it I hear about a live profile being needed for playing GTA V? Even for single player? I don't have one on my RGH box. Sad

Nor do I. I haven't tried it yet, but I think if you follow the instructions in my first post, copying the contents of disk 1 to the local drive, then it works.

No. That sadly does NOT work. I tried it and I am stuck on loading screens with "Waiting for Cloud" indefinitely.

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:21    Post subject:
Can you create a live profile at a friends house, transfer it to USB and use that USB-stick for Live games?

miragui wrote:
The instructions for copying DVD1 are valid for cfw users. Just extract the contents like the example and copy it to the hard disk with horizon. Then you only have to burn disk 2 and play Very Happy

Should apply ro RGH users as well no?
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:23    Post subject:
grapper wrote:
Can you create a live profile at a friends house, transfer it to USB and use that USB-stick for Live games?

I wish. Sadly all of them are PS3 owners Laughing Laughing Laughing. I can't really think of anyone who has a xbox360.

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Posts: 8849
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:23    Post subject:
Przepraszam wrote:
Horrordee wrote:
grapper wrote:
What is it I hear about a live profile being needed for playing GTA V? Even for single player? I don't have one on my RGH box. Sad

Nor do I. I haven't tried it yet, but I think if you follow the instructions in my first post, copying the contents of disk 1 to the local drive, then it works.

No. That sadly does NOT work. I tried it and I am stuck on loading screens with "Waiting for Cloud" indefinitely.

That sucks.

Has anyone here been able to get it working via RGH on a console that's never connected to live?

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:27    Post subject:
Przepraszam wrote:
Horrordee wrote:
grapper wrote:
What is it I hear about a live profile being needed for playing GTA V? Even for single player? I don't have one on my RGH box. Sad

Nor do I. I haven't tried it yet, but I think if you follow the instructions in my first post, copying the contents of disk 1 to the local drive, then it works.

No. That sadly does NOT work. I tried it and I am stuck on loading screens with "Waiting for Cloud" indefinitely.

Did you disable Fakelive in Dashlaunch? If not try that.

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:27    Post subject:
yes..working on rgh... not / never connected tolive.

no dashlaunch, but latest dash installed
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:29    Post subject:
miragui wrote:
Did you disable Fakelive in Dashlaunch? If not try that.

I did. But if fakelive is disabled, then it will ask to sign online live profile.

So now you see the problem. It's just not going to work on people who never connected to live on their profiles.

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Posts: 8849
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:30    Post subject:
segobi has it working, so does everyone else. Why don't you follow the instructions and launch it as a GOD instead?

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:32    Post subject:
Eh? My setup is exactly as it is shown in first post.

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Posts: 8849
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:32    Post subject:
And you're attempting to book disk 2 as a GOD file, from NXE ?

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:34    Post subject:
Yep. Disk2 is GOD Format. Launching it straight from FSD.

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Posts: 8849
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:34    Post subject:
Przepraszam wrote:
Yep. Disk2 is GOD Format. Launching it straight from FSD.


Try NXE.

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Posts: 313
Location: Venezuela
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:36    Post subject:
Przepraszam wrote:
miragui wrote:
Did you disable Fakelive in Dashlaunch? If not try that.

I did. But if fakelive is disabled, then it will ask to sign online live profile.

So now you see the problem. It's just not going to work on people who never connected to live on their profiles.

I have never connected to live and it works fine. And believe me Fakelive gives more problems than it solves. Maybe if you remove all profiles and create a new offline profile it should work. Are you running the game from NXE or Freestyle?

i7 3770k, GTX980, 16GB Ram, SSD Raid0, Internet 3rd world shit not worth mentioning
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Posts: 13

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:36    Post subject:
Does the QUACK rls need to be run through zbgx360 ?

And what ere the chances of being banned when playing via xkey ?
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:37    Post subject:
I'm running game from Freestyle.

How do you run game from NXE? I never done it.
(Sorry, I just woke up after 2hrs nap after trying to get it work)

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Posts: 8849
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:41    Post subject:
If you put the game in the right place on your HDD, then it will appear in the games list on your NXE.

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Posts: 313
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:46    Post subject:
real_per wrote:
Does the QUACK rls need to be run through zbgx360 ?

And what ere the chances of being banned when playing via xkey ?

A 100% ban if you play before release date. Just run it through abgx to be sure.

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Posts: 313
Location: Venezuela
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:49    Post subject:
Przepraszam wrote:
I'm running game from Freestyle.

How do you run game from NXE? I never done it.
(Sorry, I just woke up after 2hrs nap after trying to get it work)

If you follow the instructions from the first post it shows up in NXE in the games list.

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:51    Post subject:
Eh. It doesn't but whatever. Does Disc2 in GOD format goes to /Content or /Content/0000000000000000\545408A7 as well?

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Posts: 313
Location: Venezuela
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:54    Post subject:
Przepraszam wrote:
Eh. It doesn't but whatever. Does Disc2 in GOD format goes to /Content or /Content/0000000000000000\545408A7 as well?

The GOD container of disk 2 should have same 545408A7 name. And goes here /Content/0000000000000000\545408A7

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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:55    Post subject:
Ok. Going to try it.

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Posts: 313
Location: Venezuela
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 14:56    Post subject:
Przepraszam wrote:
Ok. Going to try it.

It should work we all use the same hardware Very Happy

i7 3770k, GTX980, 16GB Ram, SSD Raid0, Internet 3rd world shit not worth mentioning
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 15:01    Post subject:
miragui wrote:
Przepraszam wrote:
Ok. Going to try it.

It should work we all use the same hardware Very Happy

Yea, but I fucked up something else meanwhile. Deleted DashLaunch and now I cannot boot into FSD at all and I'm going back to sleep Laughing Laughing Laughing before I do anymore damage Laughing

I will report later when I get everything fixed hopefully. Very Happy

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Posts: 1750
Location: Warren, MN
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Sep 2013 15:03    Post subject:
So I've got kind of a newbie question for XBox Backup Creator. I modded mine about a year ago and I honestly can't tell you how I did it since all of my documentation is at home and I'm at work. But I borrowed a friend's custom made device where I touch the wand to the circuit in order to change the firmware of the DVD drive connected to my computer.

But anyway, I have never used XBox Backup Creator as a I have a iHAS burner with Rev B so I have just burned everything. So, how does the Backup Creator interface with the hard drive? Plug it directly to a SATA port and run the program? A few years ago, a friend of mine gave me an external USB kit to plug an XBox hard drive up to a computer. I assume I could use that?
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