UI talk
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 4th Dec 2013 17:53    Post subject: UI talk
... So I am playing around with some nice CSS3 UI for a program I was developing here and it's really not easy to look professional and have all the nice features at once.

Am I adding too much gimmicks? Should I tone it down? But I don't want it to look boring. I don't want it to look like it did before.

How do you guys handle this, having a professional UI but not boring... f.e. nfohump. It is based on old html techniques. Tables everywhere, the layout in here could be done with ms word. That is what the internet was like ~10 years ago. We have now much more possibilities now. Why not use em?

for example something like this

you should extend your result pane to see it in "action".

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PostPosted: Wed, 4th Dec 2013 22:05    Post subject:
i think popups like that are fine as long as they don't alter the shape of the elements or do anything else crazy to potentially cause misclicks
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PostPosted: Wed, 4th Dec 2013 22:31    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 02:44; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed, 4th Dec 2013 22:55    Post subject:
As Interinactive said, it all depends on what you're building a site for. And on the target audience ofc.

"Quantum mechanics is actually, contrary to it's reputation, unbeliveably simple, once you take the physics out."
Scott Aaronson
chiv wrote:
thats true you know. newton didnt discover gravity. the apple told him about it, and then he killed it. the core was never found.

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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 4th Dec 2013 23:35    Post subject:
But that exactly is my question, why does the UI have to be more subtle for "business" usage? I want to write a hardware monitor. We already get the data and I will also implement some canvas, draw some charts and shit... Why does it have to look boring? For printing purpose I can always create a separate media print css...

oh btw i just used wingdings and shit and only the webkit css so pls only webkit browsers on windows Laughing

and I'm a bit drunk Smile

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PostPosted: Wed, 4th Dec 2013 23:57    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 02:44; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Dec 2013 00:03    Post subject:
I get that and I also know how to make the clean, bootstrapesque designs but it seems as if this type of gui is only acceptable in a codemasters game Sad I thought gamification is so important, why not gameify our user interfaces? Why not give the user a little bit more?

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PostPosted: Thu, 5th Dec 2013 00:16    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 02:44; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 5th Dec 2013 00:27    Post subject:
For my bit of IMO:
Unless Im using something to go 'wow thats cool looking" after a few uses I prefer clean, easy to get data at a glance, straight forward data. It can be elegant and stylish while still efficient and east to digest in a quick format, but entertaining to look at, and productive usually dont go hand in hand, you trade a bit of one for the other.

Like the codemaster menu's in games. I personally dont like them. Too gimmey and pointless.
After the 'ohh 3d menu that mesh with the environment' wore off after an hour I got annoyed with them. Waiting for the transition and animations between clicks, hearing the sound of "whoooshh" every time I change menus and the scene changes to match it.

I guess its trying to entertain, and be functional at the same time. Once the entertainment of it wears off, you notice the functionality of it suffers while it still tries to entertain you but isnt.
There is a very fine line between quality attention to detail and design while keeping maximum functionality, and coming across as gimmicky.

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Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Dec 2013 00:51    Post subject:
What do you guys think about impress.js?

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PostPosted: Thu, 5th Dec 2013 01:04    Post subject:
had to go look it up, found a few demos, its not bad.
Now if it was for data I was needing would be a bit annoying, trying to remember where it was and on what 'step' to go find it again.

Long as the creativity put into something fits with the context of the info its providing well I dont mind it. Where it feels like it part of the program itself, not something slapped on to 'jazz' it up for no gain...if that makes sense.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Dec 2013 01:06    Post subject:
So you guys are saying that we are forever bound to ms word look a like pages and minority report ui is just a dream? Sad

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PostPosted: Thu, 5th Dec 2013 01:13    Post subject:
Not saying that, I can enjoy a fancy UI long as it isn't to do with my productivity, or such.
Like if I'm doing work, give me the info as fast as I can get it, not as fancy as you can. I don't get paid to enjoy looking at stuff. I get paid for throughput and results Razz

I mean for example reading PDF's or book on an e-book, I enjoy the 'corner flip' animation with page sound. It adds to the illusion its a book, it may make turning pages a second longer, but I don't flip pages every 4-5 seconds. and its a good 'extra' that adds to the experience, not feel useless.

I wouldn't mind minority report style interface, but it would have to be for that purpose. to make the info more accessible, and easier to get thru. not so much like the actual movie where 90% of the Ui was twirly hightech circles, and boxes with 'techy edges' that had nothing on them to slowly fill in with typing text, so it looked 'busy' for the sake of looking 'OMG info overload".

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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