Man O' War: Corsair (Warhammer Naval Battles)
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PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Sep 2015 23:06    Post subject: Man O' War: Corsair (Warhammer Naval Battles)
Man O’ War: Corsair is a video game of high adventure, naval combat and exploration based on the Games Workshop classic Man O’ War table top game. Play as a rogue Captain of the Empire or Champion of Chaos, personally navigating your vessel in third person across the Great Western Ocean while plundering enemy ships, visiting ports, trading and making legends of your deeds across the land and sea! Engage in boarding actions, with direct control over your Captain and take the fight to the enemy.

Man O’ War: Corsair – Your Quest
Sail the seas plundering enemy ships, visiting ports, and trading. Dominate everything in your path with a fleet of ships at your back and watch people flee at the mere sight of you, leaving legends of your deeds in the history books and steel through the hearts of your enemies.

Man O’ War: Corsair – Explore and Fight
Captain a wide variety of unique sailing vessels, explore and trade whilst combating enemy ships in frantic naval action. There are not only ship’s cannons at you disposal; you can control powerful wizards who cast deadly spells, hire sharpshooters to target enemy crew from afar, and command Griffons and other lethal flyers.

Man o’ War: Corsair – Boarding Actions.
As well as sea battles, engaging in boarding actions with enemy vessels sees you walking the deck, blunderbuss in hand, attacking enemy crew. Loot the vessels or sink them, the choice is yours.

Man O’ War: Corsair – Enemies and Allies

Create your own character, and buy a variety of unique and deadly ships. Command allies from different races and fight many deadly enemies including:
Orcs, High Elves, Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Skaven, Pirates, Chaos, Sea Monsters and more!
Fierce storms, deadly fleets and terrible foes will block your path to ultimate glory.

Man O’ War: Corsair – The Old World
A captain in Man O’ War: Corsair can sail the coast of a huge continent in the Warhammer world. Visiting over 50 ports from Erengrad to Saratosa, the sea is yours to explore.
A heroic adventurer does not only have enemy ships to contend with. The deep and unexplored oceans hold terrifying creatures that few see and live to tell the tale.
These deadly creatures emerging from the deep sea will chill blood and drop jaws in equal measure. The wise would attempt to flee but those brave enough to tackle such creatures will be famed throughout the world.
Coming to PC in 2016

Here there be monsters….

FEATURES (tl;dr):
    • Sea based warfare - Engage in thrilling broadside battles and take command of your captain as you board enemy ships from an on deck perspective!
    • Huge game world to explore with over 50 ports
    • A huge variety of customisable vessel types and characters
    • Trade and fight with other Captains, vessels and ports
    • Hire wizards and other magical beasts to do your bidding
    • Command allies from different races and fight deadly enemies including -
      High Elves,
      Dark Elves,
      Sea Monsters and more!

    • Travel the huge environment day and night, and in all weathers.

Last edited by prudislav on Tue, 9th Aug 2016 09:35; edited 4 times in total
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Sep 2015 23:26    Post subject:
damn you and your clickbait title! expected something like this!!

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Posts: 5410

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Sep 2015 08:16    Post subject:
Jesus, GW sure is whoring out their IP for shovelware lately. They must really be taking a hit to their tabletop earnings.

Now where the fuck is my Necromunda game?
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PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Sep 2015 15:53    Post subject:
They don't show much and what they show looks rather horrible. Razz
Guess we'll see at a later date, but I don't have much hope for it being good.

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PostPosted: Tue, 29th Dec 2015 21:54    Post subject:
steampage live

Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/

Last edited by prudislav on Wed, 30th Dec 2015 00:04; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Tue, 29th Dec 2015 22:36    Post subject:

EDIT: Wait, no multiplayer??? Or yes? Text implies yes but Steam says "singleplayer". Now I'm confused.
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Posts: 11914

PostPosted: Tue, 29th Dec 2015 23:54    Post subject:
Looks like shite, so it better have good gameplay - there's so few good naval games, and Pirates! type games even less.
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PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2016 19:07    Post subject:

Introducing our latest Man O' War: Corsair gameplay trailer.
Coming to Steam Early Access on April 15th 2016!

How long will the game be in Early Access?
As long as it takes, but we’re aiming for around 4 months.
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PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2016 19:09    Post subject:
that movie looked
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2016 19:41    Post subject:
This looks as bad as that other Pirate game from those russians that got re-released man.

Enthoo Evolv ATX TG // Asus Prime x370 // Ryzen 1700 // Gainward GTX 1080 // 16GB DDR4-3200
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PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Mar 2016 19:59    Post subject:
I assume it has to be on Unity, right? Seems like a perfect match.
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PostPosted: Sat, 16th Apr 2016 10:51    Post subject:
out in early access .... from the steam reviews it looks like it has quite a potential
top steam review:
  • Ship combat is easy, accessible, and stresses fun over realism but still keeps the realistic feel alive. Combat is fast paced and rewards daring maneuvers.
  • Extremely unique ships with crazy weapons such as drills, catapults and boat rams makes each time you fight a new ship a new experience. Higher end ships are NOT just stronger copies of the smaller ships.
  • Warhammer universe inherently gives the game a lot of potential lore to work off of.
  • Easy to understand trade system takes the pain out trading while still allowing more advanced players the option to profit greatly if they are smart about which city needs what resource.

  • Only Orcs and Humans are currently in the game as well as the map being limited to the first few cities resulting in only a few hours of content being currently available.
  • Sailing is long and boring, even with a 2x time speed up it takes a bit too long to get anywhere especially when you have to run back and forth during quests.
  • There is severe graphical hitching when loading in new ships or cities. Framerate also is very inconsistent even on my GTX 970.
  • Quests need balancing, as many of the longer quests give you extremely low amounts of gold in relation to how much work you do.


    As someone who hated Naval Action for having long drawn out boring battles Man O’ War really hits the spot for me by providing fast paced, fun ship vs ship combat. Ship combat and control is simplified with you only needing to worry about the range of your shots and the direction of the wind, giving the game a more casual (but still deep) gameplay feel. The biggest problem with the game is that there is only a tiny bit of content available; you are restricted to only exploring around 1/10th of the map and interacting with only 4 factions which you will quickly run out of things to do with. While I don’t think this game is currently worth the price tag, I do think it is a game that will eventually grow into one of the best naval combat games available as it progresses through early access.
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sun, 1st May 2016 18:29    Post subject:
Live Streaming + several chances to win the game:
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Jun 2016 08:29    Post subject:

Update 0.2.0 - Khorne, Bretonnia and more!
    - Extended world bounds to include Bretonnia
    - Added port defences for all ports
    - Added ability to Loot, Raze and Cannibalise ports
    - Added Orc ports
    - Added Pirate ports
    - Added Bretonnian ports
    - Added new Kislevite Port
    - Added Black Leviathan encounters
    - Added Khorne encounters
    - Added quests around Bretonnia
    - Added more music
    - Added ability to rebind keys (NB: tutorial UI not yet updated to reflect changed keys - coming soon)
    - Bretonnian ships available to purchase
    - Changed how ships and characters are streamed to prevent hitching
    - Game Time can be increased to x4 while out of combat.
    - Game Time no longer pauses on the map screen.
    - Right clicking on the map (or pressing control) will set a waypoint at the mouse position for the First Mate to steer to whenever the captain is not at the wheel.
    - Clicking on ships and ports on the map shows additional info
    - Camera is now stabilised whilst using spyglass or zoom scope
    - Mouse speed whilst zoomed is now the same on both axes
    - Sea monsters now drop loot instead of directly rewarding gold.
    - Fixed an error with nulls in cutscenes
    - Boarding: Headshots now do additional damage.
    - Boarding: Crew spread out better whilst fighting, colliders improved.
    - Peasants no longer sell blank treasure maps.
    - Can transfer cargo between ships in warehouse storage
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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Sep 2016 19:40    Post subject:
update 0.4

seems like it was mistakenly pushed out of early access
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PostPosted: Tue, 11th Oct 2016 11:26    Post subject:
update 0.5
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Oct 2016 18:56    Post subject:
Still looks very rough sadly. Sad

I doubt that at least the visuals won't really improve till release.

Enthoo Evolv ATX TG // Asus Prime x370 // Ryzen 1700 // Gainward GTX 1080 // 16GB DDR4-3200
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2017 13:10    Post subject:
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Posts: 2533

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2017 13:31    Post subject:
anyone care to share his experiences with the current version?
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Posts: 2812
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2017 15:05    Post subject:
Based on that trailer still looks (and probably plays) like shit Very Happy
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Thu, 6th Apr 2017 17:37    Post subject:

Nice graphics and performance.
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PostPosted: Thu, 6th Apr 2017 18:10    Post subject:
some details about v1.0 and whats next
Greetings Captains!

When we first launched into Early Access back in April 2016 we had a rather optimistic note saying "four months". We suspected at the time we'd be working on things a little bit longer than that before we got to a 1.0 build we were happy with and thanks to the fantastic feedback and support from the Man O' War: Corsair community we've been able to keep ourselves busy for almost a year.

And I know from our feedback lists and discussions that we've got plenty of ideas, suggestions and feedback to keep us going for plenty of time to come.

Thanks to all that time, we now have a game that can float on its own hull - it's been tested in battle (lots of battles, so many orcs) and fire by you folks, many a bug has been found and fixed.

We have an in-depth open world sandbox campaign for the Independent humans, and a straight forward pillage and destroy campaign with Khorne. We have Custom Battles to allow you to fight any of the races against the others - 34 different ship types, 13 types of wizard.

So we just about feel ready to let other people on board - not just you brave early access pioneers and explorers.
I'm sure I can fit some more nautical puns in here somewhere...

Are we done then? Stick a stamp that says "1.0" and run off into the wilderness?
    Don't be daft - we've got plans for the next few updates already set and there's a whole host of excellent ideas from the community that we'd like to put into place.

What can you expect from Man O' War: Corsair in the next few months?

Post-1.0 we'll be working on a few things but we aim to start with:
    - additional Chaos campaigns
    - Imperial and Bretonnian campaign
    - Increased difficulty mode campaign (for those of you who find it too easy!)

Please do continue to give us your feedback and suggestions - we'd love to keep updating this game and if people are all asking for the same thing we know what we should do first!

Thanks once again to all of you for your feedback, bug reports, but more importantly your support and encouragement through Early Access - we couldn't ask for a better community
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Posts: 1753
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PostPosted: Thu, 6th Apr 2017 19:11    Post subject:
Nice. Finally on a development stage that can be isotested. Smile

Epsilon wrote:
Meanwhile the people of that generation will call those guys relics, and not move with the times when everything is auto fucking.

EyePatchLives wrote:
Press X to tame beasts. YOU ARE DA BEASTMASTER!!!
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Wed, 19th Apr 2017 18:06    Post subject:
Out of EA now.

Enthoo Evolv ATX TG // Asus Prime x370 // Ryzen 1700 // Gainward GTX 1080 // 16GB DDR4-3200
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Posts: 5410

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Apr 2017 19:49    Post subject:
LuckyStrike wrote:
Nice. Finally on a development stage that can be isotested. Smile

Is it though? Still sounds pretty damn thin on content to me. Seems like it would be worth holding off on for another 6-12 months.
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Posts: 11914

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Apr 2017 19:55    Post subject:
So is the trade and all functional now for the human sandbox campaign?
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 19th Apr 2017 20:19    Post subject:
I played the EA some time ago and I found the game very lacking. It has been sometime last year tho. But the whole game just didn't really get me interested tbh. It feels like "a part of another game that isn't there" Smile
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PostPosted: Wed, 19th Apr 2017 22:06    Post subject:
well year ago it was a lot , lot smaller,will check some reviews and shit

So far fro what i read its more like a mix between Pirates! and mount and blade with ACBF-like ship combat set in wahammer universe ... and mostly positive reviewes/impressions
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Posts: 287

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2017 15:38    Post subject:
Really unoptimised game.
Even with a 1070 runs like crap.

Feels unfinished.

Wanted to like this but struggling.
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Location: The land of beer and porn
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Apr 2017 15:45    Post subject:
yep really like some parts parts of it like obliterating everything in Chaos campaign or sailing wierd orc or skaven ship in Custom battle , but some stuff is kinda messy especially the ones that wasnt originally planned like melee
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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