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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Dec 2012 10:26    Post subject: [PS2] RIP PS2
good bye one of the best console ever been crated,you will be always in our heart(and emulation)
The PS2 is no longer being shipped in Japan

Its over. The PS2 has finally stopped being produced in Japan. Sony Computer Entertainment announced this news today.

Japan is the last region which still received brand new PS2 systems. Well, the last region out of the big three. I believe the console is still shipping in some other countries which didn’t receive it until long after it arrived in stores in 2000.

But for the most part this is a big deal. The PS2 keeps its crown as best-selling console of all-time at nearly 150 million consoles. Well, best-selling console. If we’re counting the DS then it may not be the #1 selling gaming device ever.

Nonetheless the PS2 was a juggernaut. It lasted a long time and it won’t be forgotten anytime soon. Some people still argue that the PS2 has a superior software library in comparison to current consoles and you’d have a hard time convincing them otherwise because the PS2 has possibly the best library ever.

Good bye PS2, too bad it couldn’t last forever.


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Posts: 2410
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Dec 2012 13:04    Post subject:
who cares.
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Posts: 313
Location: Venezuela
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Dec 2012 15:42    Post subject:
It was about fucking time.

i7 3770k, GTX980, 16GB Ram, SSD Raid0, Internet 3rd world shit not worth mentioning
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Posts: 261

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Dec 2012 17:56    Post subject:
RIP best console ever made. I still have mine Very Happy flashed with matrix chip
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Dec 2012 19:19    Post subject:
About fucking time indeed... most people got way more powerful smartphones these days, so go figure. I know that the PS2 is the only available console in some African countries, but im sure it won't matter that much.
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Posts: 435

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Dec 2012 19:45    Post subject:
they still made those Surprised

"If it's a choice between eternal hell and good tunes and eternal heaven and new kids on the fucking block … I'm gonna be surfing on the lake of fire, rocking out, high-fiveing Satan every time I pass the motherfucking shore." – Bill Hicks
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Dec 2012 21:18    Post subject:
lytomacheda wrote:
RIP best console ever made. I still have mine Very Happy flashed with matrix chip

from comments here you can sense who has deep nostalgia for the ps2, and who just started gaming during 360/ps3 era Laughing
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Posts: 2745

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Dec 2012 00:08    Post subject:
good memories Sad

i still have my fatfuck ps2 under my bed tho Very Happy
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VIP Member

Posts: 14400
Location: Poland. New York.
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Dec 2012 00:10    Post subject:
I loved my PS2, and it was so easy to play pirated games, magicswap it was called I believe Very Happy

good times good times and lots of fucking fun Very Happy Very Happy


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Posts: 13818
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Dec 2012 01:21    Post subject:
Never owned it , but I was playing it with my bro..and with friends many times..some really epic games on that system.

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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Dec 2012 01:48    Post subject:
Was a nice machine, still have a couple. Some great exclusive games. I didnt even know they were still been produced
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Posts: 2580

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Dec 2012 05:38    Post subject:
Never owned one but rip Wink

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Posts: 1834

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Dec 2012 09:36    Post subject:
lytomacheda wrote:
RIP best console ever made. I still have mine Very Happy flashed with matrix chip


Playstation one had better games though PSOne + PSP = win.
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Posts: 1349
Location: NFOHump
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Dec 2012 12:55    Post subject:
I still have my phat PS2 (with Swap Magic). I had it hooked up all these years in a playable state. I even played a few times a few days ago, before buying the PS3. It's a cool coincidence that the day after the PS2 stops being produced. Smile
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Posts: 2402

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Dec 2012 15:27    Post subject:
NEO4 chip + Harddrive..installed in Phat unit. Amazing console. Still hooked up and works great.

RYZEN 5 2600|RADEON 570| |ASRock X370 Killer|DDR4@2800Mhz||Corsair SPEC-05 Case|AOC G2590FX 24.5''144hz 1ms|
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Dec 2012 23:46    Post subject:
moded ps2 with a soft Free McBoot moded memory card ...
one makes it a region free console that plays any burned discs ,
the other turns your ps2 into a emulation console , enables games from HDD USB or LAN like in RGH

the only big hick up is you have to have a TUBE TV or a LCD that can decode and display Interlaced video , if not your forced to buy Component cables but then its only 720x480i Sad so you have to buy a converted that can upscale with no delay to 720x480p Progressive Scanning ... digital TVs are now only progressive and have horibble problems with double frames that Interlaced resolutions brought to fake 60fps

ps3 shot them selfs in the foot when they disabled the ps2/ps1 backward compatibility , ps3 did wonders to the image of games of ps2 , it perfectly upscaled it , it was perfect ... but yeah then those MILKING HD VERSIONS WOULD NOT EXIST ey? Laughing

if you can get the fat version it has a internal HDD that can speed up loading if you will play from HDD , because on ps2 the USB was only 1.1 so to plau game from HDD you have to use Lan or soldier the ide hdd to the motherboard

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Mon, 31st Dec 2012 07:15    Post subject:
Hfric wrote:

ps3 shot them selfs in the foot when they disabled the ps2/ps1 backward compatibility

well, there is still PSX compatibility for all models,at least they trying to port PS2 collections to PS3

"Fuck Denuvo"

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Posts: 2340
Location: In a world created by fascist and used by cowards to manipulate
PostPosted: Mon, 31st Dec 2012 18:17    Post subject:
Why are people saying "RIP"? The console's not dead, they just stopped making them -- you'll still be able to find them in stores for another 1 year or so, at least. Razz

Absolutely the best software library, I mean some of the best games today are just HD remakes of PS2 titles; witch is pretty laughable for the current gen machines.

I still have my FAT PS2, and I'd still play it if I could figure out a way to make play games of a external HDD... as it is, I had a great time with it, playing a lot of great games!

[img:91f1fb12c3 ]http://i.imgur.com/fTzqMvq.gif[/img]
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Mon, 31st Dec 2012 18:43    Post subject:
cobALT wrote:
Why are people saying "RIP"? The console's not dead, they just stopped making them -- you'll still be able to find them in stores for another 1 year or so, at least. Razz

Absolutely the best software library, I mean some of the best games today are just HD remakes of PS2 titles; witch is pretty laughable for the current gen machines.

I still have my FAT PS2, and I'd still play it if I could figure out a way to make play games of a external HDD... as it is, I had a great time with it, playing a lot of great games!
then google free MCboot and then Open PS2 Loader



here a proper tutorial how to use it

on his channel just search ps2 you can find proper tutorial how to run games from HDD install applications , emulators etc..

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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Mon, 31st Dec 2012 22:00    Post subject:
cobALT wrote:
Absolutely the best software library, I mean some of the best games today are just HD remakes of PS2 titles; witch is pretty laughable for the current gen machines.

so true Laughing
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Posts: 197

PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Jan 2013 08:39    Post subject:
You can emulate it so no big loss..
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Posts: 2340
Location: In a world created by fascist and used by cowards to manipulate
PostPosted: Sun, 6th Jan 2013 02:48    Post subject:
Hfric wrote:
cobALT wrote:
Why are people saying "RIP"? The console's not dead, they just stopped making them -- you'll still be able to find them in stores for another 1 year or so, at least. Razz

Absolutely the best software library, I mean some of the best games today are just HD remakes of PS2 titles; witch is pretty laughable for the current gen machines.

I still have my FAT PS2, and I'd still play it if I could figure out a way to make play games of a external HDD... as it is, I had a great time with it, playing a lot of great games!
then google free MCboot and then Open PS2 Loader



here a proper tutorial how to use it

on his channel just search ps2 you can find proper tutorial how to run games from HDD install applications , emulators etc..

Nice, will definitively try it out. Thnx!
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Tue, 8th Jan 2013 01:27    Post subject:
a triple hurra for the best console that ever existed, i played over 400 games on it Sad
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 1st Dec 2013 18:38    Post subject:
lol,just found out FIFA14 and PES 2014 are out for PS2 Razz

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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sun, 1st Dec 2013 20:49    Post subject:
best console ever. great library of games and hidden gems, imo only comparable with snes
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