[*this topic could also be entitled: "Yet Another Way We are Being Screwed by Consoles"]
...well I do - been happening for the past 3 years or so...thought it might be somehow related to aging or problems with my eyes (I am currently 42, btw). Obviously, the main offenders were first person shooters. Some games seemed to trigger it quite quickly, others more slowly, yet many not at all. I couldn't figure out the correlation. Why some, not others? I examined framerates - thought surely this was the main reason for me...nope. Thought it was related to refresh rates (proven to be related to eyestrain) - nope. I thought it might be related to shadows. lighting, gamma then...nope. Then I stumbled upon others' complaints with similar motion sickness problems and it was then that I learned that the major culprit is field of view (FOV for short) - and everything fell into place.
The games that I was having a problem with had low or lower FOV's (usually 70 degrees or under). Lots of PC games have FOV's that low, unfortunately - a byproduct of the consolization of the gaming industry where a low FOV is actually more desirable when gaming on a console on a sofa a distance away from a big screen tv. However, that doesn't translate very well for the eyes and brain when sitting closer to a smaller monitor when we do PC gaming. For many, it causes headaches, dizziness, motion sickness - like me.
Here is a really technical but interesting video on this issue for those interested (2 parts) :
Bottom line?
If you suffer from this issue, see if the FOV in the game can be increased to somewhere between 85-100 - you'll have to see what works best for you and hopefully this will help a lot. Unfortunately, PC games are still being made where the FOV is low and not adjustable either - shame on developers!!!!!
Sorry for the long post - a pretty big issue for me and it may help others in the same situation (or be informative in the very least).
Last edited by northern7 on Thu, 21st Nov 2013 23:45; edited 6 times in total
I don't but I know people who do, like my cousin. Good informative post, though the bottom line is no flash news. Many people here demand a FOV slider in their PC games because of the same reason.
You forget the main reason for a low FOV in console games: performance. If the screen shows 60% less to render, it means they can increase the detail on their old and shitty hardware
My wife is affected by this severely, though I tried increasing fov but it did not help much and even though we played quite some Counter Strike in the day, she can't any more because it took quite a time for her to adjust and get comfortable but it's been more than a year since we played and the moment she looks at me playing any first or third person game, even racing games, she gets dizzy, tired and has to lay down
I cant play 30 minutes of a FPS without getting servilely ill.
I have tried everything, but I think the last time I could tolerate it was when HL2 came out.
ragnarus wrote:
I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?
Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
and when getting sick, it takes a damn long time to get better :/
Aye, I am the same.
If it was just "Take a 5 minute break" to feel better it wouldnt be so bad, but sometimes I can stop at 6 and still feel like crap at 9.
ragnarus wrote:
I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?
Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
Slightly unrelated, but I remember playing Descent III with a Sidewinder Force feedback 2 stick... the experience was just ridiculously awesome, but after a short time, I would have to stop playing due to severe eyestrain - it was so bad I actually had to lie down and wait for the intense PAIN in usually my right eye to just stop.
Just thought I'd share
Playing Valheim every weekday at 10pm GMT - twitch.tv/kaltern
Follow me on Twitter if you feel like it... @kaltern
and when getting sick, it takes a damn long time to get better :/
Aye, I am the same.
If it was just "Take a 5 minute break" to feel better it wouldnt be so bad, but sometimes I can stop at 6 and still feel like crap at 9.
did you get it looked at at the hospital?
they did tests on me, and it was diagnosed with illness of Meuniere, but I do get the same sickness effects when watching certain type of movies (with loose shaking camera)
Yeah I have been tested for various ear and eye things because of other things, I have great ears but really poor eyes
To be honest with most FPS games being so generic now I dont feel I miss much (I did want to play Bioshock and Infinate though I must admit, I keep trying the former )
ragnarus wrote:
I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ?
Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
I get uncomfortable with all those FPS ports with fixed 60 degree FOV. Not really motion sickness but tiredness. It was more severe on 1680x1050 display than 1920x1080.
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
For me its Skyrim though i am to blame for that as well. I kinda tweaked the move/run speed (2 bored to use default values or a horse since it takes ages to wander around ) so i moved really fast and after couple of minutes i would stop playing. cuz i got a bit dizzy.
head bobbing makes me sick. Like in dead island for example, it's so extreme.
And it's NOT natural.
when we move, our brain adjust movement, so we hardly notice any bobbing. What they portrait in games sometimes ... is just as stupid as lens flare lol.
sometimes. it has happened occasionally for me, and its usually the low fov's that do it. they arent unplayable or make me feel sick, but i find myself shutting my eyes occasionally, going 'whoa...' and having to look a way for a bit.
I have this issue with almost all FPS and dark-themed games.
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
Really informative thread, thank you, and yes.. I suffer from motion sickness in life and lately it has started to intrude on games too. It's definitely linked to FOV and overblown headbob but also how quick the motion is, most recent was playing Ghosts during the helicopter missions - the FOV was so narrow, the movement of the choppers was so quick, it just crept up on me until it got so bad that I had to stop playing. It's also happened with Hydrophobia, the original launch versions had insane wobbly-cam and that, combined with the most realistic water I've ever seen outside Cryostasis, triggered it as well Turns out I wasn't alone either, the devs had to tone down a lot of the water and camera effects as more people were complaining of motion sickness.
It has gotten worse over the years though so I had, like you, started to put it down to age and strain on the eyes. I'm 32 now and if I play frantic shooters for too long I start to feel a bit out of sorts. I don't mean fast-paced shooters, like Quake or UT, just "frantic" ones with lots of screen shake and "busy" effects.
Last edited by sabin1981 on Wed, 20th Nov 2013 11:54; edited 1 time in total
Can't relate to the problem. Didn't even realise this was a problem until read your posts. Just always kinda figured it was poor anti-gaming propaganda of some sort.
Gladly I don't suffer from it. But I hate the trend of ignoring FoV too. Mostly because it just looks stupid in FPS games. It's like your arms/hands are attached to your neck or something in many games. FoV adjusted to your screensize/resolution just makes it look better. More believable (immersive).
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