[OTHER] Guys...i need help !!!
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Posts: 1489

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Apr 2014 23:23    Post subject: [OTHER] Guys...i need help !!!
Yes !!!

I need to find the name of an old school SNES game but i just can't remember it. The game was an RPG and your character and the enemies were looking like playing cards. There was an angel type guy named Ariel in it if i remember correctly but i'm not sure at all it's been too long

And no it's not Ogre Battle. I think the name started with an A but then again i'm not certain. I think it was A***** or something

Thank you in advance Smile
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Apr 2014 23:26    Post subject:
S.S.S wrote:
Yes !!!

I need to find the name of an old school SNES game but i just can't remember it. The game was an RPG and your character and the enemies were looking like playing cards. There was an angel type guy named Ariel in it if i remember correctly but i'm not sure at all it's been too long

And no it's not Ogre Battle. I think the name started with an A but then again i'm not certain. I think it was A***** or something

Thank you in advance Smile

Arcana <3


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Posts: 1489

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Apr 2014 23:30    Post subject:
YES !!! Thank you my friend this is it. I knew i was close with the A thing
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Apr 2014 23:33    Post subject:
To be honest, if you hadn't said "A" and "angels", I wouldn't have remembered the name :\ The playing cards RPG struck a chord though Smile
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Posts: 1489

PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Apr 2014 00:21    Post subject:
Visually i had the whole thing figured out in my head. I just had a blank for the name

Now im surprised to see it's only 15$ on Ebay. Gonna get this for my nephew who is a retro SNES gamer and in magic the gathering. He should love it. I know i did back in the day
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 2nd Apr 2014 00:29    Post subject:
Well it's not really a card game, it's primarily a typical dungeon crawler with turn based combat. The card aspect is just a visual style IIRC.
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