So I ask..
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Posts: 17865
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 12:58    Post subject: So I ask..
Why can't Croatians receive electronic payments as this stupid country is now a full member of the completely useless to us European Union were we are still treated as like we're not in the EU, the only option is still 'checks in the mail' yeah I can use that to wipe my ass with. And the response I got was

"However, we currently still only support check payments to the Ukraine."

Laughing okay.. I realize Ukraine is in the news right now but I was asking about a COMPLETELY different country that starts with a COMPLETELY different letter it's not even 'U' it's 'C', that's in the EU, that's not in a state of war, bloody hell all we got was higher prices, membership fee and no perks at all, stupid Union, I might as well live in Africa it's teh same thing, like I still see sometimes horses and carriages galloping on the highway next to cars.
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PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 13:33    Post subject:
Why don't you blame your own country?

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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 13:54    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
Why can't Croatians receive electronic payments as this stupid country is now a full member of the completely useless to us European Union were we are still treated as like we're not in the EU, the only option is still 'checks in the mail' yeah I can use that to wipe my ass with.

That has got fuck all to do with the EU. That's your banks. They most likely need to switch their systems. Do you for example have the Maestro system yet?
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Posts: 13314
Location: I do not belong
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 14:22    Post subject:
Oh believe me you DON'T want to move to africa. You don't.
I'm speaking from experience here. the experience of a lifetime.
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 14:35    Post subject:
check payments Laughing

Think they disappeared in 70s-80s here
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Posts: 17865
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 15:13    Post subject:
Werelds wrote:
madmax17 wrote:
Why can't Croatians receive electronic payments as this stupid country is now a full member of the completely useless to us European Union were we are still treated as like we're not in the EU, the only option is still 'checks in the mail' yeah I can use that to wipe my ass with.

That has got fuck all to do with the EU. That's your banks. They most likely need to switch their systems. Do you for example have the Maestro system yet?
Well that's half-true, the EU dictates that every account in the EU has the IBAN (international bank account number) and our banks have that since 2012 because EU made them of course. So in this case it's the other side that didn't update their system.

We couldn't even receive paypal funds until like 2-3 years ago, sure everything is dandy when you have to PAY but when you ask to receive funds then it's Rolling Eyes

And how do you confuse Croatia with Ukraine? Oh wait I was talking to an American that's how Laughing
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Posts: 17865
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 15:17    Post subject:
Why don't you blame your own country?
I do, why are we in the EU if it's only on paper, we're still a backwater country that's not really in the EU, all this shit should have been resolved before we officially entered.

So in the end it's either move to another country or open an account in another country, hence it's like where not in the EU.
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 15:20    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
Well that's half-true, the EU dictates that every account in the EU has the IBAN (international bank account number) and our banks have that since 2012 because EU made them of course.

Oh gee, they made you participate in an internationally consistent bank account numbering system, how evil of them Rolling Eyes

So in this case it's the other side that didn't update their system.

No, because you misunderstood my question. It's not about the bloody bank account numbers, it's about the actual banking *system*, which gives exactly 0 shits about the bank account number format.

The UK for example supports Maestro coming in and they claim their former SWIFT system is compatible with Maestro, while in reality it isn't. I've been able to use my debit card to pay in shops and restaurants in any country I've been to for at least 15 years - except the UK. They're finally properly making the switch, but it's still a bit hit and miss whether my debit card's gonna work or not in smaller shops.

That's what Croatia faces. That system also has some mechanics to allow both parties to check whether money was transferred, cancel and what not.

And how do you confuse Croatia with Ukraine? Oh wait I was talking to an American that's how Laughing

True dat Laughing

Ukroatserbzterland...whatever, Europe! All the same!
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Posts: 4484

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 16:06    Post subject:
In what way can't we receive electronic payments? Do you mean wire transfer or something else? I've been getting paid via wire transfer for years. Paypal + bank account works fine too.

(And we have Maestro yes)
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Posts: 7638
Location: On the road
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 16:11    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
So in the end it's either move to another country or open an account in another country, hence it's like where not in the EU.

Or you could take the money in your underwear, that's how brazilian politicians do. Laughing

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Posts: 17865
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Mar 2014 16:28    Post subject:
BearishSun wrote:
In what way can't we receive electronic payments? Do you mean wire transfer or something else? I've been getting paid via wire transfer for years. Paypal + bank account works fine too.

(And we have Maestro yes)
Well yes you usually can receive, I'm not denying that, we have computers and electricity Laughing yeey, it's these guys in particular, it even works for Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, not for Cro though which I found insulting as we are all equal in the eyes of the EU Laughing I mean if Bulgarians and Romanians have it we should have it too, and I politely asked them why we don't and all I got back was info that I'm Ukrainian.

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Posts: 3168
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Mar 2014 14:21    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
check payments Laughing

Think they disappeared in 70s-80s here

Actually still exists.
When we fill up our ferry cards, we use checks Laughing

I hate you.
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