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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 31st Mar 2005 03:36 Post subject: Scene whores |
Anyone ever notice that the ppl who rate the games on nforce are usually group/scene whores...man, they should limit broadband to 18+....all these fuckin kids wouldnt be actin so foolish
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Posted: Thu, 31st Mar 2005 10:13 Post subject: |
im 17, so you are saying i cant come here or can only come here on 56k , thats just mean i'll rememeber this
there are people that are older then 18 that could be doing this, you just dont know that, but they are very irritating thats true
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Posted: Thu, 31st Mar 2005 11:07 Post subject: |
i don't think it's the real age that counts...more like the mental ago lol....so you guys above are fine.
jesus christ was a gangsta rapper. they killed him. he came back and made a platinum album.
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Posted: Thu, 31st Mar 2005 11:27 Post subject: |
yea my mental age is pretty low but u can't take bb off me 
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Posts: 2722
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Posted: Thu, 31st Mar 2005 12:15 Post subject: |
who care about that voting lol.
i can decide for myself if i like it or not. Don't need other ppl to judge that 4 me.
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 31st Mar 2005 14:50 Post subject: |
ok my bad then, how bout simply mature ppl? can everyone agreee on that?
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Posted: Thu, 31st Mar 2005 14:52 Post subject: |
no because some 56kers bitch about it too 
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Posted: Thu, 31st Mar 2005 15:07 Post subject: |
SycoShaman wrote: | ok my bad then, how bout simply mature ppl? can everyone agreee on that? |
lol, its not your fault, i am just saying it for myself 
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 31st Mar 2005 21:28 Post subject: |
no, i do realize some youth are educated and mature
but go look at the comments
Rld Blow Hld, or this group stole this so its not a valid release or something like that...makes me sick
Same thing as what my brother does...u'd think he owns the Blue Jays cause honestly, he flips when they lose, knows every stat etc...honestly, why cut ppl (groups) because u may have a friend in a nothing. They are all takin the risk to release the game ya know. Im just happy there are ppl that talented willing to do stuff like crack ya...I assume its kids cuz anyone who is somewhat mature will realize this and not cut/flame/be a bitch to any group/individual
Honestly, I give strangers a certain amount of respect in general as until someone fucks with me, i have no reason to disrespect them...seems like these 14 year olds who sit around and jerk off to Jessica Simpson pics should really learn some mannors and respect
I could just see some kid coming to my area tellin them, "The crips are so much harder than u guys (bloods)"...he woulnt even be able to turn around before someone capped his ass
Just makes me sick cuz I respect all those who risk their neck for really nothing other than respect...if i was a member of rld or hlm or vng, I would say fuck the scene do to these little scene hookers and gaffers. really, i can see competition between the groups, but these fags who do nothing but download of torrents and p2ps, they HAVE NO RIGHT to comment on anything
lol If it wasnt for prolly half the guys on this board, they wouldnt get there shit on their glorious p2p/torrents
i guess they dont know how the filtering works...

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Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 09:19 Post subject: |
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 10:04 Post subject: |
MartinW wrote: | WELL SAID. 100% agree. |
Usually what i say is horribly said lol
I dunno, this argument has been around for a long time, thats why the actual elite guys have retired...not so much do to the feds i think, but rather disrespect.
Why should I crack something that is fuckin hard as a rock and distro it...only to be bad mouthed by some poindexter (lol love that word, did i spell it right?)...you'd think with all the drama in scene BEFORE op fastlink, and after, this shit would have died and ppl would start supporting each other...i mean, it should be a collective effort
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Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 11:27 Post subject: |
Sometimes I really wonder where Hoodlum and Reloaded take the power to work. After reading so boorish and vulgar comments addressed to both of these teams I cannot understand why they are still doing it (althought I am happy they do). Hoodlum <> Reloaded war is a bit strange. They are working on the same field for the same leechers. Why they cannot work together? If there is no money involved then why not to join?
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Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 17:31 Post subject: |
What's wrong with people using P2P and torrents? Why is it that you guys look down on those people? I do not understand. Please, could anybody explain?
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VIP Member
Posts: 18594
Location: In Elektro looking for beans
Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 18:00 Post subject: |
Well sometimes people who use such apps have a very very lame opinion on the scene and just think it all is meant for him/her to download and that attitude is way out of league...
"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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[Moderator] Elitist
Posts: 8374
Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 18:13 Post subject: |
On another note, the people who use the applications above dont tend to understand the process and risks involved, its not like people happen to come by these games, movies, apps etc.. and put them out there in a few secconds. The applications also commercialise the entire thing! Before they where around no one cared about who downloaded what, because everyone kept quiet about it, now its everywhere!
I have nothing against the users of these applications, I have something against the people who think it is there right to have free software without putting anything into the market, the scene or even caring to think about how the program they are downloading got there.
Warez, an illegal download, not a right !
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Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 18:27 Post subject: |
I'm not into the "scene" at all, so I did not know about that stuff, thanks for informing me.
I buy my games, I'm a good boy.
*thumbs up*
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 19:09 Post subject: |
I wouldnt havea prob with p2p and the like if they werent so fuckin bait out.
90 percent of the ppl whose them as their main source for games, movies etc dont realize that hundreds if not thousands of ppl before them have been circulating this release before them...yet one, they claim they are elite or as syn said, they just don't care.
I do't mind paying for games, movies, music if its worth it. I realize that if every person only had illegal shit, our different entertainment mediums would collapse. But, like ive stated in another post, that 69.99 im gunna pay for a new game (that i can only play 1 or maybe 2 times) is my phone bill ya know.
P2p ppl dont give 2 fucks who they are hurting and dont take these principle's into account.
Dont get me wrong, using illegal shit is all the same
would u consider a theif, a theif, if he stole bread for his family cuz he couldnt afford bread cuz it was marked up beyond imagine? no, you wouldn't. Samething here.
And its not like the guys who crack these games are kids...they are men with kids, wives, jobs, bills...this is a hobby (for most). PPl think its as simple, "crackin the game" heh
Go read some old Divine nfos or razor (nexsus way back) or flt...its their number one beef (amoung crackers)..while razor got what they deserved (sellin shit to the asians is bs), flt and the like were in it for fun and competition.
But these little leechers bring more and more heat down on the main groups and bang.
maybe some should do a google search for nfo's written by BeuoWolf (i think thats how u spell it). This guy is "l33t" for real. He was cracking shit on Commodore's, dos, dos and windows. The last nfo he wrote he outlined why he is quitting (rzr)...cuz of ppl who think they DESERVE this shit..no one deserves any type of illegal goods, except those who contribute. 90% if not all the ppl on p2p, bit torrent, dont contribute to the scene...whether it be actually spreading the release, supplying, coding etc...they dont do shit.
If shit stayed intenal, or to the mediums that are more secure, the scene and the ppl who are ACTUALLY in it, would remain safe. We'd see the fun of the old days when they had World Hq's, and compeitions etc...Im afraid, that warez in general, has gone commercial, which is a dissapointment..the principle has been lost and its no longer a valid argument for most. "I can get shit for free, why buy it?" --> fuck that makes me sick
Don't get me wrong, im not part of the "scene" (whos to say what it is anymore) but I do realize how much effort rld and the like put into this whole thing...only to have some guy say "Me doesnt wantin like Superpower 2, wanted in monday SC3"...fuck.....
And if someone comes across some nfo on ultima, please post as this is most interesting, this group of extremely talented guys.
btw, im not new, when it comes to scripting, coding etc and ive tried my hand at crackin some of these new games (old ones are easy) and fuck, BIG UPS to all the groups who can re-package the fuckin app alone, never mind crack...the guys who do this, "sceners" or not, are really fuckin smart and soon, enough they are gunna get fed up with the lack of respect that, in general, is given by most
And I dont know if I should ask this as, 1 it wont be answered, 2 im not supposed to, but here it goes.
Why does everyone say RELOADED is Nforce? If anyone has answer this please do...but if it is gunna risk security of the group, site or individual please dont, i dont need to know that bad lol
Well, jsut my thoughts...1 man outta 9 billion...who reallyt cares what I say? lol

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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 12:57 Post subject: |
I care what you said and I fully read it and understand.
I have to admit though, I myself use Torrents. But basically I just use them when there's no (good?) demo available. If I'm not sure wether the game is worth my money, I download it. Like, say SWAT 4. I'm 100% sure it's worth my money because I fully enjoyed the demo, but then Driver 3 comes a long. I've heard a lot of bad AND good stuff about it, so I want to try it out for myself, see if it's worth the purchase.
Oh, and Torrents are quite good to make sure folk DO actually contribute. If you don't contribute, you get no download speed. And they're great for legal files too, freeware and such.
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 17:12 Post subject: |
I use Emule. So what? I do not feel worse.
I use it for music searching. Last week I downloaded over 2GB of mp3 files from Emule. After few days of choosing I saved only 6 files (20mb), the rest has been deleted. I like 2 out of these 6 and I am going to buy original (legal) CD with these two (M. Oldfield). Should I feel bad or leecher? I do not think so.
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Posted: Sun, 10th Apr 2005 22:18 Post subject: |
Way to go Synco, I have to say you touched on alot of things. Worst sites to be on right now is US, all the really good groups wont touch em. Your right, p2p is to blame. This shit just got more open. Who do you blame for getting this open? Good question. Some people blame the scene, and some blame the outsiders who started p2p. Its an endless debate that could go on for hours. Whether your cracking, coding, supplying hardware, making trainers, or even spreading releases, your doing your job in the scene.
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And its not like the guys who crack these games are kids...they are men with kids, wives, jobs, bills...this is a hobby (for most). PPl think its as simple, "crackin the game" heh
Yea, but than the kids who know nothing about this dont even care. Their logic says I get this for free and thats all I care.
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maybe some should do a google search for nfo's written by BeuoWolf (i think thats how u spell it). This guy is "l33t" for real. He was cracking shit on Commodore's, dos, dos and windows. |
Yea, remember all that shit back in the day with nodes. But face it, theres alot of people even on NFOrce anymore that put todays crackers down because a game doesnt get released fast enough. I get sick and tired of hearing that.
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Don't get me wrong, im not part of the "scene" (whos to say what it is anymore) but I do realize how much effort rld and the like put into this whole thing...only to have some guy say "Me doesnt wantin like Superpower 2, wanted in monday SC3"...fuck..... |
Because the people here are ungratefull. Awhile ago they wanted old releases that were SF3 protected, now their shitting on it. Oh, and that SC3 thread is a nightmare. I feel like im reading a fucking manuel on the SF3 protection.
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If shit stayed intenal, or to the mediums that are more secure, the scene and the ppl who are ACTUALLY in it, would remain safe. We'd see the fun of the old days when they had World Hq's, and compeitions etc...Im afraid, that warez in general, has gone commercial, which is a dissapointment..the principle has been lost and its no longer a valid argument for most. "I can get shit for free, why buy it?" --> fuck that makes me sick |
It pretty much has gone commerical. But the safest place for the scene right now is in Asia. Remember all those busts over in Europe? You'll never have huge hq's like that again. Just because of the fact that if it does get busted, all those groups go to jail. Also, alot of them are in competition with each other, so their not going to join in on the same hq if their big groups. Warez has gone commerical... unfortunately people sell it. Alittle bit more complicated than turning things internal. What about all those suppliers (gotta be carefull with that to, some may turn to be feds) and people who spread releases for a long time. If you had a true internal, you'd be kicking most people out.
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btw, im not new, when it comes to scripting, coding etc and ive tried my hand at crackin some of these new games (old ones are easy) and fuck, BIG UPS to all the groups who can re-package the fuckin app alone, never mind crack...the guys who do this, "sceners" or not, are really fuckin smart and soon, enough they are gunna get fed up with the lack of respect that, in general, is given by most
I think the fact that there are people who do respect them, makes them feel alot better. But there are people in the scene who dont have respect. Remember the wars awhile ago with PizzaDox?
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And I dont know if I should ask this as, 1 it wont be answered, 2 im not supposed to, but here it goes.
Why does everyone say RELOADED is Nforce? If anyone has answer this please do...but if it is gunna risk security of the group, site or individual please dont, i dont need to know that bad lol |
Not everyone in the scene knows all the answers. Thats just how it is. Some things are private. Also, dont believe rumors.
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Sun, 10th Apr 2005 22:24 Post subject: |
nforce isnt reloaded
nice comments tho man 
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Posted: Sun, 10th Apr 2005 22:42 Post subject: |
MartinW wrote: | Sometimes I really wonder where Hoodlum and Reloaded take the power to work. After reading so boorish and vulgar comments addressed to both of these teams I cannot understand why they are still doing it (althought I am happy they do). Hoodlum <> Reloaded war is a bit strange. They are working on the same field for the same leechers. Why they cannot work together? If there is no money involved then why not to join? |
I'm sure they know NForce. The fact is no scene groups actually care what outsiders think. Thats like someone whos not a boxer talking shit about someone who is, and his training methods. The majority of the people who bash those groups dont know the first thing about group management, or what the groups do. Whats involved in releasing a game.
Also, whatevers between Hoodlum and Reloaded, stays between them. Its none of noones business outside the group. Well, the scene is competitive. The groups work as a family in the sense their spreading releases, but they dont work together.I'm sure most love the scene, but its competitive. Also, thats the bad part of the scene. The selling part. There are people who profit off of the scene by selling access to certain places for money. They would prolly pocket it.
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What's wrong with people using P2P and torrents? Why is it that you guys look down on those people? I do not understand. Please, could anybody explain? |
Because its causing problems with the cops. We dont need 50 crime scenes across the US. I mean, if people want to use it, their going to use it. People just look on it as low because its not "elite". Thats the worst outlook. People need to stop worrying about whats elite and start worrying about the real threats out there now.
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Posts: 8
Location: Where the warez are
Posted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 09:16 Post subject: |
omg ffs *whine*
im only 16,
why dont u like me?
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Posted: Sun, 17th Apr 2005 12:16 Post subject: |
who the fuck votes anyway
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