Ubuntu/Elementary OS as guest on VMWare Windows
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Feb 2014 18:50    Post subject: Ubuntu/Elementary OS as guest on VMWare Windows
Hey guys,
I can't seem to set the appropriate resolution of 1920x1080 in my linux guest system in vmware. It works in Virtualbox when I disable 3D acceleration but virtualbox is generally slow as fuck so I want it to work in vmware :/ Any ideas?

Manually fiddling around with the monitors.xml didn't work.

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Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Feb 2014 19:09    Post subject:
I use VMWare Player and everything works fine for both U and EOS. Not only that, but the dynamic resolution adjustment when resizing the window also works. I use the quick install option, so it probably installs the drivers in the process.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Feb 2014 19:10    Post subject:
Did the same :/ Everything works fine, except the fullscreen resolution Sad

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 1009

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Feb 2014 20:07    Post subject:
you guys are doing it wrong... you should run gnu\linux and boot windows in a virtual machine Mr. Green
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Feb 2014 20:10    Post subject:
Yeah, but this is my companies machine and the hd is full pgp encrypted and I don't want to mess with the main os Wink

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Feb 2014 20:11    Post subject:
skx7 wrote:
you guys are doing it wrong... you should run gnu\linux and boot windows in a virtual machine Mr. Green

funny joke Laughing
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Posts: 564

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Feb 2014 04:35    Post subject:
Maybe installing the guest addons might help, if you have not tried that yet?
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Apr 2014 19:06    Post subject:
I got an Ubuntu question : Why (the fuck) when there is for example a right click menu open, I can't click anywhere else, or drag windows etc ?

I first have to click somewhere so that the menu closes, then click again for it to actually register. Why am I not able to ignore the menu altogether like in Windows ?
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Posts: 3421

PostPosted: Tue, 8th Apr 2014 19:29    Post subject:
It works fine in Ubuntu 12.04, I heard they changed something in later versions to be more phone-like (you can't even right click on desktop in 14.04, or I heard wrong).
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Apr 2014 22:48    Post subject:
I will try changing the pointing device from USB tablet to PS/2 mouse in Virtualbox.

I got to say, though, this shit is unstable and fiddly as fuck. Had to manually remove some packages to disable the global menu bullshit because it didn't work in Eclipse.

Also, installing software through that center doesn't incluse some important plugins etc, so I hit brick walls while trying to do stuff (not existing menu items etc) How people use this as their main OS is beyond me.

Can't even disable/lower the effects of Unity 3D (wtf?) At least I enabled VB's 3D acceleration and things improved. Also, notifications about gnome-related session manager crashes while messing with the theme ...
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Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Tue, 8th Apr 2014 22:53    Post subject:
Linux Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue, 8th Apr 2014 22:55    Post subject:
Dildos Laughing

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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Apr 2014 11:23    Post subject:
Lol I just love the adware they include with Ubuntu, amazon search plugins etc. Not to mention their Ubuntu One/Music bullshit. I ran that once to see wtf it was before googling how to remove it, I get greeted with a shutdown notice

The service has been discontinued

We are sorry to notify you that we will be shutting down the Ubuntu One file services, effective 1 June 2014.

It is no longer possible to purchase storage or music from the Ubuntu One store. The Ubuntu One file services apps in the Ubuntu, Google, and Apple stores have been removed.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
What a trainwreck of an OS. Now to remove this BS.
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Apr 2014 15:02    Post subject:
Open a wav file, it starts a video player for it, after closing it -> it crashed (usr/bin/totem) ... this is starting to be fun Very Happy

Open the system settings, gnome control center crash in the background.

When I get rid of this sorry excuse for an OS, which linux should I use for gcc ? (I mean I only use linux for compiling and only because I have to)

I want an OS that's like Ubuntu, but with less stuff broken by default after installation (in Virtualbox) and with centralized package management and system settings.
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Posts: 564

PostPosted: Wed, 9th Apr 2014 17:25    Post subject:
VGAdeadcafe wrote:
Open a wav file, it starts a video player for it, after closing it -> it crashed (usr/bin/totem) ... this is starting to be fun Very Happy

Open the system settings, gnome control center crash in the background.

When I get rid of this sorry excuse for an OS, which linux should I use for gcc ? (I mean I only use linux for compiling and only because I have to)

I want an OS that's like Ubuntu, but with less stuff broken by default after installation (in Virtualbox) and with centralized package management and system settings.

I am using Mint 14 & 16 w/Cinnamon without many issues. Do you even need a shell for what your doing? You could try one of VM images on Oracles site:

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Posts: 3421

PostPosted: Wed, 9th Apr 2014 18:18    Post subject:
Why not Ubuntu 12.04? I'm using it at work for cross-compiling and it works great, and also the updates will be released until 2017. Latest point release is 12.04.4.

Alternatively, Debian 7 or CentOS 6.5 if it's building and building only.
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Posts: 7638
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Apr 2014 18:38    Post subject:
If you're feeling a bit adventurous try Arch Linux, it's the one I use. You build the system from the basics, so you only install what you need, no broken ass shit.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Wed, 9th Apr 2014 18:52    Post subject:
Use Elementary OS http://elementaryos.org/

Upcoming Isis release:

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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Apr 2014 19:36    Post subject:
Impressive, they've come a long way Smile
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PostPosted: Wed, 9th Apr 2014 20:43    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:49; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 10th Apr 2014 18:41    Post subject:
review by apple fag truely amazed by a linux distro Laughing kind of like his passion Smile
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Thu, 10th Apr 2014 20:07    Post subject:
Which "OS" should I choose in Virtualbox when creating a new VM for ElementaryOS ?
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Apr 2014 20:29    Post subject:
ubuntu 64 for elementary 64
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 11th Apr 2014 05:32    Post subject:
Can I just update my elementary os from within or do I need to setup a whole new VM? Sad And what about my installed extras (like the ones that you used to customize the various panels and so on)

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 22230
Location: ★ ಠ_ಠ ★
PostPosted: Fri, 11th Apr 2014 23:37    Post subject:
Holy crap that Zorin OS Ubuntu derivative is niiiice !

Windows 7 inspired, desktop shortcuts, start button, pinned/running apps on a taskbar with preview/info on hover, tray bar, cube-style switching multiple desktops and lots of fancy effects ...

Also, comes with proper programs instead of trying to fit in a CD. Chrome, LibreOffice, Wine.Playonlinux, windows wireless drivers(wat) ...

EDIT: After installing the VirtualBox guest additions it seems to be lighter than Unity3D or just working better under VB. YES !!!
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