anyone good with "ruby" ?
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Posts: 5673
Location: germany
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2014 16:11    Post subject: anyone good with "ruby" ?
I'm looking for someone who's good with ruby.

I have no Idea 'bout programming but I'm ok-ish with art (especially cars, weapons & other objects)

Myself and a friend are planning to make a game and we hope to find someone who's good with ruby.

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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2014 16:15    Post subject:
Why Ruby for a game?

If you had said HTML+CSS+JS or anything that's designed to run on an average PC, sure, but Ruby? Ruby, PHP and all their friends are completely unfit to do an actual game in Smile
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Posts: 5673
Location: germany
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2014 16:20    Post subject:
we wanted to make something small with the rpg maker. the rpg maker uses ruby as programming language Sad.

I dunno, never done any game before. we just said "fuck it, let's look for people and jump into the cold water".
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2014 16:27    Post subject:

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Special Little Man

Posts: 15098
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PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2014 16:28    Post subject:
Right ok, should've mentioned that Wink

I honestly don't have the time, but Ruby is not hard so I'm sure there's someone with some programming experience who could help out. Ruby, PHP, JS are all very similar in how they do certain things, it's mostly syntax difference and any programmer who's anywhere near decent at his job will have no problems picking it up Razz
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2014 16:32    Post subject:
And of course we have our local garus who is working with ruby all day long.

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Special Little Man

Posts: 15098
Location: 0100111001001100
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2014 17:15    Post subject:
Yes, but he's also too busy chasing ladyboys at the moment Devil Troll
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2014 17:18    Post subject:
G - I love you Ting Tong!
T - But ... but garus.. I have to tell you something...
G - What is it my love?
T - My ... My name ... It is not ...
G - Not what my dear?
T - It is not Ting Tong. My real name is Tong Ting!
G - Poker Face
T - Okay
G - So you DO take it in the butt? Everything Went Better Than Expected

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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