A girl f*cked me head up
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Posts: 49
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 21:14    Post subject: A girl f*cked me head up
Ok guys, I've came to the conclusion that females (no offence to any females on here) f*ck your head up. Right now me head is so f*cked up.

Right for the last couple of weeks me n this girl have become mates n I've had mixed messages from her one week and the following week somat else. So tonight I've being talking to her and found out that she only wants to be mates, buts wants someone else.

This someone, until a couple of weeks ago, was a one of me best mates. We had a big bust up over her and other stuff. However, both me n me mate both like this girl. I've just sent him a txt message saying go for it and sorry bout all the shit thats happened between us. Im hoping Ive made the right move and I know my time will come.

Deep thoughts of Homer Simpson - If something is hard to do, then its not worth doing
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 21:20    Post subject:
i hope you're not talking about "your time" with this girl. you dont want ur m8s dirty seconds for a start and it'll be a rift between you two if its you she starts crying to Smile Still unlucky that u didnt get some pussy but there's plenty more gashes for u.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 21:29    Post subject:
I have been in the same situation as you almost. Boy loves Girl. Girl doesnt love boy back but loves other boy and just wants to be friends. And the other guy does not love her back. That can really hurt for someone in your situation. Be happy because your friends, or cry because thats all you will ever be? I cried over it for quite some time until I realized how childish it really was. I mean, I had my childish topic before but its this one. Just make sure what you do will make your friends happy to, friends first. Never take any for granted or abuse them. With the 'bust up' you talk about, you mean a fight? Don't continue that shit. If you keep screwing around and punching the dog in the nose then try to pet it, it is going to bite you back. I say stay friends with the girl. It will let you find other girls who are willing to. Stay friends with your bud too, dont screw up anything. Dont say anything that you think will hurt them. Read the sig and maybe you will see.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 21:35    Post subject:
Yeah man, I hate it when girls fuck you upside the head.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 2446

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 21:49    Post subject:
For a second I thought I'd entered the set of Trisha.

Im a cockfag
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 21:50    Post subject:
i disagree, everyone says friends before girls... fuck that, if the girl is special then go for it, i have had friends bakc stab me over simple things, not even girls, and that hurts more... cherish both ur friends and the girls, but dont go head over hill for anyone...
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 21:56    Post subject:
Max if that's your out-look you obviously don't have any real friends so can't comment.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 4646
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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 22:00    Post subject:
MAD_MAX333 wrote:
dont go head over hill for anyone...

sometimes it's worth it Smile
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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 22:05    Post subject:
girls are nothing but trouble Wink I missed out on like 20hrs of sleep and 4 classes this week cause of em. sigh Very Happy

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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 22:21    Post subject:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
girls are nothing but trouble Wink I missed out on like 20hrs of sleep and 4 classes this week cause of em. sigh Very Happy

Addiction to masturbation is a psychological disorder.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 22:22    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
Max if that's your out-look you obviously don't have any real friends so can't comment.

wow and i vouched for you to be unbanned??? i am stupid... don't worry i have had enough friends and enough girls... i have learned my lessons with both kind.. don't judge me so fast, it will only make me angry, nothing more.
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PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 22:24    Post subject:
AnimalMother wrote:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
girls are nothing but trouble Wink I missed out on like 20hrs of sleep and 4 classes this week cause of em. sigh Very Happy

Addiction to masturbation is a psychological disorder.

LOL! Very Happy

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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 2nd Apr 2005 22:54    Post subject:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
AnimalMother wrote:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
girls are nothing but trouble Wink I missed out on like 20hrs of sleep and 4 classes this week cause of em. sigh Very Happy

Addiction to masturbation is a psychological disorder.

LOL! Very Happy


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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 01:09    Post subject:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
girls are nothing but trouble Wink I missed out on like 20hrs of sleep and 4 classes this week cause of em. sigh Very Happy

Well, what were you doing? "Reading books" Wink

Watercooled 5950X | AORUS Master X570 | Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming OC | 64Gb RAM | 1Tb 970 Evo Plus + 2Tb 660p | etc etc
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 01:12    Post subject:
Hahahahah! Anyways, why do you all consider the girls you have as friends differnt from the guys you got as friends? O.o Is it something I dont know or do all of you want to be with them instead of friends?

The man who gives the insult writes in the sand. But for the man who receives it, it is chizzled in stone.
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Posts: 1140
Location: in a nice and wet pussy :)
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 01:34    Post subject:
the best thing is to be gay??

some girls really play you around..but 1 day..there is a special girl for you..

good luck hamesy

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Posts: 170
Location: Great Britain
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 02:40    Post subject:
dryan wrote:
For a second I thought I'd entered the set of Trisha.

Can't beat old school trisha (ie the ITV one), i normally tune in before Uni if i have a late start Very Happy

It is filmed in Norwich you know.
New Trisha (channel5) sucks arse

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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 10:42    Post subject:
poetic justice, unrequited love, limitless frustration. What else do you need in life.

Just be happy that the bitch isn't getting what she wants either.

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Posts: 2722
Location: In Your Illusions
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 11:19    Post subject:
Just tell her, well i know you said you wanted to be friends but can I screw you once? and THEN we can become friends.

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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Dalai Lama

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PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 12:58    Post subject:
yeah girls do fuck up your mind Smile
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Posts: 100

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Apr 2005 14:37    Post subject:
Girls are to be used, not to THINK Wink
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PostPosted: Mon, 18th Apr 2005 16:26    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
AnimalMother wrote:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
girls are nothing but trouble Wink I missed out on like 20hrs of sleep and 4 classes this week cause of em. sigh Very Happy

Addiction to masturbation is a psychological disorder.

LOL! Very Happy


ROFLMFAO (I beat you Wink)

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 23:33    Post subject:
I swear that girls do this sorta thing on purpose? I mean wtf. A girl can get some anytime she wants. As for a bloke you either have to be a total prick or wait your turn...

PS. I'm still waiting
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Posts: 3247

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Apr 2005 16:47    Post subject:
if a dude wants to fuck he can go to a girl thats a real slut (there are suprisingly alot of these) but do you really want to have a girl that every other guy has done it with

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Posts: 2722
Location: In Your Illusions
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Apr 2005 17:08    Post subject:
Fuck yea!

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Apr 2005 17:50    Post subject:
nah sloppy seconds is bad enough when u know the guy but 3rd / 4th / 5ths ach i'd rather not know Very Happy

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Apr 2005 21:55    Post subject:
JeanPerrier wrote:
if a dude wants to fuck he can go to a girl thats a real slut (there are suprisingly alot of these) but do you really want to have a girl that every other guy has done it with

I suppose you only shag virgins. Razz

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Apr 2005 22:19    Post subject:
JeanPerrier wrote:
if a dude wants to fuck he can go to a girl thats a real slut (there are suprisingly alot of these) but do you really want to have a girl that every other guy has done it with

Good point. Could be even lower and get them drunk. Even easier Wink
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Posts: 3247

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Apr 2005 23:01    Post subject:
or pop one of those drugs in her drink that makes her very compliant

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Posts: 1686

PostPosted: Thu, 12th May 2005 03:44    Post subject:
Just tell her, well i know you said you wanted to be friends but can I screw you once? and THEN we can become friends.

lol - will try it next time this happens to me... Laughing

and yes - girls can really fuck you up... (but hey - never show em ^^)
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