AVOWED (Obsidian)
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Posts: 2403
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 18:33    Post subject: AVOWED (Obsidian)

Obsidian Entertainment has revealed Avowed, a brand new first-person RPG set in the studio's Pillars of Eternity world.

Avowed will be Obsidian's first big game for Microsoft since the acquisition in autumn 2018. Grounded, the studio's other game, is a much smaller affair.

Previous Pillars of Eternity games were isometric, meaning the camera was pulled up and back in an old-school RPG way. This naturally lends itself to a more tactical, paused approach to fighting. Taking the camera perspective into the character's eyes in Avowed suggests Obsidian is going for a much more Elder Scrolls/Skyrim kind of immersion. The section at the end of the trailer, when we see through the eyes of a fighter wielding a sword and magic, backs this up.

Pillars of Eternity's world is known as Eora and setting Avowed here, in familiar territory, is a great idea, not least because it has the most memorable collection of meddling gods I can think of. Obsidian needn't waste any time dreaming up a world and game systems, although exactly how those systems will translate to first-person remains to be seen. It's not a viewpoint that screams stop-start gameplay.

Platforms: Xbox Series X, PC

Release date: TBA

Last edited by Ke1N on Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 19:36; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 18:35    Post subject:
Skyrim 2? Could be good, need more gameplay asap.
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Posts: 2403
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 18:36    Post subject:
This is Obsidian's first real AAA project, so it should be great.
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Posts: 2689

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 18:39    Post subject:
Shitty game title.

Also, why is this in the PC section? Trailer says Xbox.

Frant wrote:
Shitass games are ruining piracy.
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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 18:40    Post subject:
In stream also mentioned on PC.
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Posts: 9325
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 18:41    Post subject:
It's set in Eora (Pillars of Eternity).
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 18:57    Post subject:
It'd be cool if it was set in the land of the Stormfolk, or whatever race Rekke is.

But also ewww Eora. Setting it there kinda lessens the impact of the world because we already know what's up with the gods and stuff.

Should have set it in Terratus. Now that's a world I'd like to explore.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 2403
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 19:01    Post subject:
r3dshift wrote:
Shitty game title.

Also, why is this in the PC section? Trailer says Xbox.

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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 19:21    Post subject:
I'd like to be excited about it since first-person RPG is something that tickles my willy, but there are way too many variables at play, including Obsidian themselves.

Mod support is another important factor (which The Outer Worlds neglected..among the other things), so yeah, let's wait and see.

Random creations of an insane mind / Screens from Bulgaria [Early Access]

Last edited by ixigia on Tue, 28th Jul 2020 02:52; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 51066
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 19:32    Post subject:
Ok lads, how long until the first lazy gamejourno calls this a skyrim-killer?

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 2403
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 19:35    Post subject:

Obsidian Entertainment has revealed Avowed, a brand new first-person RPG set in the studio's Pillars of Eternity world.

Avowed will be Obsidian's first big game for Microsoft since the acquisition in autumn 2018. Grounded, the studio's other game, is a much smaller affair.

Previous Pillars of Eternity games were isometric, meaning the camera was pulled up and back in an old-school RPG way. This naturally lends itself to a more tactical, paused approach to fighting. Taking the camera perspective into the character's eyes in Avowed suggests Obsidian is going for a much more Elder Scrolls/Skyrim kind of immersion. The section at the end of the trailer, when we see through the eyes of a fighter wielding a sword and magic, backs this up.

Pillars of Eternity's world is known as Eora and setting Avowed here, in familiar territory, is a great idea, not least because it has the most memorable collection of meddling gods I can think of. Obsidian needn't waste any time dreaming up a world and game systems, although exactly how those systems will translate to first-person remains to be seen. It's not a viewpoint that screams stop-start gameplay.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 19:38    Post subject:
After Outer Worlds, I don't expect much from this.
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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 20:01    Post subject:
Mister_s wrote:
After Outer Worlds, I don't expect much from this.

Why? I mean even the shitty writing in Outer Worlds was miles above anything Beth put out in decades and Outer Worlds was allrdy just something they put together on a shoestring budget to try and save the company before they got picked up by MS.
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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 20:54    Post subject:
I really liked The Outer Worlds. Not as good as Fallout games but still it's awesome and very fun game.
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Posts: 9616
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 20:59    Post subject:
tet666 wrote:
Mister_s wrote:
After Outer Worlds, I don't expect much from this.

I mean even the shitty writing in Outer Worlds was miles above anything Beth put out in decades

That's far from being an achievement.

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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 21:47    Post subject:
Unlike that game Beth at least has awesome lore in their games (obviously no credit to them for the FO franchise, but TES is great, even beats Witcher for lore imo)-

Crazy bad title..
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2020 23:23    Post subject:
tet666 wrote:
Mister_s wrote:
After Outer Worlds, I don't expect much from this.

Why? I mean even the shitty writing in Outer Worlds was miles above anything Beth put out in decades and Outer Worlds was allrdy just something they put together on a shoestring budget to try and save the company before they got picked up by MS.

As Vurt said, the dialogues might've been a bit better, but world building in PoE was a joke.
Gameplay, combat and quests in Outer Worlds were also boring. Since I personally believe they'll use Outer Worlds as a template for this one, I have zero expectations.
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 05:58    Post subject:

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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 07:08    Post subject:
it already sounds like bullshit Razz

"fully open world, much much larger than Skyrim (very differently “larger”, more proper word would be “denser” " lol wut

so what is it, larger or more dense? or "much much larger" and also very dense (i doubt that). Skyrim is extremely dense, it's one of the reasons these open world games can feel fake, because its not how the real world is. You don't go 100m to see one thing, then 100m again and you're in a whole new biome with something totally different culturally or visually. if they think that's what we want they are clueless.

Again with the advanced A.I (Todd said that about Morrowind too...) lol.. I believe it when i see it.

Realtime weather? Uh i'd say its something we expect these days. I've expected it in open world RPG's since 28 years back, it was then we got this new standard for open world RPG's (Ultima 7). I'm sorry but the things they're trying to get us hyped up about is very standard stuff. Have they played any RPG's in the last 30 years? They took a peak at Skyrim for 20 minutes?

If it turns out good, great...

Last edited by vurt on Mon, 27th Jul 2020 07:35; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 07:17    Post subject:
What engine is it on?

Because I fear this will likely just be Outerworlds but with swords and sorcery.

Well hopefully they've learned enough of Unreal to implement other things but I'm still doubtful given their past couple of releases.

But yeah, much much larger or is it denser? I'm fine with it taking the density of Skyrim but stretching out the gameworld so it's not as dense as Skyrim.

Or make it less dense, that's fine, as long as it's not just filler quests.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 07:42    Post subject:
I can't get over how bad the title is..

"Let's make the title sound like something you really want to buy... how about... "Avoid!", no wait, "Avowed!" that sounds pretty cool!"

It's like they opened a dictionary to find a "cool name" and they couldn't be arsed to go past "A". I bet every teenager has done that when looking for that cool name for your band/song etc.. lol.. i usually stopped at A too Wink
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Posts: 9616
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 09:51    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
... but TES['s lore] is great...

I agree. Also WoW's lore is great.

But, sadly, that doesn't stop them from making flawed games based on that awesome lore. Meaning: lore is not enough.

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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 12:00    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
I can't get over how bad the title is..

"Let's make the title sound like something you really want to buy... how about... "Avoid!", no wait, "Avowed!" that sounds pretty cool!"

It's like they opened a dictionary to find a "cool name" and they couldn't be arsed to go past "A". I bet every teenager has done that when looking for that cool name for your band/song etc.. lol.. i usually stopped at A too Wink

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Posts: 9325
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 12:01    Post subject:
I think WoW lore was great, now it's a fuckin' mess akin to the never-ending comic books of DC or Marvel.
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Posts: 9325
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 12:09    Post subject:
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 12:40    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
Unlike that game Beth at least has awesome lore in their games (obviously no credit to them for the FO franchise, but TES is great, even beats Witcher for lore imo)-

Crazy bad title..

The Witcher lore is pretty basic and the author only wrote necessary bits to support the characters and stories. Hell, whole of Witcher universe's known history is only like a few centuries and there wasn't even a world map before the games. But for what it is, it's much better written though compared to TES obviously.
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Posts: 14713

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 15:44    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
I can't get over how bad the title is..

"Let's make the title sound like something you really want to buy... how about... "Avoid!", no wait, "Avowed!" that sounds pretty cool!"

It's like they opened a dictionary to find a "cool name" and they couldn't be arsed to go past "A". I bet every teenager has done that when looking for that cool name for your band/song etc.. lol.. i usually stopped at A too Wink

Agreed, this comes to mind (sorry for the piss poor quality, it's the only one I could find).

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Posts: 9616
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 15:56    Post subject:
They sure managed to succeed in one aspect about the name.

You will remember it (and talk about it).

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Posts: 76
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 19:44    Post subject:
Didn't see anyone complain about the name when Unavowed came out a couple of years ago.. are people turning dyslectic?
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Posts: 9616
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2020 21:17    Post subject:
Just more whiny.

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