[PS4] [R] Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2015)
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 13:46    Post subject: [PS4] [R] Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2015)
Surprised there was no topic for this.

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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 14:21    Post subject:
I KNOW the game will be awesome, but its sad that we don't get to see any gameplay (yet?)
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 14:58    Post subject:
I hope they change the environment sizes and beef up the AI instead of a lorry load of quick time events and shiny graphics tbh.

3 kind of ran out of steam in terms of ideas for me.
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 15:41    Post subject:
Yes! UC is like pop-corn flicks!

Can`t wait to see what ND can do with the PS4.

PC will always destroy the numbers, but oh my if things are gonna look like this forward then games have become graphically awesome enough for me Razz
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 16:20    Post subject:
reason to own a PS4.

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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 16:39    Post subject:
Laurentiu499 wrote:
reason to own a PS4.

Bought in 2013, first real game in 2015.
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 20:15    Post subject:
NO way that is in game graphics. this looks too incredible.

its just a cg cutscene

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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 20:21    Post subject:
KillerCrocker wrote:
NO way that is in game graphics. this looks too incredible.

its just a cg cutscene

nop Neutral did you see the ingame cutscenes for all them ND games?
it looks CG and feels CG but it's in game for the most part Neutral

when they control everything it looks nice. but after that... GAY.

same with MGS... it looks damn nice in cutscenes and then you play it and you see.... YOU SEEEE!!!

never liked any of the UCs. will prolly buy ps4 in 2015/16 after all the big hitters come. right now... only one game was on sonys floor and ill prolly buy a vita for manny.

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 4679
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PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 21:43    Post subject:
WaldoJ wrote:
KillerCrocker wrote:
NO way that is in game graphics. this looks too incredible.

its just a cg cutscene

nop Neutral did you see the ingame cutscenes for all them ND games?
it looks CG and feels CG but it's in game for the most part Neutral

when they control everything it looks nice. but after that... GAY.

same with MGS... it looks damn nice in cutscenes and then you play it and you see.... YOU SEEEE!!!

never liked any of the UCs. will prolly buy ps4 in 2015/16 after all the big hitters come. right now... only one game was on sonys floor and ill prolly buy a vita for manny.

All cutscenes have been pre-rendered in ND games. Even the TLOU remake has them prerendered :

"Our cinematics are now running at 1080p and 60fps, and that involved rendering them all from scratch. It's interesting that now [instead of a technical bottleneck], the bottleneck is "Can we fit all this on the disc?"

It's "in-engine" "captured" "rendered" etc, never mentioned anything about real time, because it's not.

Yes it will look good, but nowhere near this quality.
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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jun 2014 23:13    Post subject:
I will get PS4 just for this game, absolutely loved Uncharted 2&3. Naughty Dog can do absolutely amazing things with PS3, cant wait to see how it really looks.
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Jun 2014 00:20    Post subject:
It seems to be in real time to me, because you can clearly see aliasing.

Maybe Werelds can confirm !

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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Wed, 11th Jun 2014 03:00    Post subject:
WaldoJ wrote:
KillerCrocker wrote:
NO way that is in game graphics. this looks too incredible.

its just a cg cutscene

nop Neutral did you see the ingame cutscenes for all them ND games?
it looks CG and feels CG but it's in game for the most part Neutral

when they control everything it looks nice. but after that... GAY.

same with MGS... it looks damn nice in cutscenes and then you play it and you see.... YOU SEEEE!!!

never liked any of the UCs. will prolly buy ps4 in 2015/16 after all the big hitters come. right now... only one game was on sonys floor and ill prolly buy a vita for manny.

well most (if not all) cutscenes in uc2 and 3 are prerendered... and plenty of people judge game graphics by them because they dont know those are recorded.

it will surely look great but not cg

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PostPosted: Wed, 11th Jun 2014 04:21    Post subject:
They are blink videos, nothing rendered real time. Captured from a playstation 4, nothing but a scam to fool people
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PostPosted: Wed, 11th Jun 2014 05:33    Post subject:
This is both Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us Remastered Smile

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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Jun 2014 02:51    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Jun 2014 05:40    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Mon, 16th Jun 2014 19:27    Post subject:
60fps trailer here :


Youtube one was 30fps cuz of Youtube limitations.

Looks impressive, I hope they just didn't speed up the 30fps trailer to make it look like it is running at 60fps in real time without a hitch...

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PostPosted: Wed, 6th Aug 2014 05:33    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Wed, 6th Aug 2014 11:50    Post subject:
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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Wed, 6th Aug 2014 11:59    Post subject:
"Graphics" comparison lol wut lol wut lol wut lol wut lol wut lol wut
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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Wed, 6th Aug 2014 13:59    Post subject:
Lets compare old ass original Uncharted to CGI Uncharted 4 trailer. Legit comparison Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu, 7th Aug 2014 04:20    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2014 22:50    Post subject:

The Gods will make the peasants proud. The master race will watch in envy. Very Happy

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Posts: 8852
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Aug 2014 23:33    Post subject:

I have Uncharted 1 and 2.

I started Uncharted 1 and enjoyed parts of it, but I got stuck and frustrated and CBA to continue past about half way.

I'd like to "catch up" ahead of this being released. Am I safe / sensible in just jumping into Uncharted 2, or would it really be silly to skip the second half of Uncharted 1?

FYI, I loved Tomb Raider so I know this genre will be enjoyable...

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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2014 00:01    Post subject:
Yeah You are good. UC1 is crap shooter really.
UC2 too... but it had its moments and characters (too much shooting tho)
my fav one was uc3 but I am a weird one here. most people say its worst one

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PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2014 02:39    Post subject:
KillerCrocker wrote:
Yeah You are good. UC1 is crap shooter really.
UC2 too... but it had its moments and characters (too much shooting tho)
my fav one was uc3 but I am a weird one here. most people say its worst one

def weird, especially calling uc2 crap, my jaw was open the whole time playing it, still the best graphics on ps3 imo, and shooting was smooth and fun, also very fun to beat on the higher difficulties
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2014 02:46    Post subject:
Not weird. Just like me he played all 3 at the same time and preferred the 3rd.

But yeah calling uc2 crap... Not sure if serious

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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2014 21:33    Post subject:
For me it felt like It tried to do the same thing as gears of war + platformer set pieces.

Shooting, shooting, shooting. Over 1k killed enemies in first game, 1k enemies in second game and 500 in third game. Those are statistics. 3rd game was most "exploration" based of three and that's why I liked it the most.

UC games are totally shooters. Corridor after corridor of shooting. Constantly. It was very tiresome to me. Thankfully characters and settings were very entertaining... in not a bit too much. Nate felt like trying too hard.

And as for being a shooter, I hated the feel of shooting iteslf. The difficulty was also terribly balanced in second part of 1st and second game. They ramped up enemies hp and damage like crazy.

Gow at least was honest about being a shooter and did it excellen + had better story and characters. Same with Binary Domain.

But again. I played all 3 UC games only couple of months ago. Years after I've finished gow trilogy couple of times and Binary Domain 3 times (for example)
Proboably just got tired of the schema becaues I've also barely finished kz2 and could not bare kz3 even tho it was done way better

edit: imo imo imo

3080, ps5, lg oled

Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
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PostPosted: Thu, 21st Aug 2014 22:10    Post subject:
KillerCrocker wrote:
For me it felt like It tried to do the same thing as gears of war + platformer set pieces.

Shooting, shooting, shooting. Over 1k killed enemies in first game, 1k enemies in second game and 500 in third game. Those are statistics. 3rd game was most "exploration" based of three and that's why I liked it the most.

UC games are totally shooters. Corridor after corridor of shooting. Constantly. It was very tiresome to me. Thankfully characters and settings were very entertaining... in not a bit too much. Nate felt like trying too hard.

And as for being a shooter, I hated the feel of shooting iteslf. The difficulty was also terribly balanced in second part of 1st and second game. They ramped up enemies hp and damage like crazy.

Gow at least was honest about being a shooter and did it excellen + had better story and characters. Same with Binary Domain.

But again. I played all 3 UC games only couple of months ago. Years after I've finished gow trilogy couple of times and Binary Domain 3 times (for example)
Proboably just got tired of the schema becaues I've also barely finished kz2 and could not bare kz3 even tho it was done way better

I agree that Gears is a much better 'cover based third person shooter' than UC (especially Gears 2 and 3), but on the story side...



The story/characters/VO/presentation is where UC shines, there is no way in hell Gears is even half as good on ANY of those aspects!
Crocker youz crazy!Laughing

BD is probably somewhere in between, gameplay was great, story was great, it looked great (especially the way robots/metal plating break), VO was fine and some characters were well made. Hmm... I'd say fuck both Gears and UC, give me another BD! Very Happy

[img:91f1fb12c3 ]http://i.imgur.com/fTzqMvq.gif[/img]
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Posts: 10747
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PostPosted: Tue, 30th Sep 2014 12:23    Post subject:
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