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Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 23:54 Post subject: I fucking hate SBC |
Never downgrade your DSL package, ever.
I decided to downgrade to slower speeds last week, the transition went smooth, then today for some wacko reason they downgraded my account to DIALUP. DIALUP. Wtf? How does "DSL Deluxe Package" convert to "DIAL UP!".
Im so fucking pissed now. Now i'm probally going to have to wait a week so they can "re-test" my line to see if it works correctly, and so they can sit there with their thumbs up their asses fixing a problem they caused. Meanwhile im penilized for it. I truly don't understand how they could fuck up this much. They made the transition to the slower speeds just fine, then they decide to change me to dial-up. Huh?
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Posted: Mon, 4th Apr 2005 23:55 Post subject: |
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 00:00 Post subject: |
I'm going to pwn your ass with my dialup now. F3@r the dialup causing the ddos attack.
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 00:30 Post subject: |
yeah it's bad i guess...but you will enjoy your dsl a lot more and apreciate it hehe.
luckily i never had any beef with my dsl company and they are delivering what they promise without error for 4 years now.
jesus christ was a gangsta rapper. they killed him. he came back and made a platinum album.
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[Moderator] Elitist
Posts: 8374
Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 01:03 Post subject: |
this is a sign from teh web godZors.. NEVER downgrade a connection! EVER!!
it has been said. done.
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 01:07 Post subject: |
dsl in general is crap
I like my 5mb cable line 
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VIP Master Jedi
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 04:37 Post subject: |
Mchart wrote: | SycoShaman wrote: | dsl in general is crap
I like my 5mb cable line  |
I laugh at you. With your overloaded nodes, and slow ping times. Bandwidth doesnt mean much when you need good pings for gaming  |
callin me a noob, dipshit
was i talkin about gaming? nope, I dont play any online games anymore cept Ultima which always has shit pings (servers suck). I was talking about acquiring things as in games, movies etc....u stick with ur shitty dsl and I'll have my crap 5mb line...dipshit
When I did used to play ravenshield, AA and MOH:AA (briefly) online, my ping was never higher than have a base for your remarks.
* Note, the modem and line is specifically made to prevent overloading.
and dude, ive been around for a while, so dont go makin assumptions
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 04:49 Post subject: |
rofl... I downgraded from 6mbit/1mbit adsl, and my pings never go above 25ms. Now I will definatly call you a "noob". BTW - 70ms for a ping is ok, but not good. There is a reason people still have DSL, better pings, more reliability, no slowdowns due to overloaded nodes. Why does the truth that cable internet sucks so much make you so mad? Also I'm almost 85% sure that your real bandwidth with your "5mbit" l33t cable internet is more around 2.8mbit, and don't even get me started with your upload rate. Even DSL providers have shitty upload rates because they know they can get away with it, but cable internet providers really like giving their customers crap upload.
"You've Been around for a while" - If you've actually been around for a while you would realize why people dont get cable internet, if you would have had a better attitude and said its because it was cheaper, thats fine, but you called me a dipshit. End of Story.

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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 05:11 Post subject: |
I was just about to cut and past the link to my isp but that would be dumb
dont have "l33t" line you homo
and when ur playin games on a fri night and ur ping never goes over 25? what games? and what servers? i have to check em, for real, no sarcasim, i should be able to get a great return
and really, on most online games that ppl play, pings 80 and down are consider really really good
So please, tell me the games and servers, cuz thats why i stopped playing online games.
Dude, I guess u live in the windy city, but cable isnt cheaper here in Toronto, not for the same amount of speed
My line is 5mb down and 1.5mb up
And dont go tellin me how long ive been around, seriously
Anyway man, this is retarded and the fact that im even arguing is even more retarded so really whatever...Im glad ur happy with ur line, im happy with mine, thats that.
Now, if u wanna argue politics, games, religion, books, sports etc I dont mind, love to debate shit 
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 06:43 Post subject: |
ok.. WTF is going on here. SBC SWITCHED MY DSL TO MY OTHER LINE! WTF! Ok anyways.. I'm paying for my slower speed package, yet now my speed is still that of the higher package..
So here is what happened to me bandwidth wise today original package on original line -> Transition to slower package, slower package on original line -> WTF HAPPEND -> WTF ITS ON THE OTHER LINE -> my new downgraded package on other line, yet I still have the higher package speeds.
Anyways, I hope the SBC techs dont find out, because now I still have 6mbit/1mbit speeds, but Im paying for 1.5mbit/486 speeds.
My Head Hurts.
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 06:45 Post subject: |
lol umm ooooooookkkkkkkk............. :/
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 07:19 Post subject: |
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 10:06 Post subject: |
Quote: | 70ms for a ping is ok, but not good |
70ms is not good? Excuse me but human (regarding brain and psyhical reaction, like hand moving) is not able to render a difference in game playing in the range of 25-70ms. We're talking about 0.025 - 0.07second. Did you really believe it could have any difference while playing on multiplayer? Then imagine an example: how far can you move your player within 0.025s and 0.07? Imagine the situation I shoot to you and we analyze two connections. One with 25ms and the second with 70ms. Average bullet flows with the speed of 300m/s. Consider two options: 1. The shooter (delay of target reaching). 2. The victim (delay of position changing or shooting). What will be the influence (difference) on the map? Practically none.
I'm playing Rainbow Six 3 for 4 years, almost day by day (even christmas). This is probably the fastest game ever (requires very fast reaction in certain conditions), surely uncomparable to games like Splinter Cell, MOHAA, etc. (I like these games too). At the beginning I had been using dialup with 250ms then various other connections till my actual DSL with 40ms. I see no difference (noticeable) between 40ms or 80ms. The last difference I noticed was approx. 120ms and it was really hard to catch (maybe it was even a missed feeling). 25ms-70ms does not make any practical difference.
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Dalai Lama
Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 14:47 Post subject: |
lol are you gonna flame only or what...
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 17:03 Post subject: |
Why flame? Just an explaination. I know the pain of various Internet connection types thus shared knowledge, experience and personal feelings. No offence. I am not "leet".
Did you notice any problem or flame in my post?
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VIP Member
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 19:08 Post subject: |
lol that pic was prolly made by some loser on 14.4 and with the worlds smallest penis. worst part is he probably had to think about how small his penis is while the image took an hour to upload 
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 20:09 Post subject: |
I thought my univ 10mbit is fast. Are there links with 1gbit?
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 20:23 Post subject: |
1gb link?
I HIGHLY DOUBT IT....omg that sounds so unreal. I could be wrong, but I'd have to see the specs myself...u have a link or tech paper?
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 20:26 Post subject: |
what do you mean, tech paper, i have an intel 1000GT in my pc wich is connected to an 3com super stackIII (4900) wich connects to a cisco gbit router.... you guys don't know where i work we have more than 1gbit uplink, believe it or not
Last edited by whoKnows on Tue, 5th Apr 2005 20:28; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 20:27 Post subject: |
whoKnows wrote: | what do you mean, tech paper, i have a intel 1000GT in my pc wich is connected to an 3com super stackIII (4900) wich connects to a cisco gbit router.... |
Exactly, so thats your intranet bandwidth.
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 20:29 Post subject: |
Anyways, My entire point of this thread was to show how fucking moronic SBC is, lets continue that, we have enough e-penis measuring contests around here as it is.
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 20:35 Post subject: |
Mchart wrote: | Anyways, My entire point of this thread was to show how fucking moronic SBC is, lets continue that, we have enough e-penis measuring contests around here as it is. |
lol how true
And thats what i was thinking, intranet...I get 10mbs per sec on my intranet, but not the internet...thats what I was saying, 1gbit internet connection...i dunno, if someone has a link to a vendor, please post
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Posted: Tue, 5th Apr 2005 20:49 Post subject: |
SycoShaman wrote: | Mchart wrote: | Anyways, My entire point of this thread was to show how fucking moronic SBC is, lets continue that, we have enough e-penis measuring contests around here as it is. |
lol how true
And thats what i was thinking, intranet...I get 10mbs per sec on my intranet, but not the internet...thats what I was saying, 1gbit internet connection...i dunno, if someone has a link to a vendor, please post |
There is 1gbit internet, but it's only purpose is to connect the backbones of the internet itself together. A Fiber-Optic 768mbit connection costs around 80 grand month, and that doesnt include the costs of the equipment that is needed to use it.
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