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Special Little Man
Posts: 15098
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Posted: Tue, 17th Jun 2014 14:45 Post subject: For Cyclone |
I'll do this in a separate thread so I don't pollute the other thread.
cyclonefr wrote: | But let's not start an OS war here, I m just underlining why I mostly use OS X. |
Too late, you knew what was gonna come when you directed this at me and I will rip through this nonsense. If you don't care about this, fine - then I suggest next time you don't spew out a wall of bullshit and direct it at me. Preferring one OS over another is fine, regardless of whether it's desktop or mobile, but don't spew lies and inaccuracies if you don't know what you're talking about.
I have no preference for Windows, OS X or Linux. Unlike you and some people, I actively use OS X, Linux and Windows on a daily basis. And for some reason I seem to be one of the few who sees the flaws all 3 have, but at the same time also what makes them so uniquely fit for specific purposes. OS X is what I use the most right now, because it's the center of all my programming work. Linux probably comes in second, because of all the servers I have under my management.
I also use Android on a daily basis and used to use my iPad a lot more (just no need for it anymore; much less travelling and in a lot of cases I just use my phone) and just prefer Android because it suits my needs better (75% of that translates to: I hate the shitty keyboard on iOS, another 20% boils down to "fuck paying twice as much for a similar device"). The two have stolen things from each other and rightfully so, because some things are just better on either side.
Quote: | Never had to update any of my OS X though to go on these sites safely : no problem with Tiger and good old SAfari.
Yeah I get that the issue is that these java malware are only using windows code because of 95 % of users using Windows. Hopefully it stays that way : the more people use windows the better : less interest in OSX malware |
Except that most of the shit you get in IE isn't actually related to Java. And yes, the reason OS X has not seen as much malware is simply the measly market share, which is at a high point now and yet still. In Tiger days they were about as popular as Linux was on desktop, so take from that what you will. I can just as easily say that Linux is the most secure OS in the world, because it is way ahead of OS X on servers and yet very little malware exists for it. Doesn't negate the fact that it has security holes like anything else.
Quote: | Yep I do know it s easy as hell on osx to just create a bash script with rm -R / and put it in the preflight of any installation pkg, but osx asks for your password first (kinda like cancel or allow since Vista...). |
Yeah, because that is the kind of "malware" I'm talking about - some fucking Bash script. I suppose you're referring to the myth of viruses that do "format c:"
Quote: | Now it s up to you whether or not you are installing crap on your OS.
I don't remember any cancel or allow when I had these java viruses on Windows 7 though back then. Most likely due to the fact that because of the vista hate, Microsoft made it less intrusive and less systematic (and thus less secure). Yes I do know when installing windows 7+, you can still use the Old Vista protection, but the recommended one is the less intrusive one, that most people will leave it by default since well.... It's recommended... |
That's because you allowed Java to run already - you already gave your consent to let it do its thing. That's why UAC didn't pop up. And as you'll see below, this is no different on OS X - the second you allow Java to run something it can do whatever the fuck it wants. I don't even have Java installed on my Windows PC, because I don't need it for anything. Java falls under crap and up till 3 years ago was shipped with OS X in standard Apple practices: meaning old versions with very few updates. See below for more.
Quote: | You cannot control this on OS X, even if you force it to allow the installation of unsigned content, it will still asks for root access. |
Guess you haven't heard of Flashback, Tibet.C or RSPlug. The first one in particular is fun, because Apple maintained their own JRE they took another 2 months to get it fixed after Oracle plugged the hole in theirs. And guess what, just like on Windows, none of these required any user interaction because you already gave your consent to run Java. Surprise!
You know those nasty ad-infested installers that change your search etc? They exist for Macs too. In fact, there's a company specialised in them (I forgot their name though - some Israelian company...Leo? ). They're a partner of Softonic too and they've had their shit in porn sites as well, masquerading as video codecs. Just like they do on Windows.
Quote: | Also, I prefer my OS to be made of many INDEPENDENT .plist that are not used if the apps isn't installed/ran rather than a big bloated registry file... If you see what I mean... |
#1: the registry does not consist of a single file anymore, hasn't since 2000.
#2: how is tens of thousands of unused files inherently better?
Even with its "big" and "bloated" registry files, Windows still has a lot of smaller files to load on boot. OS X makes that worse by adding an easy 4500-5000 .plist files which may or may not get loaded (typically some 20-30% goes unused). With an SSD, fine, not that big of a deal. On mechanical drives it's the complete opposite. That's the same issue Linux has and that's why both Linux and OS X these days delay a *lot* of these to be loaded post-boot. At the cost of a lot of disk I/O. Windows' "big" and "bloated" registry files on the other hand don't even get to 200 megs all added up together, so even on a mediocre hard drive it takes 5 or 6 I/O operations to load them all and that's plenty fast, because it's sequential reading. The CPU then has to spend a few ms to parse it, but who gives a fuck about that when the CPU is practically idle while booting since it's bottlenecked by HDD I/O?
So no, I don't see what you mean. Do you?
Quote: | All in all : OS X since 10.4 = no virus browsing the web, ever.
Browsing sites on Windows 7 (don't remember vista, not even talking about Xp ) = caught viruses and windows didn't ask for my permission....True story. And don't tell me not to browse porn sites or not to use IE please. |
I'm sorry, but that says more about you than it does about Windows. Especially since you take 10.4 as your starter version, which had some serious security issues with Quicktime. Quicktime was as big of a security hole then as ActiveX used to be, wasn't until 7.2 that they fixed most of the crucial ones. Which is one of the reasons I hate Quicktime so much, because it was forced on Windows users just to deal with a bloody container.
On Windows since 3.1, no virus scanner of any kind since 2003 and I've only ever been infected by a single virus, the Blaster virus.
Quote: | On OSX I'm not telling anyone not to do this and not to use Safari... |
That's about the same as telling people Java is perfectly safe and should always be installed, even if not necessary. Or rather, that disabling Java unless you need it is a bad idea. That's just utter nonsense.
Edit: oh and as an added bonus, I suggest you take a look at this year's Pwn2Own results. Google showed an exploit in Safari, without resorting to Flash or Java, that allowed them to do whatever as root. Need user interaction always, right? Wasn't patched on 10.6 either.
Don't even get me started on all the crap Apple ships with OS X in horrible builds either. There's so much crap built into OS X that calling Windows' registry files "bloated" just gets ever more hilarious. You do realise OS X has things like Apache, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Postfix, SSHD all installed and running right? Mostly old and sometimes broken builds, but they're there nonetheless. And you don't use the majority of them, or only a tiny portion of their functionality.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
Posted: Tue, 17th Jun 2014 18:13 Post subject: |
I will give one example. iPhoneDevSDK website a few years ago had an advertisement that included a malware and caused a lot of data leakage from Macs. Since it's a development forum, a lot of corporations found themselves leaking sensitive information.
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Special Little Man
Posts: 15098
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Posted: Tue, 17th Jun 2014 20:32 Post subject: |
Ohhh I forgot about that one
Wasn't that only last year?
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
Posted: Tue, 17th Jun 2014 20:44 Post subject: |
Could be, not sure on the dates. 
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[Moderator] Elitist
Posts: 8374
Posted: Tue, 17th Jun 2014 23:13 Post subject: |
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Posted: Fri, 17th Oct 2014 23:41 Post subject: |
Omg just noticed this thread today
Thanks for the infos Werelds 
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
Posted: Sat, 18th Oct 2014 00:03 Post subject: |
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Special Little Man
Posts: 15098
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Posted: Sat, 18th Oct 2014 00:23 Post subject: |
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Posted: Sat, 18th Oct 2014 00:42 Post subject: |
Better late then never, I guess.... 
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