[OTHER] EGX 2014 (AKA Eurogamer)
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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Sep 2014 05:10    Post subject: [OTHER] EGX 2014 (AKA Eurogamer)
EGX 2014 starts this Thursday until Sunday. Im going for 2 days this year Very Happy


Game list Very Happy

Alien: Isolation
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Battlefield Hardline
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Crimes & Punishments: Sherlock Holmes
Dead Island 2
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dying Light
Elite: Dangerous
Escape Dead Island
EVE: Valkyrie
Fable Legends
Far Cry 4
Final Horizon
Forza Horizon 2
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd
Hyrule Warriors
inFAMOUS First Light
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LittleBigPlanet 3
Lords of the Fallen
Metro Redux
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Mortal Kombat X
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New 'n' Tasty
Project CARS
Project Spark
Sacred 3
SingStar Ultimate Party
Sleeping Dogs : Definitive Edition
Sunset Overdrive
Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS
Super Smash Bros. For Wii U
The Crew
The Evil Within
The Last of Us Remastered
The Order: 1886
Transformers Universe
Until Dawn
War Thunder
WWE 2K15
Yoshi's Woolly World

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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Sep 2014 10:44    Post subject:
many of the games on that list are already out...
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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Sep 2014 18:01    Post subject:
He'll just pay again to see them all...cause he can.. Cool Face
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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Sep 2014 18:41    Post subject:
rgb#000 wrote:
many of the games on that list are already out...
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PostPosted: Thu, 25th Sep 2014 04:37    Post subject:
Yeah I noticed that. They usually do have recently released games there every year. I guess they are just space fillers and give the option for people to try them before they buy them.

Im only interested in these Smile

Alien: Isolation
Battlefield Hardline
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Dead Island 2
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dying Light
Escape Dead Island
Far Cry 4
LittleBigPlanet 3
Lords of the Fallen
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Mortal Kombat X
Project CARS
Sleeping Dogs : Definitive Edition
The Evil Within
The Order: 1886
Until Dawn

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Posts: 34356
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th Sep 2014 05:39    Post subject:

Well after 2 days at EGX 2014 I am back. I didnt manage get in as much as I wanted but I think I did pretty well considering how insanely busy it was on Saturday. I was there both Saturday and Sunday, played plenty, saw plenty and even attended two developer sessions, one for Witcher 3 and one for Dying Light.

Witcher 3 Developer Session I attended. Unfortunately the Dying Light developer session doesnt seem to be available as yet.

The big problem with big gaming events like this are the queueing times which are often at least 30 minutes but were upto 3 hours. I think it depended on how much time available to play each game/demo. There were some demos with a timer, some you played for 10-15 until you were asked to stop playing and some you could even play until you complete it if the demo was short.

I was also with two friends so sometime we had to wait for each other especially if all three of us didnt want to play the same game and split up. The longest waiting time I heard of was Dragon Age: Inquisition. The waiting time was 3 hours but you got to play the game for 30 minutes which is decent. Unfortunately I didnt want to waste 3 hours waiting to play one game. Another I wish I could have played was Until Dawn but the wait for that was 2 hours. There were so many great games there and between now and March there are a good 15 games I am hoping to instabuy!

I didnt get as many photos as I thought plus taking photos/videos of most games was not permitted. Sorry for the blurry images.

I played the following titles.

Alien: Isolation
After queueing for approximately 45 minutes, I played a survivor mode challenge of sorts as there was a competition to obtain the fastest time through the mission to win a limited edition jacket. This game was hard and I didnt even get to the end of it before my 15 minutes of play was done. The objective was to get from point A to point B whilst avoiding the alien. A flamethrower was available which had only two blasts available for defence to repel the alien. I recall dying multiple times and I cant remember which next gen console I played it on but it looked jawdropping and the atmosphere is awesome. I cant wait to get my hands on the full game in 2 weeks Very Happy

Assassin's Creed Rogue
Im not sure why Assassin's Creed Unity wasnt available to play and I was bit disappointed. However I did get to play the last gen Assassin's Creed Rogue game on Xbox 360 if I recall. As I usually game on PS4, and the last Assassin's Creed game I played was Black Flag on PS4, the drop in visuals/framerate was noticeable and nagged me throughout. But for an Xbox360/PS3 game it was great, no doubt about it. The gameplay is basically Black Flag in every way within a different time period, location I assume and different characters. The mission I played involved a brief naval battle and journey to investigate a shipwreck. The most awesome thing were the frozen arctic like environments which made me wish they had released the game for PS4 because I loved Black Flag. Firing cannons at glaciers and sinking them is great fun! I also got to board an enemy ship and had a brief melee battle. The combat is very reminiscent of Black Flag with a noticeable increase in gore which the protagonist was covered in by the end of the skirmish. Unfortunately I only intend buying one Assassin's Creed game this year and it will be Unity. I have hope they will release an upgraded version of Rogue later next year or afterwards but I doubt it.

Despite being one of my most eagerly anticipated games, I only manged to play Bloodborne for 10 minutes. I noticed it was the Alpha demo and was quite surprised that I had to choose one of 4 characters to play as before starting the demo. Im assuming the character creation/customization in Demon/Dark Souls is not available in Bloodborne or they may have just created 4 random characters to play as just for the Alpha demo. The gameplay and controls are unsurprisingly similar to Demon/Dark Souls. I must admit I got my ass kicked as I was trying to use a block attack option that didnt appear to be available. I played Demon/Dark Souls and I dont think there are any shields in Bloodborne but that would explain the lack of a block button. So evading was the only course of action against attack. Despite that I got killed and was asked to end my time on it. So it was brief but it looks awesome as per the videos we've seen and is one of several I look forward to next February!

Dying Light
I loved Dead Island and Ive had my eye on Dying Light for a couple of years now. The game looks stunning and is awesome fun to play. The demo I played had an onscreen timer of 7 minutes so it was just a case of exploring and killing as much as possible. Unlike the demo I played last year, this year several awesome weapons were already available including crazily crafted combinations such as a machete with a built in flamethrower and an electrified axe if I recall correctly. One of the noticeable things for me was how much damage you can inflict on the virals which appears to be the new name for zombies. You can slice and hack chunks out of them and its brutally beautiful I have to say. There is also a brief 'X-Ray' type visual when breaking bones a bit like the slow-mo bone-breaking attacks in the recent Mortal Kombat games. A next gen Dead Island-esque game sounds too good to be true to me and I know there were be bucketloads of fun to be had along with buckletloads of gore! Very Happy

Escape Dead Island
This is a last gen only Dead Island spin off which I played for about 10 minutes. I seem to remember the demo I played was running on PC but I was using an Xbox controller. Unlike Dead Island the game is third person and cel-shaded which is kind of cool as you get the sound effects displayed as text on screen like a comic-book. It reminded me of the also cel-shaded FPS XIII which is a pretty old game by now. I may pick Escape Dead Island up at some point but its not on my instabuy list lol.

Far Cry 4
This one is on my instabuy list! I loved Far Cry 3 and played it to death. More of the same but improved in everyway can only be a good thing. The game looks and plays fantastic but I kind of expected nothing less. The demo I played seemed to involve liberating a camp. The gyrocopter was available as was the option to ride the elephants. The available area to play was limited and I received messages similar to 'you are leaving the mission zone' when seeing how far I could wander. Its released on the same day as GTAV apparently! Smile

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Given the choice I would not have bothered with Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham as I have always thought the Lego games were always too similar to be any good but one of the guys I was with was already playing it when I met up with him. So we had a 2-player co-op and I was surprisingly impressed by not only how amazing the game looks but by how cleverly designed the demo mission was. Our objective was to construct a space rocket in the Batcave. The amount of teamwork and co-op objectives required was a lot of fun I have to say. Its not a game I will buy as its a November title and there are far too many others I would rather play to be honest.

Lords of the Fallen
I was expecting something awesome from this game and in many ways I still am but I was left feeling disappointed. Im pretty sure I played the game on PS4 but it must have been a really old build or something. It played like Dark Souls but it played like Dark Souls on PS3 not PS4. The framerate was most definitely not 60fps and visually it looked pretty dull. Needless to say I did not play the game for very long. The following day, I saw a video of the game in EGX and it looked that amazing I thought I was watching Dragon Age Inquisition at first. The visuals in the video looked far superior and the framerate was far smoother than the game I played the previous day. I was left feeling confused I have to say. Its still currently an instabuy but I need to keep an eye on the videos between now and 31st October when the game is released.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
The game is due this week so I wouldnt be surprised if what I played was the retail version. With an excellent fluid attack/counter combat system similar to the recent Batman games and the climbing and stealth gameplay of Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, plus the added strategy elements, enemy branding, brutal executions and Lord of the Rings lore this game was awesome. Looks great, plays great and without a doubt this is the next instabuy for me.

Mortal Kombat X
April 2015 is long time yet but its shaping up very nicely indeed and the next gen visuals are abundantly apparent! I got to play a 3 match game against my two friends. The most awesome thing was the guys hosting were telling us the fatalities could be completed simply by pressing down and square! He did however confirm they would be far more complicated for the retail game. There were about 8 characters available and I won one game with my favourite, Scorpion but then lost as Raiden. Mortal Kombat X was actually one of the more impressive games I played. The slow motion specials are brutal and the fatalities left me in awe. I cannot wait for this game as I know Blam! cant either! Very Happy

Sleeping Dogs : Definitive Edition
I thoroughly enjoyed Sleeping Dogs and completed the game on PS3. The enhanced visuals are significant and rival if not better the PC version in my opinion. I was convinced the framerate as 60fps but the guy there told me it was only 30fps. I found that hard to believe if Im being honest as it was very impressive. Apparently the game includes all previously released DLC which is interesting as I didnt play any of the DLC on PS3. Quite looking forward to this one but Im pretty sure I might stop playing shortly afterwards when The Evil Within is released.

The Evil Within
I queued for about 45 minutes but got to play The Evil Within for 20 minutes. This one is high up on my anticipation list and did not disappoint. Some of the videos Ive seen make the visuals seem poor but my mind has been put to rest after my time with the game. Unfortunately I had no choice but to play the Xbox One version so I was not that great on the controls if Im being honest. I love survival horror and in some ways this is a next gen Resident Evil although I think its also available on last gen consoles. One of the interesting things I noticed is the game is third person but aiming is first person. I have a feeling there will be a lot of jump moments so Im really looking forward to playing with my Sony 7.1 surround sound headset in 2 weeks time!

The Order: 1886
Visually the Order: 1886 is a stunningly cinematic experience. The demo was short but highly impressive and felt like Gears of War every second I was playing, which is by no means a bad thing! One of the big games in February for me along with Bloodborne, Evolve and Witcher 3!

I wanted to play the following titles but had no time Sad

Battlefield Hardline
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Dead Island 2
Dragon Age: Inquisition
LittleBigPlanet 3
Project CARS
Sunset Overdrive
Until Dawn

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Posts: 13818
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Sep 2014 19:05    Post subject:
nice , tnx

headshot wrote:

Mortal Kombat X
April 2015 is long time yet but its shaping up very nicely indeed and the next gen visuals are abundantly apparent! I got to play a 3 match game against my two friends. The most awesome thing was the guys hosting were telling us the fatalities could be completed simply by pressing down and square! He did however confirm they would be far more complicated for the retail game. There were about 8 characters available and I won one game with my favourite, Scorpion but then lost as Raiden. Mortal Kombat X was actually one of the more impressive games I played. The slow motion specials are brutal and the fatalities left me in awe. I cannot wait for this game as I know Blam! cant either! Very Happy

So Much Win
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th Sep 2014 21:45    Post subject:
BLaM! wrote:
nice , tnx

headshot wrote:

Mortal Kombat X
April 2015 is long time yet but its shaping up very nicely indeed and the next gen visuals are abundantly apparent! I got to play a 3 match game against my two friends. The most awesome thing was the guys hosting were telling us the fatalities could be completed simply by pressing down and square! He did however confirm they would be far more complicated for the retail game. There were about 8 characters available and I won one game with my favourite, Scorpion but then lost as Raiden. Mortal Kombat X was actually one of the more impressive games I played. The slow motion specials are brutal and the fatalities left me in awe. I cannot wait for this game as I know Blam! cant either! Very Happy

So Much Win

np man Very Happy

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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Tue, 30th Sep 2014 01:38    Post subject:
FFS, I asked if any humpers were going...

We could have met for a drink at one of the buffets. Sad
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PostPosted: Tue, 30th Sep 2014 05:50    Post subject:
lol sorry dude. I never visit the general chatter thread Sad

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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