Aliens, Trolls & Dragons
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Posts: 1279
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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2014 15:20    Post subject: Aliens, Trolls & Dragons
Aliens, Trolls and Dragons is a Third Person Perspective, Action/Adventure game with native Oculus Rift support for PC and MAC. It will be released as a single player experience in a form of episodes. The first one is expected to ship this Fall.

It is the near future. Thanks to rapid progress in the field of spacecraft propulsion, we were able to reach distant planets and discover intelligent life. The aliens very much resemble us, their civilization is comparable to our medieval times. A manned mission is sent to the planet, but the lander crashes because of unknown reasons. The wreck is looted and the crew is captured and taken by the locals. You are the chief security officer of the landing party and your job is to fix all this mess.

The first episode of Aliens, Trolls & Dragons will be a prelude to events happening after a crash landing on an alien planet. His new mission now is to figure out why did his dropship crashed, what happened to the rest of the crew and how to get out of this planet. This part will feature a sword fighting system, based on reflexes and timing. Besides hacking and slashing, Aliens, Trolls & Dragons is also a TPP shooter! There will be plenty of occasions to confront futuristic projectile weapons with savage beasts living in the alien world. Further into the story, main protagonist John Knap will be equipped with high-tech gadgets that will help him to survive and give him a chance to rescue the rest of his team. Augmented Reality tactical glasses, Paralyzer gun and remote controlled micro-drones are just a beginning.

Official site:
Platforms: PC and Mac
Screenshots: Official Gallery

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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2014 16:53    Post subject:
Looks so bad, can only imagine how good experience it will be with Oculus Rift Cool Face
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Posts: 2686
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2014 17:02    Post subject:
3rd person occuus rift? must be weird
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Posts: 1977

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2014 17:07    Post subject:
Don't care about Oculus. Will play anyway...
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2014 18:03    Post subject:
Soon there will be a fad of Occulus Rift gimmick games/kickstarters.

Brace yourselves.
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Posts: 1279
Location: Behind You!
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2014 18:29    Post subject:
Seems the developer Jakub Kisiel, worked in the animations department for The Witcher 3.

Last edited by Whatsupdog on Tue, 15th Jul 2014 00:06; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2014 18:37    Post subject:
Whatsupdog wrote:
Sees the developer Jakub Kisiel, worked in the animations department for The Witcher 3.

When i watched that video, the character animation indeed looked good, i was pretty impressed, rest was absolutely shit tho. Well that explains it then Laughing
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Posts: 3363

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Jul 2014 18:42    Post subject:
this implementation exemplifies what is wrong with developer perceptions of VR
they're treating it like a monitor on your face
and it's fucking not that
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