Windows 8 / 8.1 login screen question
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Perry Rhodan

Posts: 466

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Aug 2014 22:00    Post subject: Windows 8 / 8.1 login screen question
I have 10 computers at my workplace with w 8.1. They have 5 useraccounts each and are attached to monitors with 1280x1024 resolution, which means the login screen only shows 4 of the 5 accounts, you have to use the mouse to scroll over to the right in order to see the fifth account.

Since these computers are there for people to learn it stuff on, i'm worried that people will overlook the scrollbar at the bottom, so is there a way to make the login screen show the accounts in two rows instead of one, or anything els to make all accounts visible on one screen without scrolling? My google fu is letting me down here.
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Aug 2014 22:21    Post subject:
You could edit the image for the login screen to include wording as such:

please scroll for more options

Just an example, but it would alert the user to hidden items.

Start Screen Customizer is one such program to use for this.
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Perry Rhodan

Posts: 466

PostPosted: Tue, 19th Aug 2014 08:21    Post subject:
That's worth a try, tyvm
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