Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition (c) Valve *DVD* - PROVISION
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Posts: 71

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Dec 2004 01:32    Post subject: Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition (c) Valve *DVD* - PROVISION
I am curious as to the reason why the node graph errors still occur, but I think this release is fine. You can try using the simple fixes that are around forums for the node problems and they might work, but even without them the node stuff is not a major problem and only gives a small text message during the game once in a while, so not a big deal in the end. if you would like the whole package and do not have it yet (hl2, cs:s, hl:s, hl:dm) then get this release...
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PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Jan 2005 13:30    Post subject:
So let's keep everything regarding the Provision release here!
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Posts: 146

PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Jan 2005 14:37    Post subject:
just install Update 1 + update 1 crackfix and upd9 emp
and you wont have any ai problems Wink
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Jan 2005 09:06    Post subject:
MaddoxX wrote:
just install Update 1 + update 1 crackfix and upd9 emp
and you wont have any ai problems Wink

I'm getting steam ticket expired Sad
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Posts: 397

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Jan 2005 09:27    Post subject:
Everybody's getting that, so no worries!

Edit: Everyone with pirated version that is... Smile
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Posts: 35

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Jan 2005 11:05    Post subject:
Everybody's getting that, so no worries!

thats just the part im worried about!
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Posts: 102

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Jan 2005 11:06    Post subject:
You've got nothing to worry about if you didn't buy the game.

You can always whine tho Very Happy

AMD64 3800+, Leadtek 6800 Ultra, 1GB Kingston HyperX RAM, SB Audigy 2Zs.
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Posts: 35

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Jan 2005 11:49    Post subject:
im more worried about the lack of a decent update, and im here to find out and help.... not to whine about other people comments
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Posts: 549
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 24th Jan 2005 15:26    Post subject:
MaddoxX wrote:
just install Update 1 + update 1 crackfix and upd9 emp
and you wont have any ai problems Wink

This fixes those AI Problems? I was playing the standard release (DVD) and didn't have any problems until I loaded this release.

I will give this a shot tonight. Hope it does the job. AI problems are a pain.

Thanks for the info MaddoxX Smile

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Posts: 19

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Jan 2005 18:06    Post subject:
Hmm, the thing I'm worried about in this release is the fact that you can't update it with update 1, 2 or 4 released by VENGANCE, cause when you install the Collectors Edition on your comp, you get different folders and files in the /game-folder then with the Retail-version from VENGANCE..
Like for an instance, the SteamApps-folder is not in program files\Half-Life2, it's in a folder named "Steam", and it's missing files etc..
Anyone knows about any updates that'll work for the Collectors Edition DVD?
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Posts: 3571
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PostPosted: Sun, 30th Jan 2005 19:20    Post subject:
Provision got one but It's pretty old. Time for them to release the second one.
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Posts: 1502
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PostPosted: Mon, 14th Feb 2005 18:22    Post subject:
after reading the posts im not the only one with enemies not moving anymore after running the game a second time?
started playing hl2 few days ago, didnt had the time before thx to school
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Posts: 13

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Feb 2005 04:52    Post subject:
Voodoo-child wrote:
after reading the posts im not the only one with enemies not moving anymore after running the game a second time?
started playing hl2 few days ago, didnt had the time before thx to school

Yeah I'm having this problem too.
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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Feb 2005 17:47    Post subject:
Me to. it runs fine the first time but next time, all characters are not moving + the scripts which don't trigger.
i have installed the provision patch1 and the crackfix for this patch.

Any help would be very much appreciated
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Posts: 146

PostPosted: Sat, 19th Feb 2005 01:37    Post subject:
download update 2 from provision.
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Posts: 163

PostPosted: Tue, 22nd Feb 2005 23:09    Post subject:
Damn, too bad a Standard Edition valid serial doesn't work w/ this one.

dyn IP addys, subnet & mac spoofs, email routing, and if all else fails, wi-fi. banned? lol, its more like brb. =p
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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Wed, 23rd Feb 2005 22:47    Post subject:
Thx Maddox! installed update 2 after update 1 and the crackfix. It seems to be working just fine(it does not alter the date and the time codes in my savegames anymore). I do not get the ai error anymore either! Very Happy
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Posts: 549
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 9th Mar 2005 17:15    Post subject:
I ran threw this little tweak and it fixed my AI problems for good. I thought I would pass it along.

It worked great for me. I hope it works for others that have the same issue.

Here is the solution for A.I.disabled bug:

Go into your hl2cfg folder, and create a txt file, inside this text file, write the following lines.
ai_norebuildgraph "1"
ai_disable "0"

Save, then rename the text file to ai_fix.cfg, right click the file and set it to read only.
Next, open up valve.rc in notepad, you should see the following
// load the base configuration
//exec default.cfg
// Setup custom controller
exec joystick.cfg
// run a user script file if present
exec autoexec.cfg
// stuff command line statements
// display the startup level

under "exec autoexec.cfg", add this line
exec ai_fix.cfg

Save the file and your done!
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Posts: 146

PostPosted: Wed, 9th Mar 2005 19:37    Post subject:
Don't put this CFG in.

Just install Update 2 and your problem is fixed.
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Posts: 549
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 9th Mar 2005 20:05    Post subject:
MaddoxX wrote:
Don't put this CFG in.

Just install Update 2 and your problem is fixed.

I tried the 2nd Update and it didn't work for me. This is
how I fixed the issue. It didn't screw up my game in anyway.

It's your choice if you wish to use it or not.

You make it sound like it's a bad thing. I was just sharing
some knowledge that I thought might be useful.

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Posts: 549
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 9th Mar 2005 20:21    Post subject:
MaddoxX wrote:
Don't put this CFG in.

Just install Update 2 and your problem is fixed.

Ok. Now I'm wondering if I used the wrong update 2. Did
provision release a 2nd update?

Maybe I used the Vegenace one and screwed up my game files.

Never knew that they had a 2nd update for this release of
Half-Life Collectors Edition.

When did this happen? Is there a seperate update?

Need some info...
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Posts: 549
Location: USA
PostPosted: Thu, 10th Mar 2005 11:48    Post subject:
MaddoxX wrote:
If you would have brains you already know that EMPORIO > PROViSiON
use UPD2 from PVN to update PROViSiON Rls.

Apperciate the feedback....


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PostPosted: Sun, 20th Mar 2005 20:15    Post subject:
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Posts: 20

PostPosted: Wed, 30th Mar 2005 17:37    Post subject:
Can somebody post the names of the cab files from the provision releases. Only the cab in the root of the DVD. Torrent messed the names of mine up. Thank you
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Wed, 6th Jul 2005 21:12    Post subject:
No luck in the PC Technical forum, so im gonna try here too Wink

I can´t get the console to appear. Made a shortcut from the Start hl2.bat and added -console. Didn´t work so i tried adding -applaunch - dev -tconsole. None of them work, help me please!

And have anyone tried mods for this release? Im especially interested in Garrysmod...

Watercooled 5950X | AORUS Master X570 | Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming OC | 64Gb RAM | 1Tb 970 Evo Plus + 2Tb 660p | etc etc
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Posts: 3904

PostPosted: Wed, 6th Jul 2005 21:22    Post subject:
go to \Steam\SteamApps\(youremail)\half-life 2\hl2\cfg and open config.cfg in notepad.
add bind "(some key)" toggleconsole.
e.g. bind "~" toggleconsole

hope this helps Smile
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jul 2005 01:47    Post subject:
A Collectors Edition that doesn't work.. that's kind of crappy...
The point of a Collectors Edition is that it can be "collected"... so that you can take the game out in ten years (or more) and play it again....
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Posts: 99

PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jul 2005 13:59    Post subject:
can someone tell me by what name is the UPDATE 2 of Provision available

2nd --- does the VNG release also have these probs ? or is it just fine like a Retail release ??
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jul 2005 18:35    Post subject:
weird0 wrote:
go to \Steam\SteamApps\(youremail)\half-life 2\hl2\cfg and open config.cfg in notepad.
add bind "(some key)" toggleconsole.
e.g. bind "~" toggleconsole

hope this helps Smile

Soryy for the late answer, but that wasn´t the problem. I thought you had to run the game from the generated .bat´s. But you didn´t Razz I just created a shortcut from the original .exe and added -dev - console, and bang, there it was Very Happy

Watercooled 5950X | AORUS Master X570 | Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming OC | 64Gb RAM | 1Tb 970 Evo Plus + 2Tb 660p | etc etc
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Posts: 73

PostPosted: Thu, 7th Jul 2005 18:43    Post subject:
ripper22 wrote:
im more worried about the lack of a decent update, and im here to find out and help.... not to whine about other people comments

Then go to emporios place - or prog it right by yourself....
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