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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 11:44    Post subject: LESSER KNOWN CRAP THREAD
post lesser known crap (pc games) you really like here
make sure it hasn't been covered by other topics
and don't argue/fight/disccuss popular games here
this is a thread for people that have given up on PC games and are waiting for diablo 3
in other words, if you know of something cool
but don't want/care to start a topic about it
please tell us about it here
no matter how shit or obscure it is

my crap

jumping soccer -----arcade 2d sports game, more fun that it could possibly sound

savage 2 ------tribes + guildwars, servers all over the world
this one has servers all over the world

post your crap here!
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Posts: 455

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 11:46    Post subject:
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 11:50    Post subject:
Another World -

But it certainly is not crap! Sad
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Posts: 2336
Location: Cracow, Poland
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 12:15    Post subject:
Another World was a major hit game at its time, and i think the thread is about unknown, unpopular games. Not good old games. Right? :>

But i was always mainstream, i guess... Sad
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 12:16    Post subject:
Well, it's unknown now... Razz BTW, there is a 15th anniversary edition with redone graphics, so it kind of makes it recent. Smile
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Posts: 1835

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 12:22    Post subject:
These games made me feel dirty at the time when I first played them.

Allegiance - Old MS game multiplayer game set in space. You had your guilds, resource harvesting and a commander mode (ala Battlefield 2 stylee). It held great promise at the time when I bought it. Thinking it would be a cross between Command and Conquer/Freespace 2 but on a grander scale with many players duking it out online. As it happens it turned out to be really crap.

Soldiers of Anarchy - Being a sucker for tactics/RTS type games this little buggy POS gem also had me eager to play it whilst watching my then ultra fast 512Kb broadband struggling to pull of the rars as fast as it could in order for me to get my gruby mitts dirty fiddling about with it. The idea was great, a post apocalyptic adventure with individual character customisation etc etc.. I struggled with this one for quite some time and really tried to like it for what it was but eventually some other superior game came out (probably Call of duty or Jedi Knight..) and this game was duly resigned to the back of the shelf to collect dust forever.

Hammer & Sickle - Now I l loved the Silent Storm series. Turn based squad action with fully destructible scenary and an engaging if chessy plot. When this came out I was hoping for more of the same.. It delivered in part, the engine was the same, you still had all the different character classes and turn based action was still as fun as I remembered it to be. My joy was short lived though due to the fact that 6 missions into the game the end credits suddenly appeared leaving me with that feeling every gamer experiences from time to time.. 'WTF!?'

Disclaimer: I xyzg hereby do not encourage nor recommend playing any of the above mentioned titles. I take no responsiblity if the end user wastes bandwidth or hard earned cash in picking up any of the above games only to realize how truly crap they really are.
You are neither obliged nor recommended to indulge in my taste for crap games and are strongly advised against doing so.
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 12:24    Post subject:
iNatan wrote:
Another World -

But it certainly is not crap! Sad

i've played the redone gfx one
and yes it does have a very good "alien world" feeling similar to "the dig"
but it's pretty well know...

a good clone is onEscape for the atari

Burn them all Adolf
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 12:27    Post subject:
Immoral Cumbat Cool Face


=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 12:28    Post subject:
xyzg wrote:
These games made me feel dirty at the time when I first played them.

Allegiance - Old MS game multiplayer game set in space. You had your guilds, resource harvesting and a commander mode (ala Battlefield 2 stylee). It held great promise at the time when I bought it. Thinking it would be a cross between Command and Conquer/Freespace 2 but on a grander scale with many players duking it out online. As it happens it turned out to be really crap.

Soldiers of Anarchy - Being a sucker for tactics/RTS type games this little buggy POS gem also had me eager to play it whilst watching my then ultra fast 512Kb broadband struggling to pull of the rars as fast as it could in order for me to get my gruby mitts dirty fiddling about with it. The idea was great, a post apocalyptic adventure with individual character customisation etc etc.. I struggled with this one for quite some time and really tried to like it for what it was but eventually some other superior game came out (probably Call of duty or Jedi Knight..) and this game was duly resigned to the back of the shelf to collect dust forever.

Hammer & Sickle - Now I l loved the Silent Storm series. Turn based squad action with fully destructible scenary and an engaging if chessy plot. When this came out I was hoping for more of the same.. It delivered in part, the engine was the same, you still had all the different character classes and turn based action was still as fun as I remembered it to be. My joy was short lived though due to the fact that 6 missions into the game the end credits suddenly appeared leaving me with that feeling every gamer experiences from time to time.. 'WTF!?'

Disclaimer: I xyzg hereby do not encourage nor recommend playing any of the above mentioned titles. I take no responsiblity if the end user wastes bandwidth or hard earned cash in picking up any of the above games only to realize how truly crap they really are.
You are neither obliged nor recommended to indulge in my taste for crap games and are strongly advised against doing so.

thanks for your post , the only one i have played is soldiers of anarchy which is
a mix between shadow company and thelast days of gaia

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Posts: 1835

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 12:29    Post subject:
PumpAction wrote:
Immoral Cumbat Cool Face


wow its like a horny DOOM but in black and white.
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 12:47    Post subject:
more crap i like

- Chromadrome 2- simmilar to audio surf but much, much better

-crime fighter
the absolutley best crime-based game ever made

Burn them all Adolf
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 13:27    Post subject:
Hammer & Sickle - Now I l loved the Silent Storm series. Turn based squad action with fully destructible scenary and an engaging if chessy plot. When this came out I was hoping for more of the same.. It delivered in part, the engine was the same, you still had all the different character classes and turn based action was still as fun as I remembered it to be. My joy was short lived though due to the fact that 6 missions into the game the end credits suddenly appeared leaving me with that feeling every gamer experiences from time to time.. 'WTF!?'

There is a play guide. You could choose various paths and play out a much longer game than that I believe.

I've played a lot of stuff over the years that I've been PC gaming.. some of the obscure stuff I liked:
Superstar Ice Hockey - old 4 color game I used to play in the late 80s.

Kingdom under fire - RTS, most don't even know that the series started with an RTS. I loved it. Played the demo to death. it was one of the first RTS games that I remember that had an experience system for units.

Dominion Storm over Gift 3 - I remember enjoying this. It seems like a bit of a C&C rip off now..but while I remember little, I remember it fondly.

I'm drawing a blank on some of the old crap I used to spend a lot of time on.

Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 14:42    Post subject:
xyzg wrote:
PumpAction wrote:
Immoral Cumbat Cool Face


wow its like a horny DOOM but in black and white.

Yeah you kill your enemys, pick up coins and spend them on machines which play short porn clips Laughing

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 15:25    Post subject:
I think Epsilon may be the first and only other person I know in existance that liked the game Abomination


I don't care what anyone says, this game was nothing but pure fucking awesome.

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Posts: 521
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 17:28    Post subject:
[oldschool mode ON]

Strife - FPS/RPG based on the Doom engine, had it all: npc interaction, quests, choices with consequences, upgreadable stats (though there were only two), cool scripted events, good setting and good graphics as well.

Cybermage - A dystopian setting based on a comic series with great SVGA graphics (at the time they were the best you could find around), a lot of innovative features for a FPS (a full-fledged storyline, NPCs, a money system, some degrees of nonlinearity). Doom mixed with System Shock.

Dragon Wars - The Bard's Tale times fourty. Best first-person "blob" RPG around, unlike everything else at the time it had a cool skill system (directly inehrited from Wasteland), multiple solutions to most of the quests, choices with possibly huge consequences and a visible effect on the gameworld (destroying cities), a cool setting and it was fucking huge for a 800-kb game. Must play.

Buck Rogers: CTD and MC - Goldbox engine on steroids. The most extensive skill system I've ever seen in a RPG (you had something like 80-90 skills (!) and they were ALL useful), they also added a ship-to-ship combat system, and you had a lot of freedom in moving throughout the galaxy and solving quests. Too bad there's a ridiculous amount of combat, though the engine is good.

Darklands - Best Sandbox game ever. You controlled a party in its adventures throughout medieval germany, between corrupt raubritters and evil witches. You could hunt heretics, be imprisoned, trialed and even executed (though you could escape, but you could even wait for the executioner to come and kill him right there, then running away through the whole town trying to find a suitable wall to climb and escape the city - those were times). You had an almost ridiculous amount of ways to solve every darn problems - talk your way through, sneak, fight, use a potion, call a saint for divine intervention and so on. Masterpiece

Terminal Terror and Wrath of Earth - In the days when shitty Doom clones came out every day, these games were actually innovative and -like System Shock- far ahead of their time.

Space Rangers 2 - Russian are crazy, we know it. This is a 2d space simulation game full of humor, with RTS and orizontal shooter elements, not to mention you get to play 20-plus choose-your-own-adventure kind of quests, spanning sever different genres (some are puzzles, others are textual economical simulators, others a mini-RPGs which could be little games on their own). Not to mention this is the only instance I know of in which a game uiverse is totally, completely dynamic: NPCs go about their business, fight the Dominators on their own, do quests, buy-sell things (and this has an actual impact on the game economy), make alliances when provoked and generally travel around. Also, there's a whole load of humor and everything is just great

The Fall - Last days of Gaia: Fallout-y setting, NPC schedules with a living gameworld, good dialogues with a lot of choices, dozen of quests, driveable vehicles and a good party system. Never made it outside Russia, but there's a ENG patch

The PC-like console crap - because not every JRPG is a Final Fantasy:

Star Ocean 2 - Elder Scrolls-like freeform rpg (to the point you could forget of the main story right after the tutorial and start using your crafting skills to make objects and then sell them - otherwise you could just find a solve a fuckton of sidequests) - you could publish books and become famous, train an animal that could go to a shop and sell items for you, partecipate in a Iron Chef-like culinary competition, not to mention how you could interact with all your party members in the so called Private Actions (no, it's not sex, you pervs) while visiting cities. You could even pickpocket every NPC in the game and they'd get mad if they found you. Awesome.

Legend of Mana - One of the most unique RPGs I've ever seen on a console. You basically BUILD the whole world, you can choose between more than 70 sidequests to accomplish, you have a ridiculous amount of sidestuff to do if you ever get bored, and the choices you make in the game actually have tangible effects

Glory of Heracles IV - You can switch between more than 100 characters and it sounds cool as hell. Too bad it's jap only.

Weltorv Estleia - You can do anything from becoming a pirate, joining factions, becoming the new dark lord terrorizing the land, buying a house and get married, solving dozen of quests with variable solutions and a heck of other things i'd be able to discover if I were able to read the damn jap text.

Moon: Deluxe RPG adventure - This is just too weird and unique to even try to describe it. I can assure you this is truly the best game you've never played. Jap of course, but get hold of some kind of walkthrough and play it now, because it's just bloody amazing.

Lunatic Dawn - You've never heard of this game, period. That's because it never came out of good ol' Japan and it'd be blast if it did. Sandboxy, you can get married, have kids who can replace you when you die, buy a house and furnish it to attract more people, you can even influence whole ecosystems by killing monsters and the nearby towns will begin to prosper - not to mention you can join the mafia and become a boss, leaving the whole inheritance to your kids. And yes, it's THAT awesome. Too bad you need a PC-98 emulator, a tool called AGTH which simultaneously translates the text while you're playing and the translation is unbereable, it's fucking bad, but you need to play this because it's pure gold.


Richard Benson: " Durante tutta la mia esistenza, ho avuto sempre un sogno...
(Throughout my whole existence, I've always had a dream...)
Loving fan: "un cazzo 'n culo!"
(A cock deep inside your ass!)
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Posts: 791
Location: Lost
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 18:01    Post subject:

My absolute favorite adventure game Very Happy[/url]
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Posts: 508
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 18:44    Post subject:
SpykeZ wrote:
I think Epsilon may be the first and only other person I know in existance that liked the game Abomination


I don't care what anyone says, this game was nothing but pure fucking awesome.

Yep, awesome game.
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 19:39    Post subject:
more obscure stuff

POSTAL 1 - JAPANESE EDITION - kill school girls and explore two whole new levels !

lamentation sword -otherwise known a LAME SWORD, the original diablo clone

Cyber mercs - the first diablo clone in space

tex murhpy under a killing moon/the pandora directive - the best FMV adventure games

URBAN CHAOS - DREAMCAST port of one of the best games on that system

HARDWAR - best elite clone

ELITE STAR FIGHTER - worst elite clone, GERMAN only


watch the video
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 20:03    Post subject:
Trolldeg wrote:
SpykeZ wrote:
I think Epsilon may be the first and only other person I know in existance that liked the game Abomination


I don't care what anyone says, this game was nothing but pure fucking awesome.

Yep, awesome game.

wait..was that sarcasm or is there another believer out there!?

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Posts: 508
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 21:43    Post subject:
SpykeZ wrote:
Trolldeg wrote:
SpykeZ wrote:
I think Epsilon may be the first and only other person I know in existance that liked the game Abomination


I don't care what anyone says, this game was nothing but pure fucking awesome.

Yep, awesome game.

wait..was that sarcasm or is there another believer out there!?

No sarcasm here. Was quite a while ago since I played it last time though. Maybe it's time to give it another spin.
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Posts: 1948

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 23:14    Post subject:
A little game called Swat 2. Its a RTS strategy game where you can play as the Swat or Terrorist cult. Every mission is has random events and layouts and possible scenarios. Its actually quite the realistic game as well as Swat you can use non lethal methods to try to arrest the suspects while on the other side the terrorists can set up deadly but simply trip wire booby traps. People who are shot but aren't dead can start bleeding out and require first aid to keep them alive but they won't simply just get up and start fighting again. The game even takes the civilian/hostages in a realistic manner men,women,children can be used as hostages and can all be killed. There are even cool little things like Swat can call in a giant battering ram tank or a helicopter and Even K9 units. While the Terrorists can call a getaway vehicle or even make demands.

I only have two major complains about the game. The worst part is the AI snipers they never miss and the AI never hesitates to take a shot if your playing as a terrorist and have a gun up.
They become invisible on the map so you can imagine how much of a pain in the ass this is.

The second complaint is obviously not a problem anymore as no one plays online but basically when people did they didn't actually care to play the game right. Someone playing Swat would just set up snipers and gun down your all your men even if weapons weren't drawn. Leading them to having a failing score so basically both teams really lost. They would often even kill the hostages just for fun.
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Nov 2009 23:39    Post subject:
I just found my copy of swat 3 Smile

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Posts: 119

PostPosted: Sat, 7th Nov 2009 00:15    Post subject:
evil genius
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sat, 7th Nov 2009 00:24    Post subject:
ThomasCro wrote:
evil genius

not really lesser known, everyone knows of this game, and I don't know anyone who hasn't played it Razz

Reviews were mucked as usual and only because it wasn't simple enough for retards to figure out how to play it.

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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Nov 2009 00:49    Post subject:
Evil Genius was original and great.
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Posts: 3902
Location: RO
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Nov 2009 03:42    Post subject:

Last edited by lhzr on Thu, 24th Dec 2015 12:30; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sat, 7th Nov 2009 04:01    Post subject:
you want an awesome on rail shooter game? Play a gamecube game called Killer 7, that game...was fucking WEIRD

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Posts: 3902
Location: RO
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Nov 2009 13:31    Post subject:

Last edited by lhzr on Thu, 24th Dec 2015 14:35; edited 1 time in total
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 7th Nov 2009 21:11    Post subject:
anna wrote:

Cyber mercs - the first diablo clone in space

Holy shit... I hadn't played that it years! I tried it a few mins ago, after reading this thread, and to my absolute surprise; it runs on Windows 7 Very Happy Laughing

.... it's so basic these days, heh.
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sat, 7th Nov 2009 21:40    Post subject:
Desperado's was a fun one too Smile I never did play the 2nd one, couldn't fathom it being any good.

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