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Posted: Sun, 22nd Nov 2009 22:17 Post subject: |
ok, so i can buy an xbox, mod it and play as many games offline as i like, all my functionality intact. But if i go online for a minute, i get half my functionality removed. that seems overtly excessive and somewhat discriminatory.
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Posted: Sun, 22nd Nov 2009 22:20 Post subject: |
Big deal. You get to play all of your games for free. It's a choice that you make. You're fucking them, and now they're fucking you back. It's hardly the end of the world as you can still play your games for free at the end of the day. You just can't install to the HDD or upload your gamerscore via another console. So what?
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Posted: Sun, 22nd Nov 2009 22:38 Post subject: |
Like RMFX says it its the price you pay for it for modding you console.
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Posted: Sun, 22nd Nov 2009 22:53 Post subject: |
No, the price we pay for modding our consoles is getting banned from LIVE. Anything apart from that is illegal.
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Posts: 676
Location: London,England
Posted: Sun, 22nd Nov 2009 22:57 Post subject: |
ILLStid wrote: | Oh man just look at all those people crying: Microsoft is the big bad boogy man and he can't ban or disable my Xbox because that is not fair waaah!!!!
Seriously you people need to get a grip.
You want to modify your xbox? Great go ahead.
You want to cry about being banned/lose gamerscore/hd-installs? Cry a river and then be a man and suck it up.
This whole "It's mah propertah!!! So I cun do whut I wan!!!" is not cutting it. Yes the box is your property. You can modify it. Guess what? The software on the box is Microsoft's property and if you can't use your console responsible they can change the features all they want. You own the box right and a box is all you will ever own if you keep up with that cry-baby attitude. |
Another 15 year old moron.
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Posts: 676
Location: London,England
Posted: Sun, 22nd Nov 2009 22:58 Post subject: |
ShadowX wrote: | Like RMFX says it its the price you pay for it for modding you console. |
I got no problem with being banned, my own fault hands up, just think disabling BC and reverting games to trail versions after I paid for them is well out of order.
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Posts: 676
Location: London,England
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Posted: Sun, 22nd Nov 2009 23:08 Post subject: |
Mantis2K9 wrote: |
Another 15 year old moron. | Says the 12 year old moron. See I can play this game better than you!
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Posted: Sun, 22nd Nov 2009 23:18 Post subject: |
so to make it clear for those that are MS bitches why do a live ban from a service that only adds community internet function in games :
burns a fuse on the mainboard with a SOFTWARE UPDATE to disable HomeBrew Linux Support
Disables HDD functionality
Disables MP3 listing
Corrupts saves and profile
Disables Movie Playback
Disables Backward compatibility to play XBox1 games
Disables DVD movie playback (after 20min of constant play it freezes the screen and goes back to th dash)
hmmmm explain me this
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Posted: Sun, 22nd Nov 2009 23:26 Post subject: |
dezztroy wrote: | No, the price we pay for modding our consoles is getting banned from LIVE. Anything apart from that is illegal. |
No, the price that you used to pay for modding the console was being banned from LIVE. Now the cost has gone up.
Nowhere has it ever been written by anyone from MS that you would only be banned from LIVE if you modded your console and got caught. You all just took it for granted. Well guess what..the game has changed and I can't say that I blame them.Infact, I think that it's a stroke of genius on their part. I've been caught myself, and had my own console revoked in this most recent banning and I'm not crying about it. I deserve it. I STOLE from them for years.
Enough of the illegal nonsense people. It's illegal to download and play pirated games. And as I've said before, there is no way in hell that MS would ban and revoke so many consoles in one fell swoop without first going over the legality of the process again and again.
I'm no lawyer, and I'm pretty sure that no one else is here so I'd be willing to bet that whatever they have chosen to do to us was cleared with their legal team first who I'm guessing know a hell of a lot more than any of the crybabies here. Get over it already. It's done. If you don't like it, then don't mod your next 360. It's that simple.
I'm done with this thread now.
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[Moderator] Babysitter
Posts: 7449
Location: USA
Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 01:17 Post subject: |
I haven't looked into it at all, but my take on this is that you aren't guaranteed the updates from MS apart from the original plan of the 360.
If I recall correctly, installing games to the hdd was not always a feature, it was something they patched in. My guess is they have a right to revoke that software update.
Just a guess. ;p
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 01:22 Post subject: |
It's not illegal to download anything. It is illegal to DISTRIBUTE copyrighted material.
Quote: | I'm no lawyer, and I'm pretty sure that no one else is here so I'd be willing to bet that whatever they have chosen to do to us was cleared with their legal team first[ |
That is BEYOND retarded. Are you shitting me? Companies do things that are against the law everyday - it is leveraged against the fact that those that are aggreived are not actually going to a) know they are being shitted on b) try to gain some recourse in a court of law. A company can commit any CIVIL violation it wants until the cows come home; it isn't until someone actually calls the company on it that they are actually in trouble. So no, I do not think Microsoft had their crack team of lawyers pour over their EULA and prior case histories in the United States and elsewhere to ensure that hobbling functionality of machines not related to use of Live.
What a sad life one must lead to think "Oh well, so and so is smarter than me so what they say must be true."
"Get the hell out of me" - [ex]girlfriend[s]
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 01:41 Post subject: |
and at which point do i get a refund for the service i'm denied and paying for and will they cancel my renewal or simply keep taking it. They are out of line on so many issues there is no way they'll beat this case. remember what the courts in Europe did to them last time.
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 02:19 Post subject: |
sTo0z wrote: | I haven't looked into it at all, but my take on this is that you aren't guaranteed the updates from MS apart from the original plan of the 360.
If I recall correctly, installing games to the hdd was not always a feature, it was something they patched in. My guess is they have a right to revoke that software update.
Just a guess. ;p |
Installing games to HDD was a update to NXE , before that it wasnt there m8
Corrupting you save games well I find that normal , second the games you bought are still attached to your account and you can still redownload them on a new console.
The point is everyone that mods his console knew that all this shit could happen to them they knew about the bans on live they knew about the functions that get disabled and yet they still mod it and when it does happend to them they cry , I mean they where just cocky and thought this will not happen to me well to bad to everyone that got banned its you own fault.
Like I said mod the console update from USB stick and play and have fun but nooooo you all wanted to out smart a large company well sorry you all fail.
About the people calling others 12 year olds for saying this just stop you make a fool of youself.
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 03:11 Post subject: |
Well, my totally unmodded 360 got banned in this wave. I got a promocopy of Ghost busters and MW2 because I write reviews for a swedish website. Had to play both before the release day...and well when I logged into my LIVE account I got banned. I did not play MW2 online before the release day and it's a totally legal copy except it says "promo", but got hammered anyway...
I contacted MS and they said I should send my Xbox to their repair guys in Germany (I live in Sweden) and for that they will charge me 60 Euro.....
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 03:39 Post subject: |
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 03:40 Post subject: |
shadow_D wrote: | Well, my totally unmodded 360 got banned in this wave. I got a promocopy of Ghost busters and MW2 because I write reviews for a swedish website. Had to play both before the release day...and well when I logged into my LIVE account I got banned. I did not play MW2 online before the release day and it's a totally legal copy except it says "promo", but got hammered anyway...
I contacted MS and they said I should send my Xbox to their repair guys in Germany (I live in Sweden) and for that they will charge me 60 Euro..... |
This alone is proof of why this lawsuit has legitimacy and should succeed.
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 04:51 Post subject: |
i hav a 360, even some DLC, but is there anyway to know if ur banned without going online? if not, ah well, m$ loses my, and many thousands of people who might otherwise have subscribed to live, and bought DLC themselves. im not gonna whine about it
i do find the little kiddie bitchfight from pro and anti m$ people damn hilarious though. some people really should act their age, whatever it actually is , is anyones guess, looking at the posts.
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 10:05 Post subject: |
iNatan wrote: | First of all, I don't have a 360. |
in all due respect, I lolz at that point and didn't read the rest.
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 10:25 Post subject: |
shadow_D wrote: | Well, my totally unmodded 360 got banned in this wave. I got a promocopy of Ghost busters and MW2 because I write reviews for a swedish website. Had to play both before the release day...and well when I logged into my LIVE account I got banned. I did not play MW2 online before the release day and it's a totally legal copy except it says "promo", but got hammered anyway...
I contacted MS and they said I should send my Xbox to their repair guys in Germany (I live in Sweden) and for that they will charge me 60 Euro..... | I heard it was easy to lie on the interwebz!!!!
First of all, what you are claiming is bull since if you got banned unrightfully Microsoft would apologize and revoke the change. In no way or form would they risk getting in trouble with a person who has not modified their xbox since that would be digging their own grave. And really you are the only person who got promo discs???? What about IGN, what about Gamespot? What about all those other review companies and game magazines around the world they got banned as well for playing "promo" games??? GTFO! If you did not modify your console you don't get banned even if you play games way ahead of time.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 10:32 Post subject: |
xyzg wrote: | iNatan wrote: | First of all, I don't have a 360. |
in all due respect, I lolz at that point and didn't read the rest. |
Yes, because in order to have an opinion on something, you must own it. 
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 11:28 Post subject: |
Quote: | First of all, what you are claiming is bull since if you got banned unrightfully Microsoft would apologize and revoke the change. In no way or form would they risk getting in trouble with a person who has not modified their xbox since that would be digging their own grave. And really you are the only person who got promo discs???? What about IGN, what about Gamespot? What about all those other review companies and game magazines around the world they got banned as well for playing "promo" games??? GTFO! If you did not modify your console you don't get banned even if you play games way ahead of time. |
Actually they wouldn't really be able to fix the problem with his old xbox that was banned. If anything they would ask him to send his 360 to them so they can send a new one back to him. Happens all the time with RROD xbox's.
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 14:47 Post subject: |
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PDIP Member
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 15:48 Post subject: |
I'm with you guys, the epic whining over their banned 360's is beyond retarded. If that makes me a "15 year old moron", fine. I hope that makes you feel better.
Squirrely: Now come on y'all. We can't waste time arguing. There could still be survivors out there. We need to hunt them down, and kill them.
Beary: How about we kill them, and then rape their bodies so we can use their blood as lubricant.
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 16:05 Post subject: |
whats so wrong with people standing up for this? for the record yes my box is modded and no, i have not been banned.
i hope all the ones siding with microsoft are some of the first to suffer the consequences of it later on. there's a much bigger issue at stake here. all you have to do is open your eyes to see it instead of hopping on a forum and telling everyone how stupid they are for being up in arms over it.
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PDIP Member
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 16:06 Post subject: |
I don't care to much about it, but yes I would be pretty pissed if I bought lots of Arcade games witch had been downgraded to trails.
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Posted: Mon, 23rd Nov 2009 16:24 Post subject: |
deelix wrote: | I don't care to much about it, but yes I would be pretty pissed if I bought lots of Arcade games witch had been downgraded to trails. |
And, regardless of what certain tits say, not only are XBLA title reverted to "trial" status thanks to the corruption of the license - but DLC is also disabled. Proven. Not just bullshit spouted by a clueless muppet.
As Spidey has already listed;
- Disables HDD install/load functionality
- Disables MP3 listing
- Corrupts saves and profile
- Disables Movie Playback
- Reverts ALL YOUR BOUGHT Games on XBLA to DEMO
- Disables Backward compatibility to play XBox1 games
- Disables DVD movie playback (after 20min of constant play it freezes the screen and goes back to th dash)
Yes, everyone knew the price of modding the machine and going online; it was the loss of XB Live and online services, and that's what people agreed to. What we did NOT agree to, and what the courts will rule in our favour, is the loss of all of the above. DLC and XBLA titles require MONEY, so - in effect- Microsoft has not only banned people from Live but they've also stolen the money from them and offered a single solution; "Buy a new machine"
So in order to play your DLC/XBLA titles, stuff that you've paid good money for (not pirated, so STFU you cocksucking trolls), you have to go and buy a brand new console? No, that's not legal and we'll see what happens. Maybe in America where your court system is about as functional as a fucking three-ring circus, maybe there Microsoft will be able to scam their way out of any retribution, but the rest of the civilised world won't allow it.
Anyway, I'm done with the thread.. it stinks to high heaven of foul MS fanboys, or trollish asswipes that just like to revel in other people's misery. That kind of attitude really grinds my gears.
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