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Posts: 81

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:02    Post subject:
aw man i just resigned all my psn games to work on CFW4.21, will these have to be resigned once CFW4.30 comes out later tonight?

HOTD 3 psn works like a charm with move on CFW4.21, checking to see if it fixes the HOTD 4 reload problem in a bit.

bit of a chore resigning them though, but i found a nice quick method so that i can resign an eboot in around 4 double clicks.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:05    Post subject:
unsteadycarrot wrote:
aw man i just resigned all my psn games to work on CFW4.21, will these have to be resigned once CFW4.30 comes out later tonight?

No Smile It's not that the old files were signed with dodgy keys or anything, it's that the signing tools THEMSELVES were dodgy, they didn't sign correctly and while they worked on 3.55 and lower - Sony started enforcing correct signing in 3.60 and higher (could even be 3.56, I'm a little hazy on that) Bottom line is; you've signed them correctly now so they should continue working on 4.3+ OH and post your method here so that it can help others Very Happy

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Posts: 81

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:09    Post subject:
excellent news Smile thanks sabin, if theres anyone i can get a straight answer from its always you.

i guess everyones split 50/50 between FW's right now, its all a big clusterfuck of misinformation with non working apps and brick talk all over the place and an overload of games most of us are playing on our 360's instead.

wake me up when RE chronicles or tokyo jungle surface xD

what IS the next big ps3 exclusive anyway?...playstation all stars? is that it?
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Posts: 168

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:13    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Fu-Qua wrote:
i cant load ac3 with e3 cfw 4.30, i hope rogero 4.3 can fix this.

Well it works fine on RogerO 4.21, so I presume it will work on 4.3 Smile

finally got it working, removed their own backup Manager installed the latest MM, still had the same error, but then i fixed the file permission and voila ! working baby.Very Happy
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Posts: 667
Location: The Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:14    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Well, I certainly HOPE Sony won't/can't do anything. With the Orbis/PS4 either coming next year or at least being announced, and with such a small window of hackable machines capable of getting to, or already on, 3.55 in which to install CFW? I'm hoping that means Sony won't put as much attention into closing up the PS3 as they did back in 2010 when they decided to sue the earth and everyone on it

Lol true that Very Happy I hope you're right. It would at least make sense when they don't make such a big drama out of it this time. What did microsoft do btw when their console was hacked for this first time a few years ago? Don't remember stories of them sueing everyone Razz
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:14    Post subject:

Oooh boy, the good old "fix permissions" stuff Very Happy Man oh man was that a "fun" time trying to get GT5 working grinhurt


I honestly don't know, I haven't kept updated with PS3 game releases .. I'm just waiting on an English rip of ZoE HD Very Happy


As well as banning everybody in sight Very Happy
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Posts: 81

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:17    Post subject:
my method to resigning existing 3.55 psn eboots (ones already on your hdd) to work on CFW4.21.

1. get 4.21 eboot resigner, ps3 contentID 1.6.6(PKG_ContentID.exe) scetools.exe and maybe filezilla so you can FTP eboots to and from your ps3 a lot quicker and easier.

2. take your non working eboot from your ps3 hdd and place it in the 4.21 eboot resigner folder
double click on the eboot and ps3 contentID should open it, scroll down and copy the contentID.

3. run resigner.bat, press 2, press enter twice, paste contentID, press enter.

4. copy your new 4.21 eboot back into the folder you took it from on your ps3 hdd.

5. boot game

just fixed 20 psn games in no time at all.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:25    Post subject:
Great stuff! Thanks unsteadycarrot, that should help people getting their cracked PSN games up to spec Smile Seems like Dean is prepped for the 4.30 release;



Changelog 04.08.01:
Added support for 4.30 CFW
Added support for Standard and Hermes payloads for 4.30 CFW
Added support for BD-Mirror (External USB HDD) for 4.30 CFW
Updated 6 language files

Last edited by sabin1981 on Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:28; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 81

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 21:28    Post subject:
no problem, glad to be of some use.

i read some guides that was basically a wall of text and it required you have the original .pkg files for the eboot cracks and you had to repackage them etc, way too much effort, this ways much quicker.

roll on CFW4.30!

*edit* just a quick note, all my psn games work and it fixed the HOTD4 reload problem. Smile
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:28    Post subject:
it will suck having to resign psn games for every new cfw Sad
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:32    Post subject:
Intel_NVIDIA wrote:
it will suck having to resign psn games for every new cfw Sad

can't they make CFW that support older keys for homebrew/PSN stuffs? I'm sure there can be at least PKG fix

"Fuck Denuvo"

Your personal opinions != the rest of the forum

Last edited by JackQ on Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:39; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 676

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:34    Post subject:
Can I update to CFW 4.21 straight from firmware 3.41 OFW, or should I update to 3.55 kmeaw then update to 4.21 CFW? Or 3.41 OFW stright to 4.30 CFW?

I have no clue whats the safe route to take.
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Posts: 81

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:35    Post subject:
Intel_NVIDIA wrote:
it will suck having to resign psn games for every new cfw Sad

sabin just cleared this up for us a few posts back, something about the old signing tools being dodgy, so everything we sign now from 4.21 up should continue to work on all new CFW
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:38    Post subject:
Two words mate; "brick" and "wall" -- but good luck anyhow
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Posts: 168

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:41    Post subject:
Who-CareZ wrote:
Can I update to CFW 4.21 straight from firmware 3.41 OFW, or should I update to 3.55 kmeaw then update to 4.21 CFW? Or 3.41 OFW stright to 4.30 CFW?

I have no clue whats the safe route to take.

first cfw 3.55 then cfw 4.21 or 4.30 E3's release or if u can wait a bit longer Rogero 4.30
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Posts: 676

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:43    Post subject:
Fu-Qua wrote:
Who-CareZ wrote:
Can I update to CFW 4.21 straight from firmware 3.41 OFW, or should I update to 3.55 kmeaw then update to 4.21 CFW? Or 3.41 OFW stright to 4.30 CFW?

I have no clue whats the safe route to take.

first cfw 3.55 then cfw 4.21 or 4.30 E3's release or if u can wait a bit longer Rogero 4.30

Thanks for the info, I have been away from the PS3 scene for so long I am just now catching up.
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:46    Post subject:
it seems there is easy way to resign your PSN stuff for newest CFW,reading from PS3ISO,I will read about it soon

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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:50    Post subject:
Seriously Jack, unsteadycarrot just answered it for you. The signing tools as they were, were broken. There's fixed ones. Don't ask a question if you don't give a shit about the answer. And yes, I know he referred to sabin and that you hate the latter, but that doesn't make it any less correct.
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:53    Post subject:
thanks unsteadycarrot

@Wereleds no.I just didn't noticed

"Fuck Denuvo"

Your personal opinions != the rest of the forum

Last edited by JackQ on Mon, 29th Oct 2012 00:33; edited 4 times in total
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:53    Post subject:
And out!



Rogero CEX-4.30 v1.00 Details

- Compatibility problem with some PS3 models is now fully fixed.
- XMB Icons problem from in-game PS button is now fixed. (Using the Patch included in the package: "PS3~dev_blind.zip")
- PSN/SEN access is available as long as the current "passphrase" still the same.
- Loading games from App_home Icon is now fixed.
- It was tested by hundreds of testers on all PS3 models (FAT & Slim) and no problems were encountered.
- It can run games signed with Keys up to version 4.30 without any Eboot/Sprx patching needed
- Games can be loaded from Disc Icon (with Original game in BD) and from app_home (Disc-less, but not all games).
- Current 3.55 homebrew applications can't be loaded on this CFW, applications must be re-signed properly for FW4.21.

Oh and just a word of warning to people; DON'T try and install/run ReACTPSN, not even the ones that claim "signed for 4.21", because you'll screw your machine if you do .. which will soft-brick and force you to reinstall FW. ReACTPSN patches vsh.self and that won't work on the current CFW. Wait for someone to fix it first.

Last edited by sabin1981 on Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:55; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 22:55    Post subject:
unsteadycarrot wrote:
Intel_NVIDIA wrote:
it will suck having to resign psn games for every new cfw Sad

sabin just cleared this up for us a few posts back, something about the old signing tools being dodgy, so everything we sign now from 4.21 up should continue to work on all new CFW

wow that's great thanks. dont want to jinx it but looks like ps3 scene will be smooth sailing from now on, kinda like jtag 360 Very Happy
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Posts: 47

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 23:04    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
And out!



Rogero CEX-4.30 v1.00 Details

- Compatibility problem with some PS3 models is now fully fixed.
- XMB Icons problem from in-game PS button is now fixed. (Using the Patch included in the package: "PS3~dev_blind.zip")
- PSN/SEN access is available as long as the current "passphrase" still the same.
- Loading games from App_home Icon is now fixed.
- It was tested by hundreds of testers on all PS3 models (FAT & Slim) and no problems were encountered.
- It can run games signed with Keys up to version 4.30 without any Eboot/Sprx patching needed
- Games can be loaded from Disc Icon (with Original game in BD) and from app_home (Disc-less, but not all games).
- Current 3.55 homebrew applications can't be loaded on this CFW, applications must be re-signed properly for FW4.21.

Oh and just a word of warning to people; DON'T try and install/run ReACTPSN, not even the ones that claim "signed for 4.21", because you'll screw your machine if you do .. which will soft-brick and force you to reinstall FW. ReACTPSN patches vsh.self and that won't work on the current CFW. Wait for someone to fix it first.

Those ReACTPSN games your talking about are only a rebug feature no? I know i have a few games i had to transfer.dat files and i wanna make sure i'm not gonna screw myself. I've neever had rebug installed.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 23:07    Post subject:
No no, ReACTPSN is a program that backs up your ACT.DAT and converts/creates RAP files from activated content, as well as loading RAP files TO activate your content. It's not a Rebug thing, it's a standalone homebrew program you can run on most any CFW.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 23:23    Post subject:
Well it works for me. Both Ratchet & Clank and MGS HD collection start without problems (as opposed to 3.55 CFW).
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 23:28    Post subject:
Were you trying to run the games "as is" on 3.55? You're supposed to have been using the 3.55 EBOOT fixes, just in case you weren't. Either way.. congrats! At least you're on 4.x CFW now and didn't brick Smile
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sun, 28th Oct 2012 23:30    Post subject:
I tried everything, I don't know what I did wrong. I even tried editing the pkg myself for MGS HD collection.

Now to withstand the urge to fire up Assassins Creed Sad
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Posts: 47

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2012 00:25    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
No no, ReACTPSN is a program that backs up your ACT.DAT and converts/creates RAP files from activated content, as well as loading RAP files TO activate your content. It's not a Rebug thing, it's a standalone homebrew program you can run on most any CFW.

Ah ok. I've never installed that so I should be fine.
I've been lurking this forum for many years and you've always been helpful to everyone which is awesome of you. Thanks again.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2012 00:28    Post subject:

Well at least you're on 4.x CFW now, so there's no more issues and you (hopefully!) shouldn't have to deal with EBOOT modding again, as long as new CFWs keep coming out then you can stay on the edge.


I just do what I can to help as much as I can Smile
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Posts: 549
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2012 01:08    Post subject:
unsteadycarrot wrote:
my method to resigning existing 3.55 psn eboots (ones already on your hdd) to work on CFW4.21.

1. get 4.21 eboot resigner, ps3 contentID 1.6.6(PKG_ContentID.exe) scetools.exe and maybe filezilla so you can FTP eboots to and from your ps3 a lot quicker and easier.

2. take your non working eboot from your ps3 hdd and place it in the 4.21 eboot resigner folder
double click on the eboot and ps3 contentID should open it, scroll down and copy the contentID.

3. run resigner.bat, press 2, press enter twice, paste contentID, press enter.

4. copy your new 4.21 eboot back into the folder you took it from on your ps3 hdd.

5. boot game

just fixed 20 psn games in no time at all.

I have 4 PSN games out of 7 that I can not fix. I was able to fix 3 but these four "will not work."

I have followed your instructions to the letter and have spent way more than a few mins on them to try and get them working on this 4.21 cfw. They of coarse worked fine in 3.55 but not on 4.21

I can list the names of the games if that will get me some help but if you just signed 20 games with no problem, then the games I have you couldn't/haven't tried to sign yet. I have even grabbed multiple different downloads of the resigning tool thinking that might be my problem. Everyone is the same. It gives an error and it will not sign the eboot. I posted the errors earlier in this thread, about a page back.

Is it possible that some games can't be signed over..?
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Posts: 134

PostPosted: Mon, 29th Oct 2012 01:13    Post subject:
Fu-Qua wrote:
Who-CareZ wrote:
Can I update to CFW 4.21 straight from firmware 3.41 OFW, or should I update to 3.55 kmeaw then update to 4.21 CFW? Or 3.41 OFW stright to 4.30 CFW?

I have no clue whats the safe route to take.

first cfw 3.55 then cfw 4.21 or 4.30 E3's release or if u can wait a bit longer Rogero 4.30

Does it have to be rogero's 3.55 or can it be kmeaw's ?
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