Hearts of Iron 2
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 09:32    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
i do wonder what the groups are doing.. its pretty odd

Maybe they have not got the game yet I doubt it or maybe their showing some respect to PE somewhat of a small company.

I just don't understand why nobody has cloned it yet.
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Hepar Sulphur

Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 11:05    Post subject:
eman80 wrote:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
i do wonder what the groups are doing.. its pretty odd

Maybe they have not got the game yet I doubt it or maybe their showing some respect to PE somewhat of a small company.

I just don't understand why nobody has cloned it yet.

Hey DZ Smile
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Posts: 1809

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 11:59    Post subject:
Big change it is on a certain network featuring an animal with a large inventory Wink . 448.56 Mb, two comments in the file claim that it is real (havent't checked it tough).
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 13:42    Post subject:
ddmarkm wrote:
edit #2: Lol since I have nothing better to do I dled the u kno what program and started downloading it-this program is a joke. Its even more pathetic than Kazaa.

Which client are you using? eMule is much better than eDonkey, IMO.
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Posts: 9

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 13:53    Post subject:
friketje wrote:
Big change it is on a certain network featuring an animal with a large inventory Wink . 448.56 Mb, two comments in the file claim that it is real (havent't checked it tough).

IIRC, the hoi1 iso is exactly that big, im not sure though.
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 16:31    Post subject:
well, i can confirm it's the real HoI 2 Wink
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Hepar Sulphur

Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 17:15    Post subject:
Kantenbauer wrote:
well, i can confirm it's the real HoI 2 Wink

this thread is at peace for a few minutes now Smile
thank you Smile
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VIP Member

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PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 18:01    Post subject:
Kantenbauer wrote:
well, i can confirm it's the real HoI 2 Wink

Seconded Very Happy

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 9

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 18:40    Post subject:
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 19:28    Post subject:
Z0Bman wrote:
Kantenbauer wrote:
well, i can confirm it's the real HoI 2 Wink

Seconded Very Happy

It looks real to me, but im trying it out now, so if no reply from me with in the next hour or so, its the REAL THING... Wink
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 20:00    Post subject:
Its real, I'll play this until a proper release is made by one of those pathetic release groups.
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Posts: 1128
Location: Paul's Boutique
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 21:41    Post subject:
grrr how you guys can stand that ridiculous low download speed is beyond me.

Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 22:51    Post subject:
Anticasper wrote:
grrr how you guys can stand that ridiculous low download speed is beyond me.

Mine was super slow at first but after other people started finishing I got it at like 50k/s, which is fine.
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Posts: 27

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 23:02    Post subject:
Yep, it works fine here Very Happy
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jan 2005 23:04    Post subject:
Yep it's real, i have set it to release priority, on my mule, so i can help all you guy's who is still downloading..

Have fun Very Happy
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jan 2005 04:36    Post subject:
Hearts of irons.. Europa.. Victoria etc..

They are all games that 90% of people will hate .. and go "what shit gfx.. this game sux0rz!"

But then there are 10% of people who will get immersed in it.. and LOVE it
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Posts: 1128
Location: Paul's Boutique
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jan 2005 05:10    Post subject:
a link to the latest patch.


Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jan 2005 05:43    Post subject:
and this is what the patch does

---- Changes for 1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

******* Interface Enhancements **********

- The maximum organisation can now always be seen. In the detail screen, in tooltips, and as small graphical markers.
- Added an indicator to show the current speed of a corps in the interface.
- Improved several tooltips with even further information and/or clarifications.
- Added information in colorcoding to the convoy interface.
- Added a small indicator to the combatlist interface to show which have a combat event.
- Added the option to switch between sprites/counters when rightclicking on the pause-button.
- Added an option to set a synchronized arrival time for landunit stacks when moving/attacking.
- Due to popular demand, detect numbers are now shown instead of "fieldmarshal" names on counters.
- Improved the shown "detected sizes" for stacks. Seperate values for air/surface stacks.
- Colorcoded unitsizes on screens to be red if over command-limit.
- Added support for national names for armies, fleets and airfleets.
- "goto" on a combat-started popupbox now actually selects that combat, instead of just centering on that province.
- Added the "mission finished" message after a sea transport mission is done.
- Added a message for "Leader has died".
- There is now information in the cancelled trade agreement message, about which was cancelled.

******* Gameplay Changes *******

- Changed logics of when its possible to attach brigades, to reduce some exploits.
- Rewrote combat algoritms to not always give guaranteed hits when dogpiling.
- Weather and Night affects in landcombat now only affects attacking efficiency for both sides.
- Envelopment in landcombat now requires 3 provinces rather than 2.
- Fortressbuster trait now only reduces fort penalty by 25%.
- Org regain is now significantly higher when low. (<25% of max x3, < 50% x2, > 75% /2 )
- Convoy paths will now attempt to avoid seazones with subs on convoy raiding missions.
- Convoy paths now get reevaluated everytime they get attacked.
- Airplanes should now attempt to move immediately after a combat.
- Added some terrain penalties to bomb-missions for planes.
- Province buildings now only increases max-capacity when they are deployed, and slowly grow to the new one.
- Modified HQ unit speeds and fuelconsumptions, and removed cap on engineers attached.
- The "repair/construct" speed from infrastructure is now never lower than 10%.
- A carrier now always have at least 1 in subattack to avoid endless battles.
- Halved the belligerence impact from annexing countries.
- Improved the efficiency at night for submarines.
- Its now possible to rebase ships with troops on them, if within sea-transport range.
- There is now a hard-cap on how big an airforce taskforce can be. Maximum 4 airwings in it.
- Tweaked air command limits to be 2, 4, 8, 16 to fit the new stack rules.
- Increased penalties for attacking in bad weather and through mud.
- Puppets can no longer invite someone to an alliance.
- Tweaked transport planes to be cheaper and better at later techs to simulate the need of lesser amount of planes.
- Severly decreased the techeffects on airbase building speed.
- Based and other undeployed provincial developments now cause a severe drain on TC.
- Halved the speed of landcombat & air v land bombs.
- Average speed of fleets now modify closing speed in naval combats.
- Tweaked weathercode for battlescenarios to make sure weather patterns are started in the active map.
- Winters are now longer.
- Anyone with a guarantee will get +1 on interventionism whenever anyone else declares war on it, if on the same continent.
- Creating a puppet nolonger gives it a large part of your manpower.
- Isolationists that can not ally with anyone can neither guarantee another nations independence.
- Dissent now affects IC.
- Tweaked effects from strategic bombing missions.
- Increased strategic attack of SBs, TACs, Flying bombs and rockets significantly.
- Decreased cost of rockets and bombs siginifcantly.
- Decreased visibility of submarines.
- Tweaked up effect of submarines versus convoys.
- Moved 5 org from Elastic Defence & Spearhead and added them to Fire Brigade & Spearhead HQs
- Autoconvoy creation now takes blocked seazones into account if possible.
- Experience is now applied in bombruns as well.
- Infra is now damaged when a province is taken over.
- Increase the range of transports to 3000.
- A unit out of supply can no longer strat-redeploy.
- Units loaded on ships will now clear their orders properly whenever the ship moves.
- Airunits now fight with lesser effectivity if they lack supplies.
- No missions are valid except for rebase for an airunit without oil.
- You can only trade provinces between allies now.
- 0 infra provinces surrounded by only enemy territory with any infra now automatically change control to the enemies.
- Carriers doing port-strike are now slightly less lethal.
- Tactical bombers are now slightly more lethal.
- Reduced IC from non-national even further.
- It is no longer a linear return on bombing infrastructure. The less there is left the less can be damaged now.
- Rebasing now works with multiple airunits selected.
- Newly built units can now only be deployed in owned provinces (on the same continent as the capital).
- Conquering territory out from a puppets territory will now give the occupation to the puppetmaster if the puppetmaster is conquering.
- Puppetstatus now override ai-prefs for ignores in tech/resource trades.
- Provinceimprovements in progress are now cancelled when a province becomes occupied.
- Units now only go to pool when owners change if they are enemies with the new owners.
- Techteams are now properly removed at the end of a project if they are no longer active.
- Rockets can no longer rebase, but instead they can be strategically redeployed.
- Units retreating to something that is cut-off should no longer automatically be deleted if they got at least 50% of their maximum org.
- Neutrals can no longer spot other neutral ships automatically at sea.
- Its no longer possible to attack, then break off the attack after 1 hour and attack again.
- There is now a 5% dissent hit for cancelling a non-agression pact.
- Units in enemy territory when peace is signed is now strat-redeployed back to the capital (using civilian ships if needed.)
- Relations no longer drop if an alliance partner or puppet/master cancels an agreement between them.

******* AI Improvements *******

- Worked alot on the front AI to teach it to evaluate attack and defend odds better, also improved its
- Improved the AI's evaluation of when to break off attacks.
- Improved the AI's understanding of establishing reserves.
- AI now tries to group motorized infantry with mechs and armor if possible.
- The AI now synchronizes attacks smarter.
- Now the front AI reacts quicker to the players and other nations actions.
- Air AI taskforce composition has been improved.
- Air AI is now better att evaluating when to evacuate bases.
- Wolfpack AI now spreads out attacks more.
- Convoy AI now adapts better to hostilities, and also attempts to bring home stockpiles more efficiently.
- Improved the cooperation between AIR and Naval AI.
- The AI is now a lot smarter about using its serial runs.
- Improved the AI for researching technologies.
- Pathfing AI is now much smarter and tries to avoid danger if possible.
- The AI for accpeting nations asking to join their alliance was rewritten.
- Diplomatic AI now cancels non-agression pacts in attempts to honor guarantees, and is also more likely to honor guarantees they have given.
- Loads and loads more of AI code and scripts written for various cases of when circumstances change.

******* Modding Support *******
- A lot more factors have been exported to the db\misc.txt file, so that modders can tweak.
- Enchanced the scripting capabilites for the AI, see the docs/ai_file_doc.txt for details.
- Fixed a few problems with eventcommands that manipulate the weather.

******* Multiplayer Specific *******
- Added a little indicator to show who has not yet pressed "startgame" in the chat listing.
- Added support for up to 20 different countries in the lobby now.
- Fixed a problem with people timing out in the lobby.

******* Bugfixes *******
- Ships are now properly flagged as retreating when they are given the order even while moving.
- Oil status is now properly reset for ships in port.
- Ships will no longer target subs if they lack subattack.
- Bases constructed from events now always arrive, even if target country lacks the tech.
- Ships will no longer have the target indicator in the interface if too disorganised to shoot.
- Fixed a problem with asking to join alliance led by a player.
- Fixed a miscalculation to determine valid distance in a navalcombat.
- Fixed so terrain names are properly localised as well.
- Fixed the inversed gearing bonus. Its now capped at 35% bonus.
- Fixed a major problem with the weather system which left loads of "static weather blocks" all over the map.
- Weather is now cleared properly when a scenario is restarted.
- Fixed a problem which caused airplanes to hover indefinitely retreating.
- Fixed a major problem with allied area for supply checking not working if there are oilpools around.
- Time should now be cleared entirely between scenarios.
- Fixed a bug where oil was not shipped home from areas if auto convoy options where not on.
- Fixed a problem with the Warsaw Uprising and the Soviet support option not working.
- Fixed the "dissappearing plane" bug.
- Fixed a problem with being out supply when a supplydepot lacked oil.
- Fixed the case where developments from aborted serial runs did not get a name shown.
- Fixed a problem with convoys not being displayed properly if blocked.

******* Events *******
- New Eventseries:
* "Soviet-Romanian War" (over Bessarabia with a limited peace offer)
* "Lin Sen" (death event)
* "Alternative US Elections" (if US is Paternal Authocratic)
* "Democracy Defended" (Republican boost if Franco get no foreign help)
* "Great War Demonstration" (might happen if GER doesn't occupy Rhineland)
* "Independent Croatia" (Croatia become German puppet)
* "Germany Surrender" (if the Soviets can take a bath in the Eng Channel)

- Modified triggers for the following events:
* "The Undeclared War"
* "US Lend-Lease Events"
* "Oil Embargo against Japan"
* "Vichy France"
* "Marco Polo Bridge"
* "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact"
* "Bitter Peace"
* "Destroyers for bases"
* "Denmark folds"
* "US Elections"
* "Jose Antonio"
* "Victory events for Coral Sea"
* "Victory events for Desert Fox"
* "Vichy leader defection"
* "Hess' flight to Scotland"
* "US Gearing Up events"

- Modified effects in the following events:
* "Destroyers for bases" (USA get access to UK)
* "Lean on Siam"/"Pressure on Siam" (many effects in all events in the serie)
* "ROM/HUN switches side" (will ally the USSR)
* "Bitter Peace-2nd Version" (seccedes Romanian provinces)
* "Spanish Civil War" (supply costs decreased)
* "Wilkie"
* "US Lendlease to USSR"
* "Creation of Vichy"
* "Treaty of Munich/End of Czech"
* "Warsaw Uprising"

- New event commands:
* new trigger "attack" which lets the event check if the country is attacked by another given country.
* command reformulated to allow partisan-controlled provinces to secede.

******* Scenario Setup *******
- Modifications to the 1936 campaign
* Switched Manchurian for Korean provinces as nationals for Japan.
* Added missing static anti-air guns in Southern Part of Maginot line for France.
* Decreased Manchurian supply at start from 10000 to 100.
* Added Southern Sakhalin as nationalprovinces for Japan.
* US force at Philippines is now locked in position.
* Added some Australian bases.
* Modifications to Communist and Nationalist unit setups.
* Added Home defense units to the UK and removed all the extra IC.
* Lowered Italian belligerence to 0.

- Modifications to the 1939 campaign
* Switched Manchurian for Korean provinces as nationals for Japan.
* Removed Italian navalbase from inland Turin.
* Added missing static anti-air guns in Southern Part of Maginot line for France.
* Communist China is now allied with Nationalist China.
* US force at Philippines is now locked in position.
* Added some Australian bases.
* Added an airbase for Nationalist China.
* Switched a province from Siam to France.

- Modifications to the 1941 campaign
* Switched Manchurian for Korean provinces as nationals for Japan.
* Communist China is now allied with Nationalist China.
* Switched ownership of a few provinces between Japan and Nationalist China.
* Added Southern Sakhalin as nationalprovinces for Japan.
* Added some Australian bases.
* Modifications to German unit names.
* Moved a Turkish unit from Tblisi to Turkish territory.

- Modifications to the 1944 campaign
* Switched Manchurian for Korean provinces as nationals for Japan.
* Switched ownership of a few provinces between Japan and Nationalist China.
* Modifications to German unit names.
* Moved some German V-rockets from Ghent to Lille, and gave Lille an airbase for them.
* Three provinces added as nationalprovinces for Siam.

- Modifications to Ardennes:
* Modifications to event triggers, dates and effects.
* Tweaked down the offmap supplies/oil to make the supply events more useful.
* Removed static weather, snowstorms will now come and go in the scenario.
* Modifications to German unit names.
* Added a supplypool in Dunkirk and added a German technology.
* Added offensives to many German units.
* Reduced allied oil/supply pool significantly and doubled effect of oil/supply events.
* Changed many artillery brigades to self-propelled artillery.

- Modifications to D-Day:
* Two GER divs will be activated properly in D-Day.
* Panzer Reserve is unlocked if Allies launches Operation Dragoon.

- Terrain Modifications:
* Rearranged some areas in Far East Russia.
* Added two Chinese beaches.
* Modifications to climate for seazones, lakes and provinces.
* Modifications to terrain for provinces.
* Åmål no longer has a port nor a beach.

- Added river connections
* Lille - Mons
* Amsterdam - Leeuwarden

- Modifications to setup technologies
* Added Adv Machine Tools to British setup in GC41.
* Added Air Superiority Doctrine to Nationalist Chinese setup in GC36, GC39 and GC41.
* Added Mobility Focus doctrine to Nationalist Chinese setup in GC39.
* Communist China can now dig-in in GC36.
* Removed the two oil refinery techs from, and added Basic Naval Bomber to the USA in GC36.
* Added air superiority doctrine to Yugoslavia in GC36 and GC39, and to Bulgaria in GC39.
* Modified Finnish land techs in GC39,GC41 and GC44.

- Modifications to Ministers and Leaders.
* RSI now defaults to Fascist state ideology.
* Sweden starts with a Socialdemocratic government in GC36.
* Added Dutch, New Zeelander and Australian leaders to Southern Conquest scenario.
* Modified traits for a number of leaders.
* California,Texas, and Scotland will be fascist if the are released.
* Added US Ministers.
* British land leader "Bourne of Atherstone" should now be Commando + Logistics Wizard.
* Changed death date for a German leader/tech team used by Germany and Nationalist China.
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Posts: 106

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jan 2005 05:56    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
Hearts of irons.. Europa.. Victoria etc..

They are all games that 90% of people will hate .. and go "what shit gfx.. this game sux0rz!"

But then there are 10% of people who will get immersed in it.. and LOVE it

Paradox dont make games for the weak! Shocked
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Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jan 2005 05:57    Post subject:
indeed =]
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PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jan 2005 08:06    Post subject:
Well I played it and,

I must relearn a lot of things, cause its really different of the first one, but geez, all the thing I wanted in ARE in! Very Happy

A must buy for sure

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jan 2005 09:24    Post subject:
Z0Bman wrote:
Well I played it and,

I must relearn a lot of things, cause its really different of the first one, but geez, all the thing I wanted in ARE in! Very Happy

A must buy for sure

Yes the game is a lot better and they still didn't have it at my store as I was going to buy it
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Posts: 106

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jan 2005 17:10    Post subject:
Well amazon.com still didnt ship it yet but I did download the game yesterday. So far I really like the changes. Will have to get used this whole "move-is-attack" thing. I also LOVE how I can have nearby units on provinces to "support-attack" and "support-defense" without them leaving the province.

I'll have to dig more into it since there be lots of changes all around. The whole interface is different so it feels like a fresh start over. Cant wait to get my manual and maybe other goodies inside the retail box. It seems like it might have some usefull details to go over.

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