Fuel - Blue Screen Crash
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PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jul 2009 19:51    Post subject: Fuel - Blue Screen Crash
Hello guys, maybe someone can help me plz??!
I've installed the game but every time i play it (for example free mode), the game freeze and 1 sec after the system show me a blue screen (critical error i suppose) and reboot.
I've try disabling some video configurations but every time happen the same reboot.

I have:
Quadcore AMD 9950
2 gb 1066Mhz DDR2 (1x2 bank)
MB : M3N-HT Deluxe Asus
2x nVidia EVGA 8800 GTS 640 MB SLI Mode DRIVER 185.85
Windows XP Professional SP3
No Overclock
No temparature problem (the main video GPU reach 61° but its normal i suppose)

Try to give me some hints plz!!
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PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jul 2009 20:49    Post subject:
K what does the msg or file state at the bottom of the screen when it goes bluescreen?
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PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jul 2009 21:32    Post subject:
Dont know, too fast... i cant read it.
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Posts: 13

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jul 2009 21:38    Post subject:
you can disable auto restart upon crash by.....let me look agian and ill let ya know

Recovery Settings

One of the things that is quite different about Windows XP compared to Windows 9x (9x is shorthand for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me in all their various versions), is that one can control how it responds to certain critical errors—those that cause the infamous Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). In Windows XP, the default setting is for the computer to reboot automatically when a fatal error occurs. If that fatal error only occurs when you're shutting down, the system reboots automatically.

If you haven't changed any of the system failure settings, you should be able to see the error by looking in the Event Log. But a better long-term solution is to turn off the automatic reboot so you can actually see the error when it happens—chances are it will tell you enough about itself to let you troubleshoot further. To change the recovery settings to disable automatic rebooting:
Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.

Click the Advanced tab.

Under Startup and Recovery, click Settings to open the Startup and Recovery dialog box.

Clear the Automatically restart check box, and click OK the necessary number of times.

Restart your computer for the settings to take effect.

Now when you go to shut down and a fatal error occurs, you'll at least see it and it won't cause an automatic reboot. You still have to sort out what's causing the problem, but that gets us to the next section quite nicely.

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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jul 2009 22:36    Post subject:
yeah it is fast, i guess im just used to picking out the main issue at bottom of that wall of text. do what he said above to stop it passing that screen fast and you can then write it down.
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jul 2009 23:10    Post subject:
Done guys i can read the bluescreen but nothing useful it's write on it.

"System error etc, try to uninstall new sowftare.....try to unistall hardware....try to unistall video card....

stop: 00000007x00 etc etc...

contact the aministrator..."

I try some different setup of memory but same problem
Now i try to uninstall one of two video card and let you know.
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PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jul 2009 23:17    Post subject:
Isn't there a filename driver name, in the blue crash ? Very Happy
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jul 2009 23:23    Post subject:
lucas78 wrote:
Done guys i can read the bluescreen but nothing useful it's write on it.

"System error etc, try to uninstall new sowftare.....try to unistall hardware....try to unistall video card....

stop: 00000007x00 etc etc...

contact the aministrator..."

I try some different setup of memory but same problem
Now i try to uninstall one of two video card and let you know.

thats not enough info, u put etc etc, there might be a file description u left out, dont be a lazy ass lol. lets see the full info.
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jul 2009 23:31    Post subject:
Ahah guys:)
i read the entire screen, no file name, no driver or specific hardware name.
Only generic msg with useful information.
Every time i launch the carrier mode, just started the race the game freeze.
I have also changed the video driver with the latest....no change...same problem.
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PostPosted: Wed, 8th Jul 2009 00:00    Post subject:
try vista or w7?
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PostPosted: Wed, 8th Jul 2009 00:33    Post subject:
Cleaned your driver files out in safemode with Driver sweeper ? Highly important these days I find.
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Jul 2009 19:48    Post subject:
No way guys... Mad
Can be Ram problem?? i use 2x1gb corsair dominator 8500 ddr2 1066Mhz.
Or a problem from raz0r release? I can try the clone release with crac*ed file by razor? Rolling Eyes

.... Confused Confused
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Jul 2009 21:26    Post subject:
Oh heck dominator ram eh, funny you should mention this, I also stopped using my dominator ram due to blue screens and not able to get it to settle at any bios settings with my mainboard etc etc.

I was really pissed about it, 2gb seemed ok for me it was 4gb that played up.. I sudgest that u try a diff way to play the game yes, and then finaly check that ram out, if you can afford it I say get some OCZ ram and if its not ram at least you got a good set of spare stuff Very Happy
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