Battlefield 1943
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Posts: 38

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 19:47    Post subject: Battlefield 1943
coming september for pc, download only (15€). already available on xbox & ps.

remake of the first battlefield with frostbite engine (destructable trees n stuff).

3 maps + 1 extra map at >40 million community kills.

what do u think? cant wait, im a big fan of battlefield 2 + 2142.

greetings from italy Smile
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PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 19:48    Post subject: Re: Battlefield 1943
m3phitis wrote:

what do u think?

I think there's already a thread about this game
also, greetings fellow newcomer..
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Posts: 38

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 19:55    Post subject:
thank you Smile

sorry then, didnt see one on the first two pages, only battlefield heroes but i dont like the comic style of it and thats a new mini battlefield for a small price.

trailer for xbox:

Last edited by m3phitis on Sat, 25th Jul 2009 20:04; edited 1 time in total
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 20:04    Post subject:
Will buy it for sure when it finally comes to PC. I still think Battlefield 1942 is the best of the series. And whats better than bf1942 with better grapics?
But judging from the demo on ps3, it seems a bit to simplified / arcadish. Still it was fun to play.
I just hope they will release more maps of the old battlefield like Stalingrad and Berlin

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PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 20:08    Post subject:

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Posts: 38

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 20:09    Post subject:
yeah compared to 2 or 2142 its really castrated (!?), only 3 classes, 24 players and 4 maps Sad

but its ok for a small & cheap download if the maps rock Wink
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 21:31    Post subject:
m3phitis wrote:
yeah compared to 2 or 2142 its really castrated (!?), only 3 classes, 24 players and 4 maps Sad

but its ok for a small & cheap download if the maps rock Wink

You forgot - new game engine.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 27

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 23:04    Post subject:
Anthirs wrote:
m3phitis wrote:
yeah compared to 2 or 2142 its really castrated (!?), only 3 classes, 24 players and 4 maps Sad

but its ok for a small & cheap download if the maps rock Wink

You forgot - new game engine.

I think it's just showing off a new engine. They spend time developing it so now they want to see some cash, and then they will scale it up and put it in with a new game
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 23:06    Post subject:
Arkel wrote:
I think it's just showing off a new engine. They spend time developing it so now they want to see some cash, and then they will scale it up and put it in with a new game

You think wrong. This game is tons of fun (I played this game as well as every BF game and their expansion ever released so far). And they already "showed off" the engine in BF:BC so I don't see logic in your post.

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Posts: 272

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Jul 2009 23:20    Post subject:
Depends wether they fuck it up again or not .

Today it is my turn to be AN knobhead
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Jul 2009 01:18    Post subject:
Arkel wrote:
Anthirs wrote:
m3phitis wrote:
yeah compared to 2 or 2142 its really castrated (!?), only 3 classes, 24 players and 4 maps Sad

but its ok for a small & cheap download if the maps rock Wink

You forgot - new game engine.

I think it's just showing off a new engine. They spend time developing it so now they want to see some cash, and then they will scale it up and put it in with a new game

Exactly what do people expect from a low price title? 200 maps and complete new gameplay? Cos atm its a damn fair price concidering the game engine hasnt been used on pc yet by them.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2009 03:34    Post subject:
sooner or later there will be more content via download i bet, if the game gets very popular. maybe for some euros more and pc only, i dont care ^^ just launch the f`cking game ^^

i heard about console and pc players in the same network? is that true? sounds great to pwn people aiming their rifles with joypads lolz.

yes i know my english sucks, peace
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2009 03:42    Post subject:
This is a 15$ game which you will play for weeks or months.

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

Xbox 360 Elite, PS2 Slim, Xbox
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Posts: 38

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2009 03:48    Post subject:
yes and if thousands or even millions are buying it why shouldnt they release some sort of addon for another 10€ or 15€? ^^

i dont understand what u want to tell me
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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2009 04:32    Post subject:
I'm pretty sure the game won't be crossplatform.
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Posts: 23236
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2009 06:36    Post subject:
m3phitis wrote:
yes and if thousands or even millions are buying it why shouldnt they release some sort of addon for another 10€ or 15€? ^^

i dont understand what u want to tell me

Even if they do release an addon for still wouldnt be expensive.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 2602
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2009 07:32    Post subject:
Glottis wrote:

+1 (@mod please close]
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