East India Company
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Jul 2009 16:01    Post subject:
Veki wrote:
Gone gold. Release dates & prices :
US 31. 07. 2009. - $39.99
EU 14. 08. 2009. - €39.99 / ₤34.99

Source : Worth Playing

That is for steam, people ordering through gamersgate.net will get it the same date. 28.07.09
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Jul 2009 16:53    Post subject:
I love that they think 1$=1€ -.-
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Posts: 455

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Jul 2009 17:08    Post subject:
Overlord123 wrote:
I love that they think 1$=1€ -.-

It's boring to have this repeated in every topic/thread.
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Jul 2009 17:49    Post subject:
Perdurab00 wrote:
Overlord123 wrote:
I love that they think 1$=1€ -.-

It's boring to have this repeated in every topic/thread.

Do you think everyone follows ALL threads here?And ALL posts? Surprised
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2009 22:17    Post subject:
People who have preordered through gamersgate.com can now download and play the game through their account.
Enjoy building your trade empire, I will. Smile
I for one think it's a nice gesture to preorders that they get it before everybody else.
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Jul 2009 23:59    Post subject:
I'm gonna bump this to make it known that the version on gamersgate that is available now comes without a serial, which you need to install it.
But acquire a serial from the open beta and it'll install without a problem, though you probably shouldn't try multiplayer with that Smile
Smooth sails on the pirate bay.
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Posts: 711

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Jul 2009 10:11    Post subject:
placed order on D2D 39 $

GG show 39 Euro and
Impulse is the best Smile $56.64

http://rapidshare.com/users/QJJCS5 - Empire Total War Patches
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Posts: 526
Location: TM, RO
PostPosted: Tue, 28th Jul 2009 20:51    Post subject:
so, was it released today or not? anyone have any clues???

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Posts: 711

PostPosted: Tue, 28th Jul 2009 21:27    Post subject:
Sajuuk_Khar wrote:
so, was it released today or not? anyone have any clues???


Just to clarify any confusion that there might be around release dates for East India Company.

- The previously communicated "In stores" dates for US and Digital Download remains the same: July 31.
- Unfortunately we ran into some production delays for Europe so just like Hearts of Iron 3, the boxed version of the game has been pushed. It will now be available in stores in Scandinavia and UK on August 14.
- The German and French release will also hit stores on August 14.

I'd also like to clarify that this production delay has not been caused by Nitro Games so no blame should be put on them, it's an isolated issue to do with production (print) that our team was unable to solve on time and for that I sincerely apologies.

The good news is that we've been able to keep our digital distribution release and I'm pushing to get a demo out of the game asap to give you all something to do while you wait for the boxed copy.

Kind regards
Susana Meza

Publishing dept
Paradox Interactive
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
Location: War Room
PostPosted: Tue, 28th Jul 2009 22:14    Post subject:
I have been playing it for a while, I could use the serial from the open beta to install the game which is downloadable from gamersgate.com so been 'available' for some time if you know how to get it installed.
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Posts: 176

PostPosted: Tue, 28th Jul 2009 23:21    Post subject:
i guess we wait 2 more days and get the scene release. Paradox's games have always been easily cracked, I would imagine it to be a Skidrow release!!!

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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Jul 2009 00:18    Post subject:
well, we all might wait for a scene release but i am also willing to buy it.... if it's nice and it worth buying it! anyway, 2 more days are just 2 more days spent at the swimming pool after work Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Jul 2009 07:19    Post subject:
Ihump4nfos wrote:
i guess we wait 2 more days and get the scene release. Paradox's games have always been easily cracked, I would imagine it to be a Skidrow release!!!

it use same activation thing like sins of solar empire

scene probably crack DVD version ( 14 september)
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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Wed, 29th Jul 2009 08:28    Post subject:
A mini review please.

I'm a fan of these games and since it's made by a Finnish team... I should support them Razz (Generally games from Finland are 'teh shit' Razz, Haven't liked single one of them so far... Played the alien-shooter for like 1 hour and uninstalled and... flatout... just plain boring)

But this looks interesting enough.

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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Jul 2009 08:39    Post subject:
Epsilon wrote:
I have been playing it for a while, I could use the serial from the open beta to install the game which is downloadable from gamersgate.com so been 'available' for some time if you know how to get it installed.

yeah gamesagate put the files earlier to allow get it and play on the 31

i preordered on d2d and fell that it took some time when few thousand ppl leeech it ;/
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Posts: 381
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 14:53    Post subject:
Launch trailer : Game Trailers

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Posts: 2335

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 16:59    Post subject:
No scene release yet?
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 17:06    Post subject:
how is MP in this ?
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PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 19:08    Post subject:
Has anyone bought it on Gamersgate yet? I would like to know if there's some sort of DRM on it. Not buying anything with online activation or install limits.
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Posts: 11914

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 19:11    Post subject:
mtj wrote:
Generally games from Finland are 'teh shit' Razz, Haven't liked single one of them so far

You didn't like Max Payne games? Gtfo. Razz
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Posts: 17887
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 19:24    Post subject:
Here is a little history lesson Smile

"The East India Trading company has a really interesting history. Long story short - the British government and the Queen created this fake trading company as a more subtle way of controlling / colonising third world countries in order to exploit their resources. So rather than saying 'right then - britain is taking all your resources and it's war', they'd send in the 'trading company' with it's private army / private war ships and do the same thing under the banner of capitalism and 'free trade'.
kinda like what we're doing in iraq etc."
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
Location: War Room
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 19:40    Post subject:
DeadZombie wrote:
Has anyone bought it on Gamersgate yet? I would like to know if there's some sort of DRM on it. Not buying anything with online activation or install limits.

Theres nothing, only the key check for install and multiplayer.
But nothing with 'activation limits'.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 21:11    Post subject:
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Posts: 160
Location: Hungary
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 21:51    Post subject:
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Posts: 3043

PostPosted: Fri, 31st Jul 2009 23:03    Post subject:
What's the verdict on this game. I personally am not impressed. Maybe it's because i have only played one hour but there to many things that bug me. I am not a graphic whore but this game looks almost worse then 5 year old game. I think i have maybe been spoiled by Empire Total war.

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Posts: 176

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Aug 2009 00:16    Post subject:
is this the full game? just 900MB for th egame+addon. From the trailer I was expecting at least a 2-3 GIG game

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Posts: 9729

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Aug 2009 02:50    Post subject:
k played 5 hours straight, there is some very annoying small micromanagement stuff, but i just started stopping being perfectionist. Its enjoyable , been a while since i forgot time. Yes it can become repetitive if you only trade so do some combat. Then its okay. Nothing that will get you hooked for months, but definatly 10-20 hours.
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Posts: 526
Location: TM, RO
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Aug 2009 11:42    Post subject:
i don't know what to say .... pretty small.... so it's very it's only a demo of the game...

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Posts: 1727

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Aug 2009 11:50    Post subject:
madmax17 wrote:
Here is a little history lesson Smile

"The East India Trading company has a really interesting history. Long story short - the British government and the Queen created this fake trading company as a more subtle way of controlling / colonising third world countries in order to exploit their resources. So rather than saying 'right then - britain is taking all your resources and it's war', they'd send in the 'trading company' with it's private army / private war ships and do the same thing under the banner of capitalism and 'free trade'.
kinda like what we're doing in iraq etc."

Actually there were many East India Trading companies. Dutch, at one time, was even bigger than english.
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Posts: 526
Location: TM, RO
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Aug 2009 11:56    Post subject:
so, has anyone tried the game ? can someone tell us if it's the real thing or it's just a demo ?

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