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Posts: 428
Location: Antarctica
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Aug 2009 21:48    Post subject:
linnx88 wrote:

Hmmmm what's the release date for this? Is it ok if I play this on box but not connect to live until release date....oh questions questions.

What would Hitler do?
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Aug 2009 21:52    Post subject:
linnx88 wrote:

Hmmmm what's the release date for this? Is it ok if I play this on box but not connect to live until release date....oh questions questions.

Release Date: August 18, 2009
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Posts: 230
Location: dutch coffee shop
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Aug 2009 21:57    Post subject:
Nettwerk wrote:
linnx88 wrote:

Hmmmm what's the release date for this? Is it ok if I play this on box but not connect to live until release date....oh questions questions.

What would Hitler do?

He wouldn't waste time on a video game, he's be killing commies!

Last edited by linnx88 on Thu, 13th Aug 2009 21:58; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 230
Location: dutch coffee shop
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Aug 2009 21:58    Post subject:
Kommando wrote:
linnx88 wrote:

Hmmmm what's the release date for this? Is it ok if I play this on box but not connect to live until release date....oh questions questions.

Release Date: August 18, 2009

Thanks. Well time to fire it up!
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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Aug 2009 23:29    Post subject:
why had I heard nothing about this game until now.

it's using the cod4 engine, its super fantastic. wtf, where is the marketing!!!

Space for rent. Contact me for rates!
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Posts: 164

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Aug 2009 23:34    Post subject:
multiplayer has been so bad lagfest that I can't give any opinions about how it plays out yet
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 00:29    Post subject:
Lyrics wrote:
multiplayer has been so bad lagfest that I can't give any opinions about how it plays out yet

Well teh game is not out yet so servers are prolly not ready/started yet
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 00:42    Post subject:
Horrordee wrote:
it's using the cod4 engine

Uhm, not, it's using heavily modified version of the Doom 3/Quake 4 engine. Wink
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Posts: 176

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 00:45    Post subject:
ah the irony...if its a good multiplatform game, then I wait for the pc release to save a DVD. If its a bad one, then I skip it to save a DVD. Ultimately, theres nothing left to play on the 360(except maybe GoW2 and BF1943)...the 20 or so pack that I bought in January is still sitting unused.
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Posts: 6650

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 08:14    Post subject:
Ive played this all day and it gets a 9/10 from me. The textures are extremely sharp and the atmosphere and effects look gorgeous for the most part. I havent seen sharp textures like this since Resident Evil 5. Controls are like any other FPS but it gets a bonus for having southpaw option. Voice acting and story are very well done. Gameplay is solid with a nice selection of guns. The moment I fired that particle cannon, this game became one of my favs Very Happy

Best game since RE5 and FEAR2

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 09:54    Post subject:
Im about 6 hours in the game and im not done yet so thats a good point. Also, that game have an extremely high rate of decibels, my ears were ringing after an hour of play Laughing
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Posts: 3637

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 10:12    Post subject:
nukeitup wrote:
always wanted to ask, do you Germans take offense in these kind of games or movies??

Of course not, nobody really gives a shit about it.
If some people like Neonazis were to wear it on their clothes it could get dangerous I think.
But in TV, cinema, games? Nobody cares.

If they wouldn't make such a big fuss about it, probably nobody would even notice when it was there...

BTT: Burning the game now, gotta try it out Smile
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Posts: 8938
Location: White Shaft
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 10:13    Post subject:
iNatan wrote:

So if nigger meant also meant cough syrup as well it would not be a profane slur today? People react to the symbolic meaning of the word, that is what makes the history of it. Just because it meant/means something else, elsewhere doesn't change anything.
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Posts: 8938
Location: White Shaft
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 10:14    Post subject:
bringiton wrote:
nukeitup wrote:
always wanted to ask, do you Germans take offense in these kind of games or movies??

Of course not, nobody really gives a shit about it.
If some people like Neonazis were to wear it on their clothes it could get dangerous I think.
But in TV, cinema, games? Nobody cares.

If they wouldn't make such a big fuss about it, probably nobody would even notice when it was there...

BTT: Burning the game now, gotta try it out Smile

I wouldn't say nobody cares. Your last and secondlast generation still carry scars when you watch documentaries about it. I can understand the reason to ban it. Not only for yourself but also for image purposes.
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Posts: 64

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 13:59    Post subject:
so is it necessary to play the first one to play this one since this one does start where the last one left off? Do I need to play the first one to understand the beginning of this or will i be confused or fine?
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 14:07    Post subject:
mitosisx2 wrote:
so is it necessary to play the first one to play this one since this one does start where the last one left off? Do I need to play the first one to understand the beginning of this or will i be confused or fine?
Wolfenstein or Return to castle Wolfenstein? Anyway, no... not at all.
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Posts: 64

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 14:10    Post subject:
Great. Do you guys know if decapitation or dismembering is in this one? How is the blood and gore?
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Posts: 34200

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 14:16    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:12; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 16:41    Post subject:
garus wrote:
mitosisx2 wrote:
Great. Do you guys know if decapitation or dismembering is in this one? How is the blood and gore?

Didn't player but rating says "Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Language"

Dismembering must be in.

segobi wrote:
lol epic game
pros: gravity influencing ammunition Wink

-hitler pics on the walls like wolf 3d had them
-germans are speaking english with german accent...well a bit too much but its ok
-sounds (esp. weapons) are very good.
-limbs flying around hehe
-havok ragdoll engine!
-you can collect gold, additional books etc. for more story details
-you can talk to a lot of people about the story etc.
-blackmarket to upgrade weapons
-controls are good!
-navigation works incredibly well due to updating direction display...
-animations and AI are good
-big open levels in eisenstadt.

-saw one NPC walking around in the air in the hideout house near the stairs and he is obviously stuck...
-gfx well they could be a bit better...but its good
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 17:05    Post subject:
mitosisx2 wrote:
Great. Do you guys know if decapitation or dismembering is in this one? How is the blood and gore?
yes it has. You can even keep track of how many people you have dismembered in stats section Very Happy
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Posts: 3637

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 17:55    Post subject:
Played it for a bit now, game is really good.
It's really fun, missions are straight forward, but in between you can explore a small town and find items, it's just the right size to keep you interested, not too small, not too big.

For anybody who is interested: Game has german subtitles, but audio is english. I was hoping that maybe in the german version they'd have german speaking Nazis and english speaking Americans...
Swastikas are in, although I didn't notice that many of them.

But what's funny is that they don't call them Nazis in the german version (in the subtitles and texts), but "Die Wölfe", meaning "the wolves". Laughing

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
- Albert Camus
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 18:03    Post subject:
Horrordee wrote:
why had I heard nothing about this game until now.

it's using the cod4 engine, its super fantastic. wtf, where is the marketing!!!

raven software doesn't need marketing, their games do that themselves when released

and yes, im a raven fanboi

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 18:04    Post subject:
SpykeZ wrote:
and yes, im a raven fanboi

With good reason. Very Happy Their games are good, and I hope this is too. Did you play it already?
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 18:06    Post subject:
iNatan wrote:
SpykeZ wrote:
and yes, im a raven fanboi

With good reason. Very Happy Their games are good, and I hope this is too. Did you play it already?

nah, waiting for the PC version, I only use my 360 for exclusives, that and I buy games I like so if I like a game enough to play it on my 360, I pay for it, so I don't have my 360 hacked.....and I can't play FPS worth a damn with a gamepad lol

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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 18:28    Post subject:
This game really feels like quality when you play it. Love the free roaming feeling you get between the missions Very Happy
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Posts: 230
Location: dutch coffee shop
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 19:26    Post subject:
Well so far I've played 2 levels and the only thing I don't like is for those who played and remember RTCW, that game had a slightly more realistic/authentic turned to paranormal experience. This game is more like......you see made up mutant "nazi" creations/weapons and you are put into a sci-fi fantasy world sprinkled with WW2, the first was probably a bit the other way around.

Also, while RTCW's mutants and weapons only become prominent in the Norway levels, thus giving it some credibility and because of that it didn't have the sci-fi from the get-go feel. You were led into the "dark secrets" so it felt more original and cool.

A good example in the movies of this is From Dusk Til Dawn. Where Tarantino makes great work by doing exactly 1/2 of the movie as a bloody thriller with NO supernatural and introduces the vampires/demons only in the 2nd half, which makes for a GREAT effect.

Farcry is a good example of sci-fi/paranormal introduction which is also done later in the game and prepares the player for the "surprises".

In Wolfenstein 2 you get an exploding train of some blue crap in the 2nd level already followed by undead Nazis.....a little cheap?!

Also who made this game?! I'm confused.... Raven (which was an AWESOME FPS developer of such blockbusters as Hexen/Hexen II/Heretic and the original SoF)? Or EndRant who's logo shows up right after Raven's and with less spectacular special fx (making me think they're the underdog rookie developer?).

Also the GFX are a little less sharp then in WaW for example, but that's b/c of the engine. Otherwise I love it! Sound is FANTASTIC!! A nice detail also is how they brought back and remastered some of the original Wolfenstein sounds and sound effects. Brings back memories.....486.....wolfenstein.....rise of the triad.....duke nukem..... Smile

Overall this was a nice, unexpected surprise this week as I'm a huge fan of the original and RTCW.
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 19:40    Post subject:
Im at 60% now... you get all the weapons around 50% if you play your cards right.
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Posts: 672
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 20:18    Post subject:
just completed it, nice game
after you complete it you can use cheats in a new campaign
spoiler for cheats
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Posts: 6650

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 20:33    Post subject:
How do you defeat


PS. This is, in every way, the best game ever!! (this year) Very Happy Very Happy

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Aug 2009 20:43    Post subject:
linnx88 wrote:
Well so far I've played 2 levels and the only thing I don't like is for those who played and remember RTCW, that game had a slightly more realistic/authentic turned to paranormal experience. This game is more like......you see made up mutant "nazi" creations/weapons and you are put into a sci-fi fantasy world sprinkled with WW2, the first was probably a bit the other way around.

Also, while RTCW's mutants and weapons only become prominent in the Norway levels, thus giving it some credibility and because of that it didn't have the sci-fi from the get-go feel. You were led into the "dark secrets" so it felt more original and cool.

A good example in the movies of this is From Dusk Til Dawn. Where Tarantino makes great work by doing exactly 1/2 of the movie as a bloody thriller with NO supernatural and introduces the vampires/demons only in the 2nd half, which makes for a GREAT effect.

Farcry is a good example of sci-fi/paranormal introduction which is also done later in the game and prepares the player for the "surprises".

In Wolfenstein 2 you get an exploding train of some blue crap in the 2nd level already followed by undead Nazis.....a little cheap?!

Also who made this game?! I'm confused.... Raven (which was an AWESOME FPS developer of such blockbusters as Hexen/Hexen II/Heretic and the original SoF)? Or EndRant who's logo shows up right after Raven's and with less spectacular special fx (making me think they're the underdog rookie developer?).

Also the GFX are a little less sharp then in WaW for example, but that's b/c of the engine. Otherwise I love it! Sound is FANTASTIC!! A nice detail also is how they brought back and remastered some of the original Wolfenstein sounds and sound effects. Brings back memories.....486.....wolfenstein.....rise of the triad.....duke nukem..... Smile

Overall this was a nice, unexpected surprise this week as I'm a huge fan of the original and RTCW.


Endrant Studios is excited to announce that our first project is a co-development partnership with Raven Software and Activision Blizzard on id Software’s Wolfenstein™

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