[XBOX360] Wolfenstein_USA_RF_XBOX360-PROTOCOL
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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Aug 2009 13:30    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
SpykeZ wrote:
timechange01 wrote:

Dang lol I tried that. I only have 1 rocket and it doesn't affect the tank. I even climbed on top of the tank but theres nothing to do up there. I tried grenades, particle cannon, and tesla gun.

slash it's tires or siphon the gas
doesn't help much as the tank actually never moves

Slashing the tyres of a tank?
That'll work.

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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Aug 2009 13:45    Post subject:
He was joking^^ You got one hell of a job trying to siphon all the fuel from a tank Very Happy Tanks run on diesel afaik... bleh.

Anyway, completed it at Normal. Was pretty much as hard as I expected, most boss battles where pretty easy.
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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Aug 2009 15:07    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
He was joking^^ You got one hell of a job trying to siphon all the fuel from a tank Very Happy Tanks run on diesel afaik... bleh.

Anyway, completed it at Normal. Was pretty much as hard as I expected, most boss battles where pretty easy.

Was he though?
I wonder how many people actually think tanks have wheels?

Anyway, agree with your comments about bosses, I do find it astonishing that any new fps that doesn't have a cover system as a priority in a game's development be even considered.

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Posts: 9

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Aug 2009 16:27    Post subject:
JackFlack65 wrote:
Kommando wrote:
JackFlack65 wrote:
This game is pure crap!!! Do I hear retro anyone???

JAF Rolling Eyes

You're pretty much alone there buddy as most of us are enjoying the game.

I can't understand why??? The soldiers fall like paper dolls on a shoting range. The veichles seems to float, the weapons feel like "just wave the damn thing and something will die"!
I will give it some more timem, since I only been playing this for 2 hrs.
But my first impression is like Godfather 2 or Damnation..... very mediocre!

OK OK! I have to change my grade here I think!? Now I have played it a little bit longer, and the story driven plot has hooked me up, making me forget the mediocre graphics. Actually it is not that bad, and I like the "paranormal" aspect it has within the game play. (Solving puzzles etc...) So I have to play it some more b4 my final verdict! Sorry guys if I sounded grumpy earlier, but my hopes for this game was sky high, considering how much I LOVED Return to Castle Wolfenstein...
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Aug 2009 17:00    Post subject:
Id actually liked more puzzles, enough in the beginning, next to non towards the end.
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Posts: 302

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Aug 2009 19:34    Post subject:
Damnation? That was absolutely horrible. This game is much better, at least an 8/10. Damnation is a 3...
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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Aug 2009 19:44    Post subject:
twobells wrote:
deelix wrote:
He was joking^^ You got one hell of a job trying to siphon all the fuel from a tank Very Happy Tanks run on diesel afaik... bleh.

Anyway, completed it at Normal. Was pretty much as hard as I expected, most boss battles where pretty easy.

Was he though?
I wonder how many people actually think tanks have wheels?

Anyway, agree with your comments about bosses, I do find it astonishing that any new fps that doesn't have a cover system as a priority in a game's development be even considered.


Well, many people today think that any armored vehicle = a tank.
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Posts: 225

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Aug 2009 21:28    Post subject:
Is this the Wolfenstein that was released on the PC about 6 years ago?
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Posts: 1410
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Aug 2009 21:36    Post subject:
return to castle wolfenstein

this is wolfenstein 2

but return to castle wolfenstein was 1000TImes better
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Aug 2009 23:01    Post subject:
danmoz98 wrote:
Is this the Wolfenstein that was released on the PC about 6 years ago?
First game: Wolfenstein 3D
2nd game: Return to castle Woflenstein
This game: Wolfenstein
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Posts: 1228
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Aug 2009 23:03    Post subject:
Aaaand wolfenstein spear of destiny was awsome.
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Posts: 6650

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Aug 2009 23:16    Post subject:
deelix wrote:

First game: Wolfenstein 3D
2nd game: Return to castle Woflenstein
This game: Wolfenstein

The first game was actually just "Castle Wolfenstein" from the early 80s.

Anyways I completed this game yesterday on normal difficulty and my total playing time was only 6 hours apparently. But it felt so much longer!!! The last boss is so damn cheap. Mofo refuses to die. Im playing it again on hard and with cheats enabled Twisted Evil

After completing it, Im changing my rating from 10/10 to 9.26/10

Graphics: 9.8
Sound: 9
Gameplay: 10
Story: 8.5
Replay value: 9

Very Happy Very Happy

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 00:03    Post subject:
Just beat the game, took me around 9 hours so thats really good. I hated the "free roaming" thing, it was useless and boring since enemies appear "copy/paste" at the same place everytime. Not to mention the constant "go see him/her" to talk...fuckin annoying.

I give it a good 8.5/10

For those who didnt beat it yet, when youre done, wait till the end of credits, theres something else there.

For those who beat the game and didnt waited till the end of credits:

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Posts: 5877

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 00:14    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
danmoz98 wrote:
Is this the Wolfenstein that was released on the PC about 6 years ago?
First game: Wolfenstein 3D
2nd game: Return to castle Woflenstein
This game: Wolfenstein

1. Castle Wolfenstein 1984
2. Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1985
3. Wolfenstein 3D 1992
4. Spear Of Destiny 1993
5. Return to castle Woflenstein 2001
THIS GAME IS PART NUMBER 6 with a crappy name for part 6 "Wolfenstein" 2009
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Posts: 1228
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 01:43    Post subject:
Spiderman wins!
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Posts: 6650

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 02:25    Post subject:
Ihump4nfos wrote:
I hope its a glitch, but I tried logging into tmy my live profile with this game in the tray and I got connection failed error. The z value is alos not 0000, so I am worried!!!!

Probably just a network error. I logged into my Live account many times with the game in the drive. My achievements even show up on mygamercard.net

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 06:32    Post subject:
timechange01 wrote:
deelix wrote:

First game: Wolfenstein 3D
2nd game: Return to castle Woflenstein
This game: Wolfenstein

The first game was actually just "Castle Wolfenstein" from the early 80s.

Anyways I completed this game yesterday on normal difficulty and my total playing time was only 6 hours apparently. But it felt so much longer!!! The last boss is so damn cheap. Mofo refuses to die. Im playing it again on hard and with cheats enabled Twisted Evil

After completing it, Im changing my rating from 10/10 to 9.26/10

Graphics: 9.8
Sound: 9
Gameplay: 10
Story: 8.5
Replay value: 9

Very Happy Very Happy

Dont get me wrong Im really enjoying the game, but 9.8 for GFX? What would rate something like COD 4?
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Posts: 6650

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 07:47    Post subject:
COD 4 would get a 10. It looked amazing with nice effects and ran like a dream. But dang did you see how sharp the textures are in this game? I was like oh mmmmmmmman Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Compare the sniper rifle in this game to the sniper in COD 4. You can see a huge difference in how much sharper this game looks.

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 10:36    Post subject:
COD4s gfx pretty much sucks today anyway...
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Posts: 254
Location: A Brit in Sydney
PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 16:32    Post subject:
Spiderman wrote:
deelix wrote:
danmoz98 wrote:
Is this the Wolfenstein that was released on the PC about 6 years ago?
First game: Wolfenstein 3D
2nd game: Return to castle Woflenstein
This game: Wolfenstein

1. Castle Wolfenstein 1984
2. Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1985
3. Wolfenstein 3D 1992
4. Spear Of Destiny 1993
5. Return to castle Woflenstein 2001
THIS GAME IS PART NUMBER 6 with a crappy name for part 6 "Wolfenstein" 2009

I know its MP but surely Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory should be in there somewhere. Wink
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 17:23    Post subject:

Anyway, recommend trying out the cheats after you have finished it Wink
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Posts: 6590
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 18:21    Post subject:
timechange01 wrote:
COD 4 would get a 10. It looked amazing with nice effects and ran like a dream. But dang did you see how sharp the textures are in this game? I was like oh mmmmmmmman Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Compare the sniper rifle in this game to the sniper in COD 4. You can see a huge difference in how much sharper this game looks.

No offense, but holy fuck what a horrible reviewer you would make.
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Posts: 6650

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Aug 2009 20:43    Post subject:
Lol I meant COD4 would get a 10 for its time. Now its more like a 9.2

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 478
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 18th Aug 2009 08:55    Post subject:
just finished, my score remains 7.5.

it was a fun shooter, but it was nothing that we haven't seen before.
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Posts: 6650

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Aug 2009 09:49    Post subject:
I have to lower my rating to an 8.9

The multiplayer really sucks

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Aug 2009 10:07    Post subject:
timechange01 wrote:
I have to lower my rating to an 8.9

The multiplayer really sucks
damn, thats sad to hear. 70% of the achievements are MP related too!
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Posts: 6650

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Aug 2009 11:23    Post subject:
Yea it was pretty terrible. The graphics look crappy and the framerate drops quite often. And also the players warp sometimes due to server connection problems. It was just awful and chaotic lol its hard to tell whats going on half the time

ASUS Maximus XII Formula | Core i9 10900k @ 5.2Ghz | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 4200Mhz | EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Hydro Copper | ASUS ROG PG35VQ
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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Aug 2009 11:48    Post subject:
Not really enjoying this. Seems very average and boring me a bit. Played a few levels - should i stick with it?

Space for rent. Contact me for rates!
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Posts: 1605
Location: NL
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Aug 2009 12:24    Post subject:
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 20th Aug 2009 12:32    Post subject:
Horrordee wrote:
Not really enjoying this. Seems very average and boring me a bit. Played a few levels - should i stick with it?
lol, of course. I find the missions very variable
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