Wired Router - Wireless access point.
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Posts: 6428
Location: Paradigms are changeable, reality is absolute.
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 00:47    Post subject: Wired Router - Wireless access point.
I have a SMC 7904BRA2 WIRED Router, I always have preferred wired over wireless, but I have this situation.

I've just bought a new PC that is connected to my LCD TV in the living room, and I need this PC to be connected to my home network and to the internet.

But I will not buy 80 meters of cord and glue it to my walls, that is ridiculous imo.

The internet connection is mounted in my office, with the router that I mentioned above.

Is there any way to connect a wireless access point to this router while keeping my other 2 PCs in the office wired to the same router?

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Posts: 173

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 07:23    Post subject:
Yes, either buy a wireless access point (WAP) and connect it via ethernet to your SMC router, orrr buy a normal wireless router, turn off dhcp, and connect the lan port to your SMC.

ORRR buy a wireless router and ditch the SMC, since the wireless also comes with 4 or more ethernet jacks.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Aug 2009 10:48    Post subject:
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